Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/311

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MI DDI, KSHX — M I D D LUTON. 309 hi 3 March 1645/6, at St. Rartfa. the Great, London, Anne, 3d da. and coheir of Edward (Hoitrciiikr), 4th EARt OF Bath, by 1hh first wife, Dorothy, da. of Oliver (St. .John), 3d Loud St. John. Ho d.,(") and was bur. 13 Sep. 1651, in Westm. Abbey. Will dat. 7, and pr. It! Sep. 1651. His widow m. Sir Chichester WreY, 3d Bart., of Trebitch, to wliorn she brought the estate of Tawstock, Devon, and who was bur. 17 May, 1668, at St. Giles in the fields. She was bur. at St. Giles afsd., 9 Sep. 1662. III. 1651, J. Lionel (Chan-field), Eahl of Middlesex [1622], to and Baron Cranfield [1621], br. and h. male; b. about 1625; sue. 1G7 t, <<> the jiceruge, 13 Sep. 1651 ; was one of the six peers sent to Charles II. to invite his return ; a Gent, of the Bedchamber, 1673. He m. 1 May 1657, at St. Bride's, London (publication at St. Giles in the fields), Rachae), Dow. Countess of Bath, da. of Francis (Fane), 1st Earl of Westmorland, by Mary, da. and h. of Sir Anthony Milu.may. He c/. s.p., 26 Oct. 1674, aged about 50, and was bur. 6 Nov. in Westin. Abbey, when all hit honours become extinct. Will dat. 30 March, and pr. 2 Nov. 1671. His widow, who was b. at Mereworth, Kent, and who had obtained a Royal warrant. 19 March 1660, to retain her precedency as " Countess of Bath " (the Earldom of Middlesex being a more recent creation), d. 11 Nov. 1680, at St. Giles in the fields, aged 67, and was bur. (with her first husband), at Tawstock, Devon. M.I. Will dat. 8 Dec. 1679, pr. 17 Nov. 1680. IV. 1G75. 1. Charles ^aukville, styled Loud Buckjiurst, s. and h. ap. of Richard (Sackvillk), 5th Earl ok Dorset, by Frances, sister (of the whole blood), and coheir of Lionel (Cranfield), 3d and last Earl of Middlesex, 6. 24 Jan. 1638; was a: 4 April 1675, BARON CHANFIELD of Cranfield, co. Bedford and EARL OF MIDDLESEX. By the death of his father, 27 Aug. 1677, he became Earl of Dorset and Baron Blckhi rst. See Dorset" Earldom, or. 1604, sub the 6th Earl. All the ubovemcntioned titles became inct together with the Dukedom of Dorset) in 1843. MIDDLETON [Scotland.] Earldom [S.] 1. John Middleton, s. and h. of John Middleton, of I 16G0 Caldhame, by Helen, da. of John Stracdan, b. about 1617, having ' served in France with the Scotch army ; entered the service of the ""J" lhc ( Pari, of England in 1612 ; became Lieut. Gen. ; contributed to the ecacnci/o; mooo. defent of the Rovali8ta at Pbiliphaugh in 1615. He subsequently, however, joined the party for the rescue of King Charles I., and was made prisoner in 1648 at the battle of Preston. Later on he took an active part in favour of King Charles II. for whom he was Major Gen. at the battle of Worcester, 1651, where he was again taken prisoner. He, however, contrived to escape, and was in command of the Royalists in the Highlands, but being defeated by Gen. Monck at Lochgeary, 26 July 1654, he joined the King at Cologne, by whom in Sep. 1656 he was cr. an Earl. This creation is recited in the patent,( 1 ') 1 Oct. 1660 (in which, however, he is spoken of not as an Earl but merely as Lieut. Gen. John Middleton) whereby he was cr. EARL OF MIDDLETON, LORD OF CLAIRMONT [CLERMONT] AND FETTERCAIRN [S.], with rem. to his heirs( c ) bearing the surname and arms of Middleton and with the precedency of Sep. 1656. ( d ) He was appointed Commander in ( a ) Of his two daughters (1) Anne, who was under 16 in 1651, d. num., and was bur. 22 March 1652/3, in Westm. Abbey; (2) Elizabeth, m. 17 Nov. 1664, John Egertou, styled Viscount Brackley (afterwards, 16S6, 3d Earl of Bridgwater) and d. s.p.s. 3 March 1669/70, aged 22. ( b ) See "The Earls of Middleton and the Middleton Family," by A. C. Biscoe, London, 1876, in which there is a copy of this patent. (°) This presumably is equivalent to "heirs male," but it is open to a possible inter- pretation of " heirs general " provided such take the name and arms of Middleton, (<>) See " Riddell, pp. 47-48, and 59-60, for remarks on the regrauts in 1660 of the Marquessate of Montrose and the Earldom of Middleton, reintegrating the inchoate signatures of 1644 and 1656.