Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/368

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3G6 MOR DAUNT. MORDAUNT. Barony by 1. Sir John Mordaunt, "f Turvey, Beds, 2<1 s. of Sir Writ. John Mordaunt, of the same, sometime Chancellor of the Duchy "f I IV 9 Lancaster, tiy Edith, da. and coheir of Sir Nicholas Latimer, 'if ' 1 ' Dantish, CO. Dowel, me. his elder br. William M., in the family estate about 1505 ; was Sheriff for Beds and Bucks (1509-10). 1 ll-n. VIII., was knigltttd before 4 June 1520. and was sum. to Pari as a Baron (LOUD MORDAUNT), from I May (1529), 21 lien. VIII. t.. 5 Nov. (1558), 5 and 6 Ph. and Mary- He accompanied the King to France, at his interview with the King thereof, in 1532. He m. about 1507, Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Sir Henry Vkrk, of Drayton, co. Northampton, by Isabella, da. of Thomas Tkksiiam, of Sywell, eo. Northampton. She d. before him and was bur. at Tnrvey. His will dat. 1 Aug. 1500, pr. 1 Sep. 1501, directs his burial to be there. II. 1561. ~. John (Mordaunt), Lord Mordaunt, s, ami h., k 150S; K B. at the Coronation of Queen Anne Boleyu, 1 June : Sheriff of Essex and Herts, 1510 ; M.P. for Beds, 1553-55 ; w as one of tin- first who were in arms for the succession of Queen Msrv, to whom he was P.O. He was sum. to Pari, from 11 Jan. (1502 3), 5 Eliz. to 8 May (1572), 14 KHz. He m. firstly. Elizabeth, sister and heir of John, being only da. of Sir Richard Fit/. Lewis, of V,-t Thoindon, Essex, by Mary, or Alice, da. and coheir of John Haui.eston. she, who was a great heiress, (/. '_' June 1513. /»</. just mortem 8 Nov., 35 Hen. VIII. He hi. secondly (Lie. Fac. 3 Dec. 1515), Joanna Wii.forI), widow of St. Martin's Bishopg.ite. His will, directing his burial to be at Turvey, dat. It! April, and pr. lit Oct. 1571. The will of his widow, by whom he had no issue was pr. 1 502. III. 1571. J. Lewis (Mordaunt), Lord Mordaunt, rally s. mill li. by first wife, at whose death, June 1513, he was aged five yearn lb- was M.P. for Beds, 1563-67; was knigfUtd, 1568; was sum. to Pari, from 8 F.-b. (1575/0), IS Eliz., to 24 Oct. (1597), 89 Eli/.. He was one of the 21 noblemen/) who were in Oct. 15S6 the triers of the Queen of Scot* at Fotheriugay. He nt. Elizabeth, da of the Hon. Sir Arthur DaHCT, by Mary, da. and coheir of Sir Nicholas CaitEW. KG. He (/. 10 June 1001, at Drayton Manor house, co. Northampton, and was hm: 21) July at Turvey. IV. 1601. Bbnrt (Mordaunt), Lord Mordaunt, only s. and h. He was sum. to Pail, from 27 Oct. (1001). 43 Eliz., to 5 Nov. (1005), 3 Jac. He was suspected of complicity in the gunpowder plot anil was lined and imprisoned in 1005 but released, 3 June 1000. lie hi. .Margaret, sister of William, 1st F.aui. ok North mpton, da. of Henry (Comfto.n), 1st Limn Comiton. by his first wife, Frances, da. of Francis (Hastings), 2d Eaki, ok Hijntincidon. Ho </. about 1008. Admou. of "Lady Margaret Mordaunt, of Turvey, Beds." 13 Feb. 1044/5, granted to a creditor. V. 1608. 5. John (Mordaunt), Lord Mordaunt, s. ami h.. 4. before 1600; sue. to the pcera'/c about 1008 ; K.B., 3 Nov. 1010 ; sum. to Pari, from 30 Jan. (1019/20), IS Jac. I., to 17 May (1025), 23 Jac. I. lie was cr., 9 March 1027/8, EA11L OF PETEKBOItOUGH, co. Northampton. He d. 18 June 1614. VI. 1644. 6. Henry (Mordaunt), 3.1 Earl of Peter- bououou, and Louu Mordaunt, b. 10 Nov. 1021; styled Lord Mordaunt from 1028 till he sac. to the pecrur/c in 1014. He d. s.p.m., 19 June 1697. V 3j .' ' f ! N 0) *- -«  (") See a list of these in vol. hi, p. 72, note " a," sub " Derby."