Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/296

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294 MELVILLE. 17S2 — 1S01 ; P.C., 17S2 — ISO;"', and again (his name having been erased) from 1S07 till his death ; one of the Lords of Trade, 17S4-SO ; Chancellor of the Univ. St. Andrew's, 178S: LL.D. Edinburgh, 11 Nov. 17S0 ; Homo Secretary, 1791-94; President of t lie Board of Control for India, 1793 — 1SU1 ; Secretary for War and the Colonies, 1794— ISO) ; l'Hivv Skai. [S.]. 1800. and was er., 24 Dec. 1802,(») BARON OF DUNIHA, co. Perth, and VISCOUNT MELVILLE of Melville, CO. Edinburgh. He trot lirst Lord of the Admiralty from May 1S0-1 to April lsOo, when he resigned that post on being impeached of malversation when Treasurer of the Navy. Hi' was tried by the House of Lords on 10 charge* but acquitted, 12 .lone l*-0 >. on all, tho* it was but by a small majority (27 and 31) on that of having permitted Ins Paymaster (Trotter; to withdraw public money and to employ it for his [Melville's] usc.( 1 ') Ho in. firstly, 10 Aug. 1765, Elizabeth, da. of David Kknnik, of Melville Castle, co. Kdinburgh. She was, however, divorced [1775'] probably about ten years later.( c ) He IB, secondly, 2 Apiil 17!»3, at St. Marylebotie, .lane, da. of John (HopBl, 2d EaRL ok HOPBTOUS [S.], by his second wife, .lane, da. of Hubert OUI'HANT. He d. at Edinburgh (at the house his nephew and son in law, the Lord Chief Baron [S.] ), 29 May 1811, in his 70th year, and was bur, iu l.asswade church, Midlothian. Will pr. 1811. His widow, who was b. 12 Nov. 1700, m., 10 Feb. 18ll, Thomas (Wallace), P.ahon Wallace of Knaiiesdale (so a: 1828) who d. 28 Feb. 1841. She d. s.p., 9 June 1829, aged 62. II. 1S11. 2. Koukut (Saus oers-I) un das, formerly Dundas). VlSCOfST Melville, &c, only a. and h. by first wife; b. 14 March 1771". ed. at the High School. Edinburgh, and at Eman. Coll., Cambridge; M.P. for Hastings, 1794-90; for Rye, 1790 — 1 S01 . and for Midlothian (in four Pails.), 1S01-1I ; Private Sec. to his father, 1794 -1S01 ; Joint Clerk liegister of Seisins [S.], 1799; Keeper of the Signet [S.], 1S00 ; P.C., 1807: President of the [Indian] Hoard of Control, lS07-f>9, and 1809-12 ; Ch. Sec. to the Viceroy of Ireland, April to Oct. 1809; sue. to the peerage, 29 May 1S11 ; Lord Privy Seal [S.], IS] 1-5] ; Pint Lord of the Admiralty, 1812-27, and 1S28-30 ;(*) Chancellor of tho Univ; of St. Andrew's, 1S14 ; K.T., 17 July 1821 ; one of the " Lord Guardians " of the realm, 18 Sep. 1821; Gen. of the Royal Scottish Archers; F.K.S., &c. He m. 29 Aug. 1796, Anne, 1st da. and coheirf) of Kichard Hue k-Saunders, formerly Hi ck, M.D., by Jane, da. of Peter KlKSKY, and Anne his wife, sister of Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, K B. Having sue. to the Saunders property he took the name of Saunders before that of Dundas in compliance with the will of the said Sir Charles Saunders, proved 14 Dec. 1775, Ills wife rf. 10 Sep. 1841, at Melville Castle. Ho d. there 10 June 1851, aged 80. III. 1851. J. Henry (Dundas), Viscount Melville, &c, b. ami h., 6. 20 Feb. 1801, at Melville Castle; entered the army in 1819, becoming finally, 1808, full General. He distinguished himself in Canada during the (") He had resigned his office of Sec. of War in 1S01 on the resignation of the Ministry of Pitt, whose peculiar friend and coadjutor he had been and to whose great surprise he accepted a peerage from the Addiugton Ministry. (l>) He is said to have borrowed £10,000 and £20,000 at a time of Trotter who had "so far as could be ascertained advanced to him £46,000 and purchased stock on his account, but all was greatly complicated by their having, on the appointment of the enquiry, burnt " their accounts for £134,000,000 of public money which had passed through their hands," which certainly (as Mr. Howard Evans remarks iu " Our Old Nobility " ) is "the very last thing which an honest man, an inquiry pending over his head, would have done." On the other band this prosecution, which certainly failed of conviction, was not unfrequently considered to have been a malignant trick of the Whig party to destroy " Lord Melville's utility as a statesman " and to deprive Pitt "of an able coadjutor." [Ediub. Review, clx, p. 441.] (■=) She re-married Everard Fawkner {Qy. if ho did not rf. 1S03) and d. his widow at a great age. ( d ) Taking great interest in tho Arctic Expedition, "the Melville Sound was named after him. (°) The 2d and yst. da. and coheir became Countess of Weotmorland.