Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/338

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33fi M OXSOX — Mi iNTACTTF. VI. 1841. 0, William John (Monson), Baron Monson or Burton, cousin and h. male, being only 8. Mid h. of Col. the lion. William Monson, by Anne, yst. da. ami coheir of John Dkiionnaihi:, of Lisbon, Merchant, which William (who <l. 20 Dec. 1807, aged 17), was 4th s. of John, the 2d Baron. Me was h. 1 I Mav 1 790, at Kegapatiun, in the East Indies; mat. at Oxford (Ch. t'h.), 27 Jan. 1814 ; B.A., 1817 ; M.A., 1820 ; Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1817 ; site, to th> peerage < Oct. 1841 : F.U.S., F.S.A., &c. He m., S May 1*28, at St. Giles in the fields, Eliza, da. of Edmund Laukkn, of Bedford square, Midx., by Anne, da. of John Guf.aves, of Mark Lane. London. He d. at the Cleat Western hotel, Paddington, 17 Dec. 1802, in his 07th year, and was hue, at South Carlton. His widow, who was h. 24 Oct. and bap. 24 Nov. 1S03, at St. Botolpus, Bishopsgato, d. (a month later) 22 Jan. 186:1, aged 00, at Norwood, co. .Surrey, and was 6tt», at South Carlton, VII. 1862. 7, William John- (Monson), Dahon Monson of Burton [1728J, also a Barontt [10111, «• aWcJ 1'-. *■ I s K.I.. 182!'. in Queen Anne street, Marylebone ; bap. there 19 March ; e.l. at Eton and at Ch. Ch.), Oxford; B.A., 1849 J M.P. for Reigato, 1858-G2; »«,-. to the peerage, 17 Dec. 1862; Treasurer of the Household, 1873-74; Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard, 1880-85 ; one of the Speakeis of the House of Lords, 18S2. He was ei:, 13 Aug. 18S0, VISCOUNT OXENBKIDGE OK BURTON, co. Lincoln : Master of the Howe, 1892. He in., 7 Aug. 1869, at .St. Peter's, Eaton square, Maria Adelaide, I low. Countess ok Vabbohouoh, 2d da. of Corswallis (Mauds), 3d Viscount Hawaiidkn [I.], by Jane Crawford, da. of Patrick Crawfurd I'.RITK. She was li. 1 lee. 181 1. Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 8,100 acres in Lincolnshire, and 2,031 co. Surrey. Total 4.7 13 acres worth £7,247 " gross annual value." Principal Residence. Burton Hall, co. Lincoln, the estate of GattoU Park, near Ueignlc, Surrey, having been sold since 1 883. MONT, see (also) under Mount. MONTACUTE, or MONTAGU. Barony by /. Simon DB MONTACUTE, t>f Shiiitnn-Moiitacute, co. Writ. Somerset, s. and h. of William dk MoNTACTTTE (living V>~u), was in j l^QO 1282 in the expediti igainst Wales, and in 1294 in the French and subsequently in tin- Scotch wars ; Gov. of Corfe Castle, 1:298, and was sum. 8 June (1294), 22 Ed. L. with about 00 others, to advise on the affair* of the Bealm,( b ) beiiifr afterwards sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MONTACUTE) by writs directed " Simoni de Monte aeuto" from L>9 Dee. (1290), 28 Ed. L, to 6 Oct. (1315), 9 Ed. II. His Dome appears as "Simon, Domiitusde Monte aeuto," to the famous letter of the Barons in 1301 to the Pope.( c ) lie is said to have m. Aufrica, da. of Fergus, and sister of Orray, Kino of Man. He d. about 1316. II. 1316? 3. William (de Montacute), Loud Moxtacute, s. :ni.l h., who had v. p. distinguished himself in the French and Scotch wars and been made K B. in 1300. He was sum. to Pail, from 20 Nov. (1317), 11 Ed. IL, to 25 Aug. (1318), 12 Ed. II. ; was Steward of the Household, 1317, and Seneschal of Acpiitaine. He in. Elizabeth, da. of Sir Peter Dh Montkobt, of Beaudesert Castle, co. Warwick. He d. in Oascony, 0 Nov. 1319, and was bur. at St. Frideswide's Monastery, Oxford. His widow in. (as his second wife) Thomas (DH Furnivall), 1st Lord Furnivai.l, who </. 3 Feb. 1331/2. She d. March 1354 and was bur. at St. Frideswide's afsd. M.I. (a) Many of the titles now spelt " Mnnl " were formerly spelt " Mount," but the converse does not hold good. Accordingly all such titles under either Spelling, are noticed under the latter (tho' in some cases they are described under the former) spelling. (t>) Sec vol. i, p. 259, note " c," sub •' Basset de Sapcote," as to this not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. (c) See "Nicolas," pp. 761-809, for a full account of this letter.