Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/384

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382 MORTON. tive being passed over) Sir Robert Douglas, of I.nehlevcn, with whom the King had apparently made terms. This Hubert accordingly hud a charter, 17 Oct. 1540, of the i Sir William D. of Liddesdalo, Eskdale, Dalkeith, Aberdour, ke., all which lauds he acquired ; sometime Earl of AUlole [S.J He it. s.p.m. 1353. SirJchn D.,2d sou; d. 1350.' Sir James D. of Dalkeith *ud Aherduur, Knight, =p Banneret, 1st sun ; sue. his uncle 1353 ; il. 1 120. | P J Sir .lames D. of Dalkeith, Aberdour, MOrton-=f= in-Nithsdale, &c, a. & h., cr. Lord Dalkeith I [S.J about 1130; a. 14-10. I i 1 — ' James, 2ud== Lord Dalkeith [8.1 s. ft h. it. 1 150. Sir Henry D. of Lochlevin, j= 2d sun, living 13',i0. r 1 Sir ilium D. of Luchlcvcn, r = s. & h. ' 1 r J Sir Henry Douglas Sir illiam Douglas of 11 hit- Sir Henry D. r j= of Borg, co, Qallo" tinghamin East Lothian, whosa of Loch- way. descendants in the male line haven, a. kU. =j= are said to be still (1893) in 1427-llul existence. I. James, 3rd Lord of Dalkeith [S.J, s. & h.,=p cr. iW o/ J/orfon [S.] 145S ; living US 1. | i ' Robert P. of Lochloven, a. & h. .-lain at Klodden 1513. I II. John, Earl of Morton [S.], only s. & h. 1501-1507. III. James, Earl of= Morion [S.J, s. k h. ; 4. s.p.m. 1553. / Sir George Douglas, of Pitten-=f= drieeh, br. to Archibald, 6th I Earl uf Angus [S.] Sir Hubert D. of Lochleveu,- only s. & h. j sue. in 1513. James (Ham- i — =Marga- ilton), Karl of ret, 1st Arran [S.], di Regent of Scotland, 15 13 -,(1.1575. Dukes <jf Hamilton [S.J descendants. r Robert (Max- Well) Lord Max- well, [S.J ■Bea- trix, yst. da. Eliza-=1V. James Douglai heth, sue. n&Barl of Ma 2d da. in 1553, Thomas D.,= only s. & h. ap., (I. v.p. 1 David,=r 7th Earl of Aug. Regent of Scot- [&],&& land, 1572. He b„ tl. <i. s.p., being be- 1558. headed 1681. V. John, Lord Maxwell=f [S.J, cr. 1581 Earl ef Morton [S.J; deprived 15S5 ; d. 1593. VI. Archibald, 8th Earl of Angus [S.J, only s. ft li. He sue. as Earl Sir Robert=p of Morton [S.J in 1585. He (/. D.ofLoch- s.p.m. 1588, when the Earldom of leven, only Morton reverted to the family of k. & h., Douglas of Dalkeith & Lochleven, slain 1517. John, Lord Maxwell [S.J, h. k li.,d. s.p. 1813. Robert, Lord Maxwell [S.J, cr. Earl of Nilhsdale [S.J with tltc precedency of 1381, the date of the Earldom of Morton [S J, conferred on bis late Father. I Earls of Nithsdale [S.J descendants. VII. Sir William Douglas of Loehleven, s. & h., who, iu 1588, sue. as Earl of Morton [S.J Sir Hubert Douglas, 2d son, who jure uxoris besoms Earl of Buchan [S.] Earls of Morton [S.J descendants in the mule line. Earls of Buchan [S.J descendants iu the female liue.