Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/382

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380 MORTIMER. MORTIMER /. Si.i"N Die Mortimer (possibly :i yr. br. cif Edmund, 1st Loud MoktUibh) was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MOKTI- MEB), 26 Aug. 11396), 24 Ed. I., bltf never afterwards. There is uo acouut of him in " Dngdalt," or, apparently, elsewhere. MORTIMER, or MORTIMER DE CIIIRCKE. Barony by l. Roger de Mortimer, br. to Edmund, t»t Loud Writ. Moktimkr [being ft yr. a. of Sir Roger dk Mohtiukr, of Wigmore, co. I 1^99 Hereford, by Maud, da. and coheir of William DH BraOSK, of Breck- nock), having acquired/') the Lordship of Chirk, CO. Denbigh, was sum. to Pari, as a Baron [LORD MORTIMER) from 8 Feb; (1298/9), 27 Ed. L, to 3 Nov, (13Q6V, 34 Ed. I. by writs directed " Rnytre de Uortuo ilari " and (as LORD MORTIMER DE CHIRCKK), bv write from Aug. (1307), l Ed. It, t» 15 May (1321). 11 Ed. II.,; 1 ') with the addition of the words " dc Chireke"^) His name appears as " Rogerut dt Muvtua Uari, Dominw dc Ptnikcllya" in the famous letter of the Barons to the Pope, 1301 ( l ) He served in the wars with France, Scotland and Wales, being the lung's Lieutenant in Wales and subsequently (1322) Justice of all Wales. Taking part against the Despemers he was (with his nephew, Lord Mortimer de Wigmore) imprisoned in 1332. lie m. Lucy, da. of Sir Robert DK WaFKE. lie (/. after i years imprisonment in the Tower of London, 3 Aug. 1336, and was bur. in the Abbey of Wigmore. II. 133G. & Roger me Mortimer, <>f Chirk, s. and li., was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron. He »:. Joane DK TrmiKliviu.E and was sue. by John dk Mokti.mkii. his s. and h., who sold the estate of Chirk to Richard (Fitzalan), Earl of Arundel, and who was never summoned as a Baron, nor any of his posterity tho' the Barony is presumably in ubcyaiicc among them. Barony by Writ. I. 1296. MORTIMER [of Richard* Castle] Barony by J. Hu,H DE, of Richards Castle, to, Uw&- Writ. fu,,^ s ., im > 1, „f Ktjbui t DK MORTJMER,( e ) of the same, by Joyee, da. I 1299 Wfllfam &WCHK, sue. his father in 12S>7 and became of full ' age about 1296 ; was sum., 20' Jan. (1206/7), 25 Ed. I., to a meeting 1 -ir, i Salisbury, such summons, however, not being a regular summons lovl. t „ p ar t (r) and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MORTIMER) on 0 Fel>. (1208,1H and 10 April (1290), 27 Kd. 1. He m. about 1290 Maud. He d. (1303 01), 32 Ed. L, when the Barony fell into abej/anee>{i) (") II is stated by Powel, the Welsh historian, that he was guardian to the younger of the two sons of Gritlith ap Madoc, who took the part of the English ; John (de Warenue), Earl of Surrey, being guardian to the elder son, whose portion was the Lord- ship of liromlield, while the Lordship of Chirk, was that of the younger. Both these guardians, however "so guarded these, their wards, that they never returned to their possessions and, shortly after, obtained these lands to themselves liy charter." () His name occurs in the rolls of Pari, before the record of writs of summons commenced. ( c ) "In 1307, his nephew Roger de Mortimer of Wigmore became of age and the addition of dc U/urcke was adopted to distinguish them." [Courtlwpc.] ( d ) See full account of this letter in " Nicolat," pp. 7u' 1—809. (°) This Robert, who was aged 22 in 1275, when he sue. his father, was s. and b. of Hugh de Mortimer (d. 1275), who was s. and h. of Uobert de Koi timer (dead in 1219), by Margaret, da. and h. of Hugh de Ferrers, by Mabel, da. and h. of Hugh de Say, of Richards Castle abovenamed. ( f ) See vol. i, p. Ill, note " b," sub " Ap Adam," as to this not constituting a regular Writ of summons to Pari. (e) The coheirs were his two daughters of whom (1) Joan, aged 12, in 1301, was wife of Sir Thomas dc Bikcuur in 1315-1U, by whom she had no issue. She m.