Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/331

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MONCK — MONCKEIFF. 329 II. 1802. J. Henry Stanley (Monck), Viscount Monck op Bai.i.ytra.mmon, &c. [I.], h. and h., b. 26 July 1785 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], » June 1S02. He was or. 12 Jan. 1822, EARL 01'" RATHDOWNE [I.] He m 23 July 1800, Frances, 5th da. of William Power Keating (Trench), 1st Earl of Ci.ancauty [1. j. by Anne, da. of the Bt. Hon. Charles Gardiner. She who was b. Oct. 178", it. 22 Nov. 1813 in her 56th year at Charleville, eo. Wicklow. lie d. there,,( , >) 20 .Sep. 1818, in his b'-llh year when the Earldom of Rathduvinc [I.] became extinct. III. 1848. o. Charles Joseph Kelly (Monck), Viscount Monck OK Ballythammon [I.], br. and h. male; 6. 12 July 1791; ed. at Rugby, 1790 ; Lieut. 13d Light Infantry, being present at the battles of Vittoria, Nive, Mivelle. Pyrenees and Totalise, gaining a medal of live clasps. He sue. tn the pceraj/c [I.], 20 Sep. 18-18. He ;<(. 29 Nov. 1817, Bridget, da. of John Wellington, of Killoskenane, co. Tipperary. by his second wife, Bridget, da. of Theobald Butler, of Knocks Castle, in that county. She rf. 22 Jan. 1843. He d. in Merriou square, Dublin, 20 April IS 19, in his 58th year. IV. 1849. 4- Charles Stanley (Monck), Viscount Monck of •p. rn r ■, Ballytrammon, &e. [I.], s. and h. ; 6. 10 Oct. 1819, at Temple- na y LL -^- J Tipperary ; ed. atTriu. Coll., Dublin ; Barrister (Dublin), I. 1866. 1^41 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 20 April 1S49 ; M.P. for Portsmouth, 1852-57 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1855-5S; Governor Gen. Of Canada, 1861, becoming, in 1867, Gov. 'Jen. of British America, but resigned office in 1S6S. He was er., 12 July 1S66, BARON MONCK OF BALLYTRAMMON, co. Wexford [U.K.] ; P.C., 1S69 ; G.C.M.G., 1S69 ; one of the Lord Justices of Ireland, 1S73 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Dublin, 1874-92. He m., 23 June 1844, his cousin, Elizabeth Louisa Mary, 4th da. and coheir of Henry Stanley (Monck), Earl OF Kathdowne [I.], and Frances, liis wife, both abovenamed. She, who was 6. 1 March 1814, d. at Charleville, 16 June 1S92, aged 78, and was bur. at Powerscourt. Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 5,717 acres in co. Wexford ; 5,544 in co. Kilkenny ; 2,478 in co. Wicklow ; 212 in co. Westuicath, and 193 (valued at £2,237 a year) in cu. Dublin. Total 14,141 acres worth £10,466 a year. Principal Residence ; Charleville, near Bray. MONCKTON OF SERLBY. i.e., " Monckton of Serluy, go. Nottingham," Barony (Moncktun- Animldl), cr. 1887 see " Galway " Viscouutcy [I.], cr. 1727, mb the 7th Viscount. MONCKEIFF OF TULLIEBOLE. Barony. 1. " The Kt. Hon. Sir James Moncreiff, Bart., Her I 1874 Majesty's Justice Clerk, and President of the second division of the Court of Session in Scotland, and also one of the Senators of the College of Justice there;" was 2d s. of Sir James Welhvood MONCREIFF, 9th Bart. ; one of the Lords of Session and Justiciary [S.], by Anne, da. of George Rouertson, Lieut. R.N. ; was b. 29 Nov. 1811, in Edinburgh ; ed. at the High School and at the University there; Advocate, 1833; Solicitor Gen. [8.1 1850-51 ; M.P. for Leiih, 1851-59 ; for Edinburgh, 1859-68, and for the Universities' of Glasgow and Aberdeen, 1868-69 ; was four times (April 1851 to March 1852, Dec 1852 to March 1S58, June 1859 to July 1S66, and Dec. 1868 to Nov. 1869), Lord Advocate [S.] ; Dean of the Faculty of Advocates [S.], 1858-69 ; Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, 1868-71 ; P.O., 1869 ; Lord Justice Clerk and President of the (•') Besides two sous (who d. young and before he was advanced to an Earld „e had no less than eleven daughters. This was one of the "Jubilee " peerages, for a list of which see voL ii, p. 238 note " a," su'j " Cheylesmore."