Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/329

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1 MOLYNEUX. 327 II. 1G3G. 2. Riciiaiiu (Molyneux), Viscount MOLYNEUX OF Maryborough [I.], s. and li., b. about 1020. He (with his br. Caryll), took an active part in the civil war, on behalf of the King, raising two regiments of horse and foot, both being at the surrender of Oxford and, in 1851, at the battle of Worcester, lie to. Frances, da. of William (Seymour), 2d DtTKH OF Somerset, by his second wife, Frances, da. of Robert (Deykreux), 2d Earl of Essex. H« d. s.p. at Croxteth, co. Lancaster about 1SS3. Fun. certif. at Pub. Record oliiee. Adman, (to a creditor), 28 Nov. 1054. His widow to. (as his 3d wife), Thomas (Wriothksley), lth EaBL OF SOUTHAMPTON, who d. 16 May 1607, aged 60. She hi. thirdly (as the third of big four wives) Conyers (Darcy), 2d Earl OF Holdernesse, who d. 13 Dec. 1692). She was bur. 5 Jan. 10S0/1, in Westm. Abbey. Admon 11 Feb. 1680/1. III. 1653 ? 3. Caryix (Molyneux), Viscount Molyneux of Maryborough [I.], br. aud h., b. 1622; sue. to the parage [I.], about 1653. Having taken part with his brother (as beforestated ) on behalf of the King, he was accordingly outlawed by the Pari., but finally obtained possession of his estates on payment of a large fine. Ey James II. he was made Lord Lieut, of Lan- cashire and Admiral of the narrow seas, He m. about 1650, Mary, da. of Sir Alexander Barlow, of Barlow, co. Lancaster, by his second wife, Dorothy, da. of Sir Thomas Gresley, Bart. She d. 6 Feb. 1691,0) and was our. at Sefton. M.I. He d. at Croxteth, co. Lane. 2 Feb. 1698/9, aged 77, and was bur. at Sefton. IV. 1699. b. "William (Molyneux), Viscount Molyneux of Maryborough [L], 3d aud yst. but only surv. s. and h. ;() b. about 1655 ; sue. to the peerage [L], 9 Feb. 169S/9. He to. firstly, about 1675, Bridget, da. and h. of Robert Lucy, of Charlecote, co. Warwick, by Margaret, da. of Thomas Spencer, of Upton. She d. 23 April 1713, aged 58, and was bur. 5 May at Sefton. He m. secondly, 22 July 1716, at Warrington, Mary, da. of Lieut. Gen. (— ) Skelton.(c) He d. 8 and was bur. 12 March 1717, at Sefton, aged 62. She d. s.p. at Wooltou, near Liverpool, 20 Feb. 1766. V. 1717. 5. Richard (Molyneux), Viscount Molyneux of Maryborough [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife, b. about 1678 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], S March 1717.( J ) He to. before 1706 Mary, 1st da. of Francis Brudenell, styled Lord Brudenell (s. and h. ap. of Robert, 2d Earl up Cardigan), by Frances, da. of James (Sa vile), Earl op Sussex. He d. s.p.m.s.,( u ) 12 Dec. 1738, aged 60, at Little Oulton, Cheshire, aud was bur. the 15th at Sefton. His widow TO. Capt. Peter Osborne (who d. before her) and d. 2 April 1765, at Hoxton square, Midx. Will dat. 30 Nov. 1761, to 27 April 1764, pr. 2S June 1765. ( a ) The date is given as "1691" in the pedigree entered at the College of Arms (" Howard " 3 52), but the date " 1661 " is given in the copy of the M.I. in " Lodge " (vol. iii, 25S) thus " obiit 8 idus Februarii, Sanctffl Dorothea} sacro, Anno Dni M.D.C.LXI." () His eldest br., the Hon. Richard Molyneux, to. Mary, da. of William (Herbert), 1st Marquess of Powis, but rf. s.p. and v.p. at Powis Castle, co. Montgomery. ( c ) The following is taken from the Non Parochial Registers, Somerset House (237, Lib. 1), " 1716, menso Julii. die 22. Denunciationibus omnibus omissis, nullo legitimo impedimento deteeto, in oppid* dicto, Warrington, ego infrascriptus [Thomas Worthingtoi), O.P.], Gulielinum, _ 1 Molineux et filiaui Mariam Skelton interrogavi, eorumque mutuo consensu habito, solemuiter per verba de prajseuti, matrimonio con- junxi ; presentibus testibus notis ( ) Skelton, Roberto Molyneux, Jacobo Leyburn." See Estcourt and Payne's "English Catholic Nonjurors o/1715" where a list of the Viscount's lands are added, efe., Manors of Sefton, Netherton, &c., entailed to his son, Richard and sons of Bichard, by Maty, his wife, and failing issue to his younger sons, Caryl, William, Thomas and Edward. £2,351 19s. lfd." ( d ) The Hon. Richard Molyneux was one of " English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715," having " rent charge out of the estate of his father, William, Lord Molyneux, aud a house at Much Woolton [Lancashire] £1,100." ( u ) William, his only son, d. 15 Feb. 1706.