Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/314

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31 -2 MIDDLKTON. II. 1720. 2. Francis (Willoughby), Haron Midoleton, b. and tau, A. 29 Sep. 1693; M.P. for Notts, 1710.15, ami for Tamworth, 1722-27 ; smc. to the peerage, 2 April 17-0. He M>, 25 July 1723. at Wcstm. Abbey (lie. fac), Mary, da. and coheir of Thomas EDWARDS, of the Middle Temple, London, and of Filkius, Oxon, by Mary, his wife. He d. 31 July 1758, at Bath, aged aliout 66, and was bur. at Wollaton. Will dat. 26 July and pr. 7 -Sep. 1758. His widow (/. in St. James' street, 12 March 1 762, aged 59, and was bur. at Wollaton. Will dat- 13 Aug. 1750, pr. 1 April 1762- TIT. 1758. 3- Francis (Wiliobghby), Baron Middlbxon, s. and h., A. 25 Jan. and bap. 20 Feb. 1726/6, at St. Anne's, Soho ; sue. to the peerage, 31 Julv 175S. He (/. uum., 16 Dee. 177-1, and was Aur. the 20th at Wollaton'. Will dat. 18 Aug. 1774, pr. 3 March 1775. IV. 1774. 4- Thomas (Willoughby), Baron Middleton, br. and h., b. 10 Dec. 1728, and bap. 10 Jan. following at St. Peter's, Nottingham ; sue. to the peerage, 15 Dec. 1771. He tit., 7 April 1770, in the house of "John Sutton, Esq., St. James' Place, St. James' Wcstm.," Georgiaua, da. of Evelyn C'HADWICK, of West Leake, Notts. He d. s.p., 19 Jan. 1781, aged 62, and was bur. at Wollaton. Will dat. 28 June 1775, pr. 22 Feb. 1781. His widow, who was b. 27 April 1746, at Stroxton, co. Lincoln, and who became coheir of her br., James Ciiadwick, m., 14 Jan. 17SS, Edward Miller Mukdv, of Shipley, co. Derby, and d. 29 June 1789. Will pr. 1 789. V. 1781. o. Henri (Wimatoghby), Baron Middle-ton, cousin and b. male, being 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. of the Hon. Thomas Willocghby, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas SOOTHBY, of Birdsall, co. York, which Thomas Willoughby, who d. 2 Dec. 1742, aged 48, was second s. of the 1st Earon. He was b. at York, 19 Dec. 1726, and An;) at the Minster there 4 Jan. following; was High Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1757, and sue. to the pea-age, 19 Jan. 1781. He m., 25 Dec. 1750, at Garton, co. York, Dorothy, da. and coheir of George Cautwuigut, of Ossington, Notts, by Mary, sister and coheir of Jobs Digby, of Mansfield Woodhouse, in that county. He d. 14 June 1800, aged 73. Will pr. June 1814. His widow d. 19 July 1808. Will pr. 1S08. VI. 1S00. G. Henry (Wii.lougiiby), Baron Middleton, only s. and h.. A. 21 April 1761, and bap. at the Minster, York, 28 May following; sometime (1783), Col. of the Notts Militia; sue. to the peerage, 14 June 1800 ; High Steward of Sutton Coldfield. He to. 21 Aug. 1703 at Mayfair chapel, St. Geo. Han. so,., Jane, sister of Robert, 1st Baron WEDLOCK, da. of Sir Kobert Lawi.kv, 5th Bart., by Jane, da. of Beilby Thompson, of Escrick, co. York. He d. s.p. 19 June 1835, aged 74. Will pr. Aug. 1835. His widow d. 17 Dec. 1852, aged 83, at Escrick villa, near York. Will pr. Jan. 1853. VII. 1835. 7. Digby (Willoughby), Baron Miudlkton, cousin and b. male, being s. and h. of Francis Willoughby, of Hesley Hall, Notts, by Octavia, da. and coheir of Francis Fisher of the Grange, in Grantham, co. Lincoln, which FranciB (A. 1727) was yr. br. to Henry the 5th Baron. He was A. at Hesley Hall, and bap. 29 Nov. 1769, at Harworth, Notts; entered the Koyal Navy, 1782, serving as Lieut, in Karl Huwe's victory (1794), and becoming a retired Capt. in 1840. He site, to the peerage, 19 June 1835, and d. unm. at Wollaton Hall, 5 Nov. 1856, aged 87. Will pr. March 1857, under £25,000. VIII. 1856. 8. Henry (Willoughby), Baron Middleton, cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Henry Wii.louuhby, of Birdsall and Settrington, co. York, by Charlotte, da. of the Ven. John Eyre, Hector of Babworth, Notts, Archdeacon of Nottingham, which Henry last named (who d. 20 Nov. 1849, aged 68), was only s. and h. of the Rev. James Willoughby, Hector of Guiscley, co. York (d. 16 Feb. 1816, aged 84), yst. br. to Henry, the 5th Baron. He was b. at Apsley Hall. 28 Aug. and bap. 10 Sep. 1817, at Radford, Notts ; sue. to the peerage,