Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/39

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LEEDS. 37 sue. to the Dukedom, &c, 25 June 1729. He m. firstly, 10 Dec. 1712 (mar. He. London on 1 3 Ll ■. each aged 21), Elizabeth, <la. of Robert (.Hahlky), 1st Karl of Oxford, by his first wife, Elizabeth, <la. of Thomas Foley. She d. in childbed 20 Nov. 1713. aged 2S, and was lur. at Kiveton. it A He hi. secondly. 17 Sep. 1710, Anne, 3d (la. of Charles (SEYMOUR), 0th Duke OF So.MEIt.SET, by bis first wife, Elizabeth, da. and h of JocelyD (PltnCT), EaHI. of Nohthf.mberL.O'd. She d. s.p.s. 27 Nov. 1722. He ffi. thirdly, 9 April 1727', at St. Anne's, Si. ho, Juliana, da. and coheir of linger HELE, nf Halewell, Devon. He d. 9 April 1731, in his -10th year. Will pr. Dec. 1731. His widow >«., 7 Oct. 1732, Charles (Coi.year), 2d Eahl ok PoRUIORK [8.], who d. 5 July 17S, r .. She d. 20 Nov. 1704, aged 89.(») Will pr. Feb. 1705. IV. 1731. J/. Thomas (Osborne), Dukk or Leeds, &c, also YlscoiNT Dfnui.axk [S.], 1st and only surv. s. and h.,by first wife, t. Ii Nov. 1713, usually known as EARL OP DaNIIV till 1720 when he was styled MaRQUEM of CaKUaRTBKN till he cue. to the peerage. 0 April 1731; ed. lit Westm. and at Ch. Ch., Oxford : mat., C July 1731 ; a: D.C.L., 0 April 1733 : F.H.S., 1730 ; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 174S ; Cll. Justice in Eyre, south of Trent, 174S-56 ; el. K G, 22 June 1710, and rest, 12 July 1750; Cofferer of the Household, 1756-61 ; PC, 1757; Ch. Justice in Eyre, north of Trent. 1761-74. He m., 26 June 1740, at St. Mai tins in the fields, Mary, 2d and yst. da. and coheir (whose issue became sole heir) of Erancis (GOBOU'HTS), 2d Eahl of Godolfhix, by Henrietta, sho jure DCCHESS of Mahluuiuiiuh, 1st da. and coheir of (the famous' John (CllUtclllLL), 1st Dl'KK OF MARLBOROUGH. ( b ) Slie d. 3 Aug. 1761, aged 41, and was bur. the 12th at Harthill, CO. York. Will pr. 1761. He d. 23 March 17*9, in St. James square, aged 75, and was lur. at Harthill. Will pr. April 1789. [Thomas Oshokne, styled Mauquess of Caumaiitiiex, e. ;unl h. up., b. 5 Oct. 1747, and bap. 26th at St.' Westm., d. v. p. (of the small pox) 15 Aug. 1761, and was bur. 23d at Harthill, aged 13.J V, 1789. J. FBAKCI8 Gonoi.i'iux (Oseouxe", IHke cf Leeds, kc, also Yiscoint Dfnri.axe fS ], yst. but only surv. s. and h., 4. and lap. 29 Jan. 1750 1, at St. James' Westm., sttikd MAlUjl'E-s ok Carmarthen, 1761-89; ed. at Westm. and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; mat., 11 June 1767: er. M.A., 30 March 1769. and D.C.L.. 7 July 1773 ; F.H.S.. 1773 ; M.P. for Eye, 1774, and for Hclston, 1774-75, being sum. v.]>. in his father's Barony as Lord Oshorne of Kiveton by writ dat. 15 May 1776; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1776-77; Lord Chamberlain to the Queen Consort, 1 777-SO; EG, 1777; Lord Lieut, of the East Liding of co. York. 1778-80, and again 1782 ; Ambassador to Paris, 10 Eeb. to 0 April ( a ) At the Coronation of Ueorge III. in 1761, she being then wife of the Earl of I'ortmore [S.] claimed to walk as " Dowager Duchess of Leeds," by which designation she always styled herself. This claim was (of course) refused tho' she received summons to walk thereat as Countess of 1'ortmore. See Cr.iise's " Diynitia," 2d edit, 1823, p. 90. where is quoted the saying of Lord Coke, " If a Duchess by marriage afterwards marries a Baron she remains a Duchess and does not lose her name, because her huslviud is Noble," a saying which subverts the old rule of " that which is gained by marriage may be lost by marriage. Modem modo quod > L uid eonstituitur. diuultitvr." See also vol. iii, p. 153, note " b," for a similar claim by a Dowager Duchess of Dorset. "The Duchess of Leeds" (says Sir X. Wraxall in Ma " Posthumous memoirs") exhibited in my time a melancholy example of human decrepitude, frightful in her person, wholly deprived of one eye, and sinking under infirmities. When young she had been a friend of the celebrated Lady Vane and is mentioned in the memoirs of that extraordinary woman, pub. by Smollett in his novel of Ptrtgrint Fickle. She outlived her first husband more than 63 years. Her jointure amounted to i'3,000 per annum and sho consequently drew from tbe Leeds estate the incredible sum of £190,000 during her widowhood." () The heir of line of the great Duke of Marlborough is consequently among her descendants, as I he present Duke of M. derives his descent from Ann, wife of Charles (Spencer), Earl of Sundeiland, second da. and coheir of the great Duke.