Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/300

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298 MENTEITH. Bruce in the competition for the Crown [S.], in 1292 ; swore Fealty to King Edward I. [E.], 13 June 1202, by whom he wad sum. to attend him into France, 1 Sep. 129-1, but appears to have d- soon after that date,( :l ) his wife having d. before him probably before 1256. VII. 1295 ? 7. Alexander (Ms Menteitii, or Stewart), Karl of Menteith [S.], 1st s. ami h.,() was v.p. under the designation of " Alisaudre dt Mmeuth " one of the nobles who (5 Keb. 1283, 1) supported the right of succession of '• Margaret of Norway " to the Crown [S.] Ho was taken prisoner by the English at Dunbar, 28 April 1286, Ho m. Matilda. lied, soon after 1290, certainly before 1300. VIII 1300? $. Alax (de Menteith, or Stewart), Earl of Mentkith [S.], s. and h. He supported Robert Bruce in his claim to tbc throne in 1300 in which year he was taken prisoner by the English. He IB. Margery.('-) He d, s.p.m. ('■) before 13 March 130S 9, in England, TX. 1308 1 9. Murdoch (de Menteith, or Stewart), Karl of Menteith [S.]i br. and h. male.^) He in 1330 made an agreement with Mary, da. and h. of Karl Alan, for the possession of the Earldom. (') He, probably, m. Alice.(«) He was killed at the battle of Halidou Hill, 11) July 1333. X. 1333. 10. Mary, mo jure Countess of Menteith, da. and sole heir of Earl Alau abovenamed, appears, after the death of Earl Murdoch, to have been recognised in that dignity, being then wife of Sin John Graham, who in her right became KARL OF MENTEITH [S.], and who (as such) resigned the Barony of Barnbougle to the Crown, 2 May 1310. He was taken prisoner by the English at the battle of Durham, 17 Oct. 13 10, when, having previously Menteith, by her second husband 'see " Close Rolls," 19 Ed. L, m. 10), Sir John Russell. Nothing, however, was done in the matter till the Pari, at Scone in 1285 decreed that half the lands should be erected into a Barony for this William, but that the Earldom of Menteith should remain with Walter Stewart. William Comyu d. s.p. between the feast of St. Gregory, 1290. and 3 Aug. 1291. His widow »i. about 1293 Edmund (Hastings), Lord Hastings. See "Hastings" [of luehlnahome in Menteith, Scotland], Barony {Hastings), a: 1299 ; ex. 1314. (») "That he was taken at Dunbar, 28 April 1290, in his 76th year, and put to death by Edward I., has been disproved by Lord Hailes, Annals, hi, 43." [Wood's " Douglas."] ( b ) His yr. br., Sir John Menteith, was ancestor of a numerous race, of that name, among whom was Sir John Menteith, of Strathgartney, co. Perth, who by his wife, Lady Elyue of Mar, da. of Gratney, Karl of Mar [S.J, was great grandfather of Robert (Erskine), Earl of Mar [S.] See tabular pedigree, p. 221, noto " c," sub " Mar." (■ ) Patent Rolls, [*) His da. and h. sue. to the Earldom in 1333 : her claim thereto, owing probably to her minority in 1309, being postponed to that of her uncle the heir male. (°) His relationship (previously unknown) to his predecessor ia settled by a charter (quoted in Fraser's " lied Book of Menteith," vol. i., p. 95) where he describes him- self as Earl of Menteith, son of Sir Alexander, formerly Earl of Menteith. ( f ) Giving divers lands to her as " cousanguiueuj sine, Marie de Monteth, filiic uuicao quondam Alaui, Comitis de Menteth." [Wood's " Dour/las."] (B) Alice, "Countess of Meueteth," to whom King Edward III. granted sums of money from 24 Sep. 1335, to 20 Feb. 1340 (reciting that she " infra reguum nostrum ad Mem uostram moratur' 1 ) was probably his widow.