Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/350

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343 MONTEAGLE — MONTEITH. MONTEAGLE OF BRANDON. Barony /. TjSB Rt. Hon. ThOMAS-SpRIKQ Rice, only 8, ami !l. T lS'i 1 ) ^'l 1011 Edward Rich, uf Mount Trenchant, no. Limerick, bji ' Catherine, do. and li.<»f Thomas Sntixi, of Bally Crispin, co. Kerry, was b. S Feb. 1700, in S. Michael's parish. Limerick; Barrister ut Law; M.I*. for Limerick, 1S-J0-30 ; for Cambridge. 1S32-3S>, being cr. M.A. of that Univ. & 1833 : Under Secretary for Home, 1827-30 ; See, to flie Treasury, 1830-36 ; P.O. fU. and L] ISM I : Colonial See. July to Nov. 1S31, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1835-39, be^!g o: 5 Sep. 1830, BARON MONTBAGLK(") OK D 11 AN DON. cu. Kerry. He was Comptroller Don. of the Exchequer (£2,000 a year) 1839 ; F.K.S., F.S.A., Se- He »> Bretly, 11 July 1811, Theodosia, lM da. of Kdmond Henry (Pert), 1st Kaiii. of Limerick [I.], by Alice Mary, da. and h. of Henry oummjy. She, who was'/. 15 Jan. 1787, d. 11 Pec. 1S39. He w. seeondly, 18 April 1841, Mary Anne, 1st da. >>f John Marshall, "i lleadinglcv, en. York, sometime M.I'. titi that county, by Jane. da. of William PoIXAttD, of Halifax. He il. 7 Pel*. 1886, agrd 76, at Mount Tictlchanl, and was bur. at Shaiiagoldcll, eo. Lillleriek. Will pr. 18 May 1S66, under £10,000 [K.] His widow d. s.p., 11 April 1S89, aged S9, at Onslow Gardens, Brotnpton. II. 18Gfi. 2. Thomas Sprixu (Rice, Bakon Moxteaui.e of Brandon, grandson and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. Stephen Eduiond Spring lilCE, by Ellen Mary, da. of William Fiierk, Serjeant at Law, which StepUeu was 1st s. and h. ap. of the 1st Baron by his first wife and d. v. p. 9 May 1S65, aged Til', He was b. 31 May 1819; sin: to the peerage, 7 Feb, 1S60 ; was oil. at Harrow and at Trim Coll., Cambridge ; B.A. and Senior Opt. in Mathematics, 1872. He m., 26 Oct. 1875, at Ardbraecau, eo. Meath, Elizabeth, 1st da. of the Kt. Rev. Samuel Butler, Bishop of Meath (1800), by Mary, da. of John Lkaiiv, of Killaruey. Family KUules. — These, in 1883, consisted of 6,446 acre* in eo. Limerick and 2,310 in co. Kerry. Total 8,755 acres, worth t'0,137 a year. Residence Mount Treuelianl , near Koyues, eo. Limerick. MONTEAGLE OF WE8TPORT. i.e., " Monteaole ok Westpost, co. Mayo," Barony 1 1.] (Broione), cr. 1760; see " Altamont " Barldom [[. ], cr. 1771 ; also " Montkaule OV Westport, co. Mayo," Barony [U.K.] (Broione), cr. 130G ; see "Sligo'H 1 ') Marquessate [t] ; eft 1800. MONTEITH see MENTEITH. (») It is not known why the title of " Montcaylc " was selected by two Irish families, fir., (1) that of Browne in 1760, and lS) that of Rice in 1839, neither of whom pre- tended to any the smallest connection with the illustrious family of Stanley, on whom the Barony of that name had, in 1514, been, honoris causa, conferred, and between whose numerous coheirs (amongst whom most certainly Messrs. Browne, and Uico were not) it was still in abeyance. " Monteagle " may possibly be the name of some hill (in one case) in co. Westport, and (in the other) in co. Kerry. The first of these creations,however, has the excuse of originating in an Irish Barony long before the Union, and being subsequently (1806) granted as a Barony of the United Kingdom ; but no such excuse applies to the second, which, originating as a Barony [U.K.], inter- fered with a Barony [U.K.] that was then in existence (and had been for above 30 years) while, to add to the absurdity thereof, the grantee was actually in possession of one mountain, " Mount Treuchard," to which lofty designation (in spite of his ambition " imponcre Pclion Ossce") he might very properly have been restricted. (1>) The 3d Earl of Altamont and Baron Monteagle of Westport [I.] was, in 1800, a: Murquess of Sligo [l.J, being, in 1806, cr. Baron Monteagle of Westport [U.K.]