Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/415

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MOWBRAY. 413 being usually known under the style of " Earl Marshall." He m. Constance, da. of John (HnLAND), Doke ok Exeter, by Elizabeth, da. of John (Plantagenet, styled " of Gaunt " ), DCKK of Lancaster. He d. s.p., being beheaded (without any trial or attainder) at York, 10 June 1405, aged 18 (having joined in the Scrope conspiracy) and was Bar. in Vork Minster. Ilia widow m. Sir John GiiEV, K.G., s. and h. ap. of Reginald, ad Lord Grey de Ruthin, by whom, who d. v.p. 27 Aug. 1430, she was mother of Edmund, 1st Eahl ok Kent. Yin. 1105. S. John (de Mowbray), Earl of Norfolk, 1 Earl ok Nottingham, Lord Mowbray and Lord Segravk, Earl Marshal of England, br. ami h.. h. 1390 ; was sum. to Pari. 22 March 1412/3, as EARli MARSHAL,'") and was vestured 14 July 1424, as DUKE OK NORFOLK, Sec. He d. 19 Oct. 1 133. IX. 1432. 9. Jon.v (de Mowbray), Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Norfolk, Earl ok Nottingham, Earl Marshal// 1 ) LoBB Mowrhay and Lord Segkave, &c, only s. aud h. ; b. 12 Sep. Ul5, He (/. U Nov. 1401, aged 40. X. 14G1. 10. Jon.v (de Mowbrat), Duke of Norfolk [1397]. Earl ok Norfolk [1312], Karl ok Nottingham [13S3], Earl Marshal'/ 1 ) [1413], Gam, of Surrey and Warenne [1451), Lord Mow- bray and Lord SkoRAVB, &c, only s. and b> ; 6. 18 Oct. 1544 ; cr. v.p. 24 March 1451, EARL OK SURREY AND WARENNE; sue. to the other dignities in Nov. 14(51. He d. s.p.m , 17 Jan. 1475/0, aged 31, when the Dakedom of Norfolk ami the Earldoms of Nottingham, Surrey and Warenne became extinct. XL 1476, 11. Anne, sun jure Countess of Norfolk [1312], to Baroness Mowbray and Baroness Segravk and (presumably) 1478.? Countess Marshal,( ;i ) only da. and h. She, at her age 'of seven, m. 15 Jan. 1477/8, Richard (Plantagenet), Duke of York (second s. of King Edward IV.), who, in contemplation of such marriage, was cr. on 12 June 1470, EARL OK NOTTINGHAM and, on 7 Keb. 1477, EAHL WARENNE and DUICE OF NORFOLK. She appears to have d. an infant aud s.p. [1478], in the lifetime of her husband, who (together with his br. King Edward V.) was murdered (in his 10th or 11th year), 23 June 1483. (See fuller particulars of him, under "York," Dukedom, cr. 1477 ; ex. 14S3). At her death all her peerage dignities reverted to the Crown, or fell into abeyance () (») Seep. 2G2, note "c," sub "Marshal." ( b ) The coheirs were the representatives of her great grand aituts, the two daughters of Thomas (Mowbray), 1st Duke of Norfolk, vis, (1) Isabel, who m. firstly Henry Ferrers who d. s.p.m. and secondly (1423-24) James (de Berkeley), Lord Berkeley. She d. 27 Sep. 1172 being ancestress of the succeeding Lords Berkeley, of whom William, her 1st s. and h. was, in 1483, Or. Earl of Nottingham (one of the Mowbray Earldoms), being afterwards cr. Marquess of Berkeley ; (2) Margaret, who ire. Sir Robert Howard (who d. 1436), by whom she was mother of John, Lord Howard, or. in 1483, Duke of Norfolk, ancestor of the succeeding Dukes.