Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/386

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384 MORTON*. [S5.J, nml sat in Pari, as such 30 Oct. 1581, to Dec. 1585, notwithstanding an act of Privy Council of that last named year, revoking the grant of 1.181 The attainder of the late Karl was, however, formally reversed 21* Jan. 1585/8, when the EarUtom of Morton reverted to the heir of entail, tin's grantee : > being thereafter known [only] as Loud Maxwkll [S.] See " Maxwki.i. " Baroay [S.J, a: 1 1 1.1 ' under the 7th Baron. VI. 1580. ■". ARCHIBALD (DoentAS), Karl of Akovs, Earl of MoRToN. and T.ohd Dalkkitii [S.J. only s. and li. of David, Kaiii. ok Anufs [S.], by Margaret, or Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Hamilton, which Karl David was elder br. of James (DOUGLAS), 4th Kaiii. Of Morton [S. |. sue. his father in 1.118 (when but 2 years old) as Sari of Am/us, and by the act of indemnity of 1181, and letters of rehabilitation, 29 Jan. 1585/1!, sue. bis paternal nncle, the said Karl James, as Suit of Morton, kc, under the spec. rem. in the regrant (June 1564), of that dignity, which had been under attainder since IIS 1. He tl. 1 .188, s.p.m.,; when the Enrhlom of Amjtis devolved on his cousin and h. male. See fuller particulars under " Angfs," UiirMom [S.> The Earldom of Morton, however, devolved as below. VII. 1588. 6. Wilmam (Dovqlas), lv n r. of Morton wxl Lord Dalkeith [S.], a distant cousin(') in the male line of the first three Earls, being firstC) s. and h. of Sir Robert DlMJOtAS, by Margaret, da. of John (Erskink), Lord Eiiskink [S.], which Robert, wan only s. and h. of Thomas D. (who (/. v.p.'i, only s. and h. of Sir Robert D. s. and h. of (another) Robert D. (slain at Plodden, l.lDl), 1st s. and h. of Sir Henry 1 1, (living 1 464', 1st s. and h of Sir William I)., 1st s. and h. of Sir Henry II. (living 1890), all being of I.ochleven. which Sir Henry was yr. br. of Sir James Douglas, of Dalkeith and Aherdour, father <if the 1st LORD Dai.KKITH [S.J. anil great grandfather of the let Earl ok Morton [§.] his father (who was slain at the battle of Pinkie), 10 Sep. 1.117. in the estate of I.orhlevon. being served heir in 1.1:1.1. He was custodian of <,>uccn Mary at I.ochleven Castle in 1508, He, with his son Itobert, was engaged in the raid of linthven. Aug. 1582, both obtaining remission of treason, 27 Dec. lis!. He sue. to the peerage [S.]. in 1588, IHltler the spec, rtm. in the regrant, 2 June 1564, made to the 4th Karl, and the letters of rehabilitation, 39 Jan. 1685/tt, which reversal the attainder of that Karl. His title was confirmed by act of Privy Council, 12 July ISflS-W He m. before 1565, Agnes, 1st da of George (I.ksi.ik). 4th EaRL of KoTHKS [S.j, by Margaret (one of his numerous wives), illegit. da. of Willium (Cuichton), 3d Bonn C'HICHTON [Si] She was living "JO July 1.189. Bed. 24 Sep. 1606. VIII. lGOfi. ~. William (Douglas), Earl of Morton, &e. [is.], grandson and h., beings, and h. of Robert DoFOLAS (sometimes^ ) called Master of Morton), by Jean, da. of John (I.voN), Lord (Ji.a.mis [S.], which Robert was s. and h. ap. of the late Karl, hut tl. v. p. March 1581 (being drowned oil' Holland) before his father had sue. to the peerage. He was 4. 1562 ; was served belt (») Robert, Lord Maxwell [S.J, his son, was it., 20 Aug. 1620, Karl of Nithsdalo, &c [S.J, with the pieccdeney of 211 Oct. 1081, viz., the date of the creation of this Earldom of Morton. (') In Burke's peerage for 1S87 (downwards) it is stated that this Earl was ai<c. by an infant son, Earl of Angus and Morton, who tl. 1.188. ( c ) See tabular pedigree on p. 881, note " c." ( ,! ) The second son, Sir Robert Doughs, became jure uxoril Earl of Bnchan [S.], being ancestor (in the female line) of the existing Earls of Buchan. The third son was the well known Sir George Douglas, who aided the escape of Queen Mary from I.ochleven in 1,167, and who was by her (according to Bishop Burnet in the, MS. of bis history) father of another George Douglas. See also " i. and CJ.," lid a., xi, ,11. ')) Foster's peerage, 1S83. ( r ; See a letter by " Sii/ma " in " If. <F Q." shewing that he was called " Master of Morton " as early as 1582 (when taken captive at Algiers) as well as at his death in 1584. It is possible that his father (tho' he did not legally succeed thereto till 1188) may have styled himself Earl of Morton soon after the death (1.181) of the 4th Earl, there being then but one person (and he childless and an Earl of a more ancient creation) between him and the right of succession to that dignity.