Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/410

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408 MOUNTRATH— MOUNTROSE. IV. 1709. 4- Chakles (Cootk), Eaiu. of Mountbath, &c. [LI, s. and b. ; ;il><nit 1CS0; stylul Viscount Casti.ecootb till he sue. to the peerage [I.], May 17011; took bis scat 10 Aug. 1711 ; was Bonietimc M P. for Knaresbcruugh ; P.G. to King George 1 , 1711. He d. uuui. at Bourbon, in France, U &p. and was bur. 27th Oct. 1715 iu St. James', Westm. Will pr. Nov. 1715. V. 1715. -5. Hrkbv (Cootb), Eaki. of Mountrath, &c. [1-1 » br. and b. ; t. 4 and bap. 10 Jan. 1683/4 at St. Martins in the fields ; was M.P. for Knaresborough 1714-20; sue to the peerage [I.], 11 Sep. 1715. He it. train, at Batii, 27 March 1720, aged 3ti. Burial registered (1 April 1720) at iiath Abbey and 7 April 1720 at St. James, Westm. Will pr. 1720. VI. 1720. 6'. Algernon (Cootk), Eabx of Mount-hath, &c, [I.], br. and b. ; hp. 0 June 1 US!' at St. James, Westm. lie tut. to the peerage [I.], 27 March 1720, and took his seat 29 March 1723. M.l'. for Castle Rising, 172:1 arid for Heydou (co. York), 1741 ; P.O. [1.] ; 03V. of Queens county. He in. 2S Nov. 1721, Diana, ytst. da. of Hichard (Nkwfuht), 2d Earl 0F Bradford, by Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Wii.iihaham. 3d Hart. He d. 27 Aug. and was Ami . 7 Sep. 1744 in Westm. Abbey, aged 55. Will dat. 20 July and pr. 8 Sep. 174 1. His Widow d. 14 July 1700,"), aged t0 ami was bur. 25 iu Westm. Abbey, "in a new- vault made in Holies chapel for her and her late husband" whose remains were removed accordingly. Will (bequeathing A'2,500 for such new vault and for a monu- ment) dat. !l June and pr. 27 Nov. 1700. VII. 1741, 7. Charles Henry (Cootk), Earl of Mountrath, to Viscount COOTS ok Castle Coote and Baron Coote of Castle Cuffe 1802. [I.], only s. and h., b. about 1725 ; ttyleA Viscount Castlkcoote, till » " he tut, to the pierage [1]., 27 Aug. 1744, taking his seat 19 Dec. 1753 ; P.C. [1.]. Having no legitimate isaue( b ), and there being no heir presumptive to his peerage dignities, he was ei. 31 July 1S00^) BAHON CASTLE COOTK [I.], with a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing the heirs male of his body to his kiiiMnan {not however his heir mate}, the lit. Hon. Charles Henry C00TE. He d. num. 1 March J8i>2 aged about 77, at Strawberry hill, eo. Devon.( cl ) At his death the Earldom of MouiitiaiA, the i'iseuituteij oj Coote of Castle Coote and the Barony of Coote. of Castle Cuffe [I.], became extinei ; while the Barony of Castle Coote [I. |, (er. in 1 S00), devolved (according to the slice, rem. abovenamcd) to his distant cousin, (but became txlintt ill 1S27) and the Baronetcy [1. 1021] devolved on another distant cousin, his heir male collateral. Will pr. Ib02, leaving his English estates (Dereham Abbey, eo. Norfolk, &c), to his maternal relations, but his Irish estates tu the Coote family. MOUNTKEAL, sec MONTREAL. MOUNTKOSE, sco MONTKOSE. (") This is the Lady to whom Horace Walpole alludes, " The reverend head of the Law [Lord Hardwicke] is frequently shut up here [at Twickenham] with my Lady Mountrath, who is as Hch and tipsy as Cucaioijo in the comedy. What a jumble of avarice, lewdness, dignity and claret I" {*) On 0 Sep. 1761, "Charles, b.b. son of the Earl of Mountrath and Mary Preston, born 30 July," was bap. at St. James, Westm. ( c ) One of the 10 Irish Baronies er. that day, for a list of which see vol. iv, p. 205, note "c," sub " lleuniker." C) There is a long and curious account of him iu the Animal llerj. for 1S02. His dread of smrll pox was so great, "that he had relays at five houses between his teat in Norfolk and his house in Devonshire to prevent the chance of infection ; and at these houses small establishments were kept, as he dared not sleep at an inn." He appears latterly to have lived " absolutely the life of a recluse."