Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/321

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MINTO. 319 dignity cr. 19 April 1700), 11 Jam 1777; M.P. for Morpeth, 177G-77; for co. Roxburgh, 1777-8-1 ; for Berwick, 1786-90, and for Helston, 1790-95 ;( a ) D.C.L. (Oxford), i July 1793; P.C, 1793 ; Minister to the Italian States, March to May, 1794 J Viceroy of Corsica, June 1795 to Oct. 1796, on return from which, he had confirmed to him by Royal lie., 2 Oct. 1797, the names of Marray-Knynymnound &foer that of Elliot ("which names he had so assumed since the death of his mother in 1778) and was cr. (a few days later) 20 Oct. 1797, BARON MINTO of Miuto, co. Roxburgh. He was Envoy to Vienna, 1799—1801, obtaining in 18o0 a treaty of alliance with the Emperor of Germany, which, however, was broken by the treaty of Lnneville next year. F.R.S., 1802 ; President of the Board of Control for India, Feb. to July 1806 ; Governor General of India, 1806-13, being (consequently) cr., 21 Feb. 1813, VIS- COUNT MELGUND of Melgund, co. Forfar, and EARL OF MINTO, eo. Roxburgh. He m , 3 Jan. 1777, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Anna Maria, 1st da. of Sir George Amyand, 1st Bart., by Maria, da. of John Abraham Korteen, of Hamburgh, merchant- He d. at Stevenage, Herts, 21 June 1814, and was bur. from 4 Burlington street, on the 29th '•i Westm. Abbey, aged 63. Will pr. 1815. His widow, who was b. 26 March 1752, at St. Mary Abchurch, Loudon, d. 8 March 1S29, at Brighton. Will pr. Jan. 1830. II. 1814. 2. Gilbekt (Elliot- Murray-Kynyn mound), Earl of Mintii, &.C., s. and h., b. 16 June 1782, at Lyons in France ; ed. at Eton and at Edinburgh Univ. ; M.P. for Ashburton, 1S06-07, and for Roxburghshire, 1812-11; sti/lcil VlSCOUBT Melguno from 1S13 till (nest year) he sue. to the peerage, 21 June 181-1 ; P.C., 1832 ; Ambassador to Berlin, 1832-34; G.C.B., 20 Dec. 1S34 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, ( b ) 1835-41 ; F.R.S., 1S36 ; Lord Privy Seal, 1846-52 ; Envoy to Sardinia, Tuscany, &c., 1847-4S. He m., 4 Sep. 1806, Mary, 1st da. of Patrick Brydone, of Lennuel House, co. Berwick, by Mary, da. of William Robertson, of Edinburgh, M.D. She d. 21 July 1853, aged 67, at Nervi, near Genoa. He d. 31 July 1859,00 after a long illness, aged 76, at 48 Eaton square [Gilbert Elliott-Murray-Kynynmound, styled (1807-17) Viscount Melgund, 6. 3 Oct. 1807 ; d. v. p. in infancy, 26 Sep. 1817.] III. 1 859. 3. William Hugh (Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound), Earl of Minto, &c, 5th but 1st surv. s. and h., //. 19 March 1814, at Minto Castle ; styled VISCOUNT MRLGUNI). I SI 7-59 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; M.P. for Hythe, 1837-41 ; for Greenock, 1847-52, and for Clackmannan, 1S57-59 ; Chairman of the Survey Commission [S.] 1857 ; me. tu the peerage, 31 July 1859. K.T., 18 May 1870. He m. 20 May 1841, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Emma Eleanor Elizabeth, da. and h. of Gen. Sir Thomas HisloI', 1st Bart., G.C.b., by Emma, da. of the lit. Hon. Hugh Elliot, yr. br. to the 1st Earl ok Minto. She d. 21 April 1882, at Eaglesolilt', in Bournemouth, aged 58. He d. 17 March 1891, in his 77th year, at 2 Portmau square. IV. 1891. J t . Gilbert John (Elliot-Murrat-Kynynmound), Earl of Minto [1813] Viscount Melgund [1813], and Baron Minto [1797], also a Baronet [S. 1700], s. and h., b. 9 July 1845, in Wilton Crescent ; styled Viscount Melgund, 1859-91 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1S66 ; Lieut. (a) His Parliamentary career was marked by the part he took in impugning the conduct in India of Warren Hastings (the Gov. Gen.) and Sir Elijah Impey (the chief Justice) an attack which (tho' it has now been " conclusively proved that there was not a tittle of evidence to support the charges insinuated rather than alleged " therein) raised his estimation with his party so much so that he was twice (iu Jan. and in June 17S9; a candidate for the Speakership. [See " Nat. Biogr."] Q>) " It was said, at the time, that his period of office was distinguished only by the outcry raised at the numhir of Elliots who found places in the Naval service." [If at. Biogr.] See vol. iv, p. 95, note "e," sub " Grey," for a somewhat similar benevolence to his own kindred by Earl Grey, also a Whig Minister, tho' one of much higher mark. ( c ) Though " an indifferent speaker and undistinguished by administrative capacity he possessed considerable influence in affairs of State " [Nat. Bioyr.] a fact perhaps to be explained by his daughter having m., in 1841, Lord John Russell (afterwards Earl Russell) who was Prime Minister, 1846-52, as well as 1865-66.