Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/53

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LEICESTER. 51 XIX.. 1744, Thomas Coke, of Ilolklmni, co. Norfolk, s. and h. of tn Edward Cukk, at the lame; 1 >y Carey, d*. of Sir John Newton, 3d 1 759. B'ift. of Li u rs i unit, v, as 4. about 1695: his father, 13 April 1707: was M.P for Norfolk, 1723 and 1727-28; K.B., 27 May 1725. was e*. 2S Hay 1728. BAIION LoVKL UK MINSTER LUVEL. oo. Oxford was <■>■ B May 17)1. VISCOUNT COKE OF IIOLKHAM. co. Norfolk, and KA'iL OF 1 LEICESTER* beimj at various dates (1733 io 1759) either joint, or sole Postmaster <5ener*l ; F. ii.S., c. He m, 2 July 1 7 IS, Margaret. 3d da. and coheir of Tlv'tua* (Tt'Pros), U:li Kunti OF Tiivnkt, by Catharine, da- and coheir of Henry (CiVKSOIMIi DtTKB ok X kwcas n.K. He il. s.p.s ,( f j 20 April 17."<9. aged about 65, when nil A >8 honours l.remie extiutt. Will |>r. June 175'. His widow, who was 6. Iti June 17 '0. had Income before his death. *«» jure. BARONESS DK CLIFFORD, the alwyance of that Barony [e: 1299), being terminated in her favour by patent, 3 AatC 1731. She it. 2S Mi. 1775. aged 71. at Holkhain, afsd., when that Barony fell again into abi-yancc. Will pr. .March 1777'. [ i".i)w.iin Coke. rfylM Viscot'xx Coke (174 1-53), only s. ami h. np., h. about 1 7^10 ; mat. at Oxfonl (Ch- Ch.i, 12 June 1735; 11. P. for Norfolk, 17-11-47, and for Harwich, 17l7-o3. He m. in 1747. Mary. 5th & yst. da. and coheir of John (CMP?Kl.t,), 2d [>UKK (HI AnoTLt, [Si], and UttKK ok Greenwich. He </. v.p., and sp, in London, 31 Vug. and was bur. 7 Sep. 1753, at Charlton, co. Kent. His widow tt. 30 Sc-p. 1811. Will pr. 1M 1] XX. 1784. 1. George (Towxshen'd), Loud DB Ferrers audi Loan C0MPT051, having raa his mother in these Baronies, 14 Sep. 1770, and having been turn, to Pari, as Lord Ferrers, by writ 25 April 1771, was cr. IS May 1784^) KARL OF LEICEsiTBR( 1 >) (i.e., " Earl of the County of Leicester') iu the lifetime of his father, Cieorge. then Viscount Townsmknd of Rayniixm, but subsequently (n: 31 Oct. 1787) Marquess ToWnsiiknd ok RaynHaM; He sue. Ids Father, 14 Sep. 1807, as 2d Marquess Tuwnshend of Itavnham. He </. 27 Jul v 1811, aged 50. > XXI. 1811, 2. George Ferraus (Toyvxshexd), Marquess to Towxshkxh ok HayniiaM [17S7]. Earl ok Leicester [1784], 1 855. VlBCops* Townmiend ok Kayniiam [10S2], LORfl de Ferrers []299], Loud Comiton [1572] and Baron Towxshbxii ok Lynx Rkois [1661], s, and h.. 4. 13 Dec. 177S ; styled Loud Ferrers, 1784- 1807. and Ugltd Eaiii. ok Leicester from 1S07 till he sue to the Marquetsate of VaKiuktnd, 27 duly 1811. He it. s.p. 31 Dec. 1S55, aged 77, when the Earldom of Leicester become extinet. J 3. «  SS a in g legitimate person and as such, well entitled to t iie inheritance of the honours of the family, lint with respect to the inheritance of the estates demanded by him he failed to establish a better right than the tenant iu possession. This (according to the statement at. the trial) arose from his averment that his father, Earl Jocelyn, was possessed then of in fee and not as tenaut for life, which was the fact, as opened by the tenant ; and further contended, that even had he been possessed thereof in fee then by his will the Karl had given them away to a third party. The event of this trial going to admit the legitimacy of the demandant, embraces an important question as to the absolute extinction of the honours." [Banks.] " See note " c ' next above, as to the claim to the Earldom of Leicester, &c., nnd see p. 50, note " b " as to the claim to a Barony of Sydney supposed to have been cr. by writ iu 1039. (") It was granted to her Bister, Mary, wife of Charles Morgan, her mother, Emmett Dorset, widow, the next of kin, having renounced. No notice is taken of her (infant) son, Julia Sydney (4. 17S3, it. 1812), mentioned in note "c " next above. Pj The estates, after the death of his w idow, devolved on his sister's son. Wenman Roberts, who took the name of Coke, and w ho was father of Thomas William Coke, it. in 1837, EaRL ok Leicester ok Houcham. (8) See vol. iii, p. 335, note " c " as to his designation in that patent. O 1 ) Iu " Collins " (vol. ii, p. 4821, is a tabular pedigree shewing his descent, in two ways, from the old Kails of Leicester of the house of Beaumont, fl'z. (1) thro' the E 2