Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/5

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LANARK — LANCASTER, 3 Bridport, 18-11-52; for Lanarkshire, Feb. to April 1857 ; for Hon i ton, 1850-GS, and for the Isle of Wight, 1870 to 18S0, when (having been in the House of Commons for 40 years) he was cr., 3 May 18S0, HA RON LAMINGTON of Lamington, co. Lanark. He was a Knight of the Redeemer of Greece. lie m.. 4 Dec. 184 1, Annabella Mary Elizabeth, 1st da. of Andrew Robert Dhu.mmoxd, of Cadlands, co. .Southampton, by Elizabeth Krederica, da. of John Henry (Manners), 5th Dokk ok Rutland. He d. at 26 Wilton crescent, 16 Feb. 1890, aged 73.(») His widow, who was 6. 4 April 1824, living 1892. II. 1890. '.2. Charles Wallace Alexander Napier Ross (Cochrane-Baii.lie), Baron Lamington, only s. and h., 6. 31 July 1S60; cd. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; B.A., 1831 ; Assistant Private Sec. to the l'rime Minister (Salisbury), 1S85-S6 ; M.P. for North St. Pancras, 1886,. till on IS Keb. 1S90, he sue. to the pceraye. Family E$tata.~Thase, in 1S83, consisted of 10,833 acres in Lanarkshire and 1,750 in Haddingtonshire, besides 125 (worth £680 a year) in Hampshire. Total 12,708 ai res, worth £10,463 a year exclusive of £1,388 "for minerals. Principal Residences. Lamington, near Biggar, Co. Lanark, and Quarr Abbey, near Kyde, Isle of Wight. LANARK.

>., " Lanark " [" Lanerick "] Earldom [S.] (Hamilton), cr. 1G39 ;

ex. (apparently) 1651. See "Hamilton" Dukedom [S.], cr. 1643, under the 2d Duke. LANCASTER, or DE LANCASTRE. Barony by John de Lancaster or Lancastre, of Rydal, co. West- Writ,, s. and h. of Roger DE L.NCASTEH,( b ) of Rydal afsd., by Philippa, 1st da. and coheir of Hugh DK Bolebko, of Northumber- I. 1299, land ; ItiC. his father in 1291 ; served in the French and Scotch wars to and was sum. to Pail, as a Baron (LORD DE LANCASTRE) by writs 1334. from 29 Dec. (1299), 28 Ed. I., to 12 Dec. (1309), 3 Ed. UM His name as " Joh's. de Lancaslr,' Dns. de Giisdalc," is affixed to the letter of the Barons to the Pope in 1301. ( J ) He d. s.p. 1334 when the Barony became extinct. His widow, Annora, d. 133S.(°) Barony by J. Henry Plantagenet, styled "of Lancaster," 2d. Writ s - Edmund, Earl ok Lancaster, who was jr. s. of King Henry III, was about 1231, and sum. to Pari, (v.p.) as a Baron (LORD I. 1299. DE LANCASTRE) by writ 6 Feb. (1298/9), 27 Ed. I. addressed " Henrico de Lancastre, nepoti Rcyia," and by other writs directed " Henrico de Lancastvc," from that year, to 26 Dec. (1323), 17 Ed. II. On 29 (») Ho was well known in society and is the " BucHurst" in Disraeli's novel of " Coninysby," being ("in the forties") one of the young England party. His very interesting reminiscences (of that period) entitled " In the days of the Dandies " were being pub. in Blackwood's Magazine at the time of his death. ( b ) This Roger (who d. 1291) was bastard brother of William de Lancaster, feudal Lord of Kendal (rf. about 1246) who was s. and h. of Gilbert Fitz Roger Fitz Reinfred, by Helewise, da. and h. of William de Lancaster, s. and h. of William de Tailbois, feudal Lord of Kendal, who assumed the name of " Lancaster." (o) He was also sum. 26 Jan. (1296/7), 25 Ed. I. See vol. i, p. Ill, note "b," sub " Ap Adam," as to this writ not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. ( d ) See account thereof in " Nicolas," pp. 761 -809. («) See " Ooll. Top. el Gen.," vii, p. 265. It appears that on tier death one " John Lancaster, of Holgill, was found to be one of her heirs virtute doni." The heir of the Baron (according to Dugdale) was Richard, sou of Richard de Plaiz, aged 12 years at his death. B"