Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/316

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MIDI. ETON. of tittle bland, cm. C.nk, by liis second wife, Elizabeth, da. nf Sir John Gmwiin. She was bur. 30 June 1703, at St. Michan's. Dublin. He m. thirdly, 1 Dec. 1716, Anna widow of the Ut. Hon. Michael Hill, of Hillsborough, CO* Down, da. and linally h. of Sir John Thkvok, Master nf the Rolls, by Jane, da. nf Sir Roger Mostyn, Hart. He <l. at Baltyanan, CO. Cork and was bur. 20 Aug. 1728, at Midleton, aged about 72. Will dat. 19 April 1726, pr. 2 Aug, 1731. His widow (by whom he had no issue), d. 5 Jan. 1747, and was bur. (with her first husband), at Hillsborough. II 1728. 2. A[.AN f r>RODHI0K), VlSCOLNT MlI.LKToX, &C. [I.], 3d( il ) but 1st sure. s. and b. male, by 2d wife, bap. 31 Jan. 1701 2, at St. Michan's. Dublin : admitted to the Middle Temple, London, 1 Nov. 1721 ; one of the Commissioners of the Custom, 1727-30; Hie, to the peerage [I.], 20 Aug 172S, taking his seat, 2(3 Nov. 1733 ; Joint ( Comptroller of the Army, Aug. 1730. In Oct. 1730 he sue. his uncle, the Ut. Hon. Thomas Brodriek, in the family estates, of Midleton, eo. Cork, Wandsworth. CO. Surrey, &c , aud in the representation of the family. He »»., 7 May 1720, Mary, 2d and yst. da. of Algernon ('KLI.), 2d BaKL ok Essr.x. by Mary, da. of William (Bkntisck), 1st E.utl. ok PORTLAND. He d. 8 and was bur. 13 June 1717, aged 4S, at Wandsworth. Will dat. 1 Feb, 1711, pr. 10 June 1717. His widow, who was ban. 10 Oct. 1700, at Watford, Herts, tL 3 May 1756.C') Will dat 13 Feb. 1755, pr. 22 May 1756. III. 1717. o. George (Rrodrick), Viscount Midleton, &c.[1.1 1st and only sow. s. and h., b. 3 Oct. 1730, the King (Qearge 11.), standing in person as one of his sponsors ; sue. to the peerage [I.], S June 1747, taking his seat, 20 Oct. 1751 : MP. [E.] for Ashburton, 1751-61, and for Shoreham, 1761-65. He 1 May 1752, at Mr. Sehvyn's house in Cleveland Court, St.. James' Westm., Alliinia. sister of Thomas, 1st Viscocnt Sydnk.y, 1st da. of the Ho". Thomas Townshksd, by Alliinia, da. of John Ski.wyn, of Matsou, CO. Gloucester. He tl. 22 and was bur. 28 Aug. 1765. at Wandsworth, in his 35th year. Will dat. 17 Aug. 1761, pr. 30 Sep. 1765. His widow d. IS and was bur, 24 Sep. 1S0S, at Wandsworth, aged 77. Will dat. 18 Sep. 1800, to 3 Aug. 1808, pr. 14 Nov. 1808. IV. 17$$, 4- George (Brodrick), Viscount Midleton, &c. [I.], 1st s. and h., b. 1 and hap. 21 Nov. 1751, at St. James' Westm. ; sue. to the pecrar/e [1.]. 22 Aug. 1765 ; M.I'. [E.] for Whitchurch, 1774-06. He was (T. a Peer [G.B.], 11 June 1706, as BARON B ROD RICK OF PEPER HA ROW, co. Surrey, with a spec. rem. failing heirs male of his own body to those of his father. He m. firstly, 4 Dec. 1778, at her father's house, Stratton street, St. Geo. Han. s<p, Frances, 2d da. of Thomas (Pki.ham), 1st Earl OK ClIICHKSTF.R, by Anne, only da. and h. of Frederick Meiuhart Frankland. She, who was b. 4 Dec. 1760, aud bap. 1 Jan. 1761, at St. George's afsd., d. ■.p.m., 23 June, aud was bur. 4 July 1783, at Wands- worth, aged 22. He in. secondly, 13 June 1707, at Englefield, Berks, Maria, 2d da. of Richard Bknyon, of Englefield House (formerly of Gidea Hall in Romford), by Lavinia, da. and coheir of James Smttii, of St. Audries, Somerset. He d. at Paper Harow, co. Surrey, 12, and was bur. 19 Aug. 1836, at Wandsworth, aged 81. Will pr. Nov. 1836. His widow, who was bap. 1772, at St. Geo. Han. scp, d. at Bath, 14, and was bur. 22 Jan. 1852, at Wandsworth, aged 70. Will pr. May 1852. V. 1836. 5. George Alan (Brodrick), Viscount Midleton, &c. [I.J, also Baron Brodrick ok Pkpek Harow, only s. and h., by second wife ; b. 10 June and bap. 0 July 1806, at Peper Harow. He in., 14 May 1833, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Ellen Grifkjth, of Peper Harow afsd., spinster. He rf. s.p., 1, and was bur. 9 Nov. 1848, at Peper Harow, aged 42. Will pr Nov. 1850. His widow m., 28 April 1859, at St. Johu's, Paddington, Richard Quain, F.R.S., Surgeon ( a ) His eldest br. (by his father's %vife) the Ut. Hon. St. John Brodrick, d. v.p., 29 Feb. 1727/8, leaving five daughters and coheirs. ( h ) Mary, Dow. Baroness Middletou (nec Edwards), who d. 12 March 1762, is often confused with this lady.