Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/412

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410 MOUNT-STUART — MOWBRAY. II. 1791. „?. John (Stuart), Earl of Bute, &c. [S.], also Baron Mount-Stuart or Woktley, and Baron Cardiff [G.B.], s. gad h., b. 30 June 1714; sue. his father in the Scotch Earldom anil dignities, 10 March 1792, having v.p. been cr. (20 May 1766), Baron Cardiff, and having sue. his mother, ti Nov. 1794, as Baron Moust-StuaBT Of Wobtlbt. He was cr., 21 March 170*3, MAR- QUESS OF BUTE ; see that dignity. MOUNT-TEMPLE. i.e., " Temple of Mount-Temple, co. Sli-<>," Barony [I.] (Temple), or. 1723 with the Viscountcy of Palmerston [I.], which see ; extinct 1S65. Barony. jr. The Kt. Hon. William-Francis Owpkh-Temple-, I. lt'SO /wwrfyCowrsR, 2d s.of Peter Leopold Louia Francis Nassau (Cowpbr), to ' 5th Earl Cowteb, by Emily Mary, 1st da. of Peuiston(LAMB), 1st l ew£ VlSCOUKT Mki.ikhine [1.], which lady »> secondly Henry John (Temple), 3d Viscount Palmerston and Babon Temple ufMocnt Temple [I. J, the celebrated Minister (whorf. s.p. IS Oct. 1 StjTi, aged SI), was b. 13 Dec. 1811, at Brocket Hall, Herts ; ed. at Eton ; sometime, 1830-35, an ollicer in the Hoyal Horse Guards, becoming Capt. (unitttached) 1835, and Major, 1852 ; M.P. for Hertford, 1835-63, and for South Hants, 1S6S-S0 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1841 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1846-52, and again 1853-55; P.O., 1S55 ; Under Home Sec. 1S55 ; President of Board of Health, 1855-57 and 1857-58. Paymaster General, 1859-60; Chief Com- missioner of Works, 1S60-66. Took by Royal lic.17 Nov. 1S69, the name of Temple, alter that of C'oicpcr,oi inheriting (at the death. 11 Sep. 1 Stilt of his mother) the estates (Broad- lands in Hampshire, &c, as also certain Irish estates) under the will of his stepfather, Viscount Palmerston abovenamed. He was o: 25 May 18S0, BAKON MOUNT- TEMPLE of Mount Temple, co. Sligo, He m. firstly 27 June IS 13, at St. .lames' Westm., Harriett, Alicia, da. of Daniel Gcrney, of North Kuncton, co. Norfolk, by Harriett Jemima, da. of William (Hay), Earl of ESBOLL [S.] She (/. 28 Aug. following in her 19th year, at North Kuncton. He hi. secondly 21 Nov. 1S4R, at St. Peters Pimlico, Georgiana, 9th da. of Vice Admiral John Richard Delap Tot. lem ache, formerly Halliday, by Elizabeth, da. of John (Stratford), 3d Earl of Aldbobougu [I.] He d. s.p. (after a short illness), 17 Oct. 1SS8, in his 77th year, at Broadlands, and was bur. in the cemetery at Komsey, Hants, when the Barony became extinct.^) Will pr. at £76,123. His widow living 1S93. Family Estates. — These, in 1S83, consisted of 6,135 acres in Hampshire; 1.219 in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and 23 in Herts ; besides 738 (worth as much as £6,7S8 a year) in co. Dublin. Total 8,145 acres, worth i'16,270 a year.( b ) Principal Residence. Broadlands, near liomsey, Hants. MOWBRAY, oi MOWBRAY DE AXILIIOLM. Barony by ]. Roger de Mowbray, of tho Isle of Axliolme, co. Liu- Writ, coin, oue of the most considerable Barons of the north, 8. and h.of Roger I 1 2S3 DE MOWBRAT of the same, by Maud, da, and coheir of William DE BbaUCHAMP, of Bedford, which Roger, last named, was 3. of William DE Mowbbay, one of the 25 Barons(°) appointed to enforce the Mayna Charta, sue. his Father in (1266-67), 51 Hen. III. ; served in the wars in Wales and France and was sum. by writ 28 June (1283), 11 Ed. W He " had been till recently a consistent and zealous member of the Whig party and a supporter of Mr. Gladstone's policy. He took an active part in the work of endeavouring to ameliorate the condition of the poorer classes and was a prominent member of several charitable institutions." [Morning Post, 17 Oct. 1SSS.J () His estates in Ireland were left to his widow absolutely, but his estates in Hampshire and Yorkshire, his pictures at Broadlands, &c.,to his nephew, the Hon, Anthony K. M. Ashley, with a request that he should take the name of Temple. (°) " Roger de MOWBBAT, a younger brother of this Baron, [William] ought, perhaps, to be ranked among the Barons of this period [1215], as he is generally considered to have been another of the celebrated 25 Barons appointed to enforce the observance of Magna Charta, though some writers call him Roger de Montbezon. This Roger de Mowbray died s.p." [Nicolas]. or 1295.