Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/59

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LE1NSTER. II. 1773. H. YClLUAM KoBERT (FlTZ GeBAM)), DCKEOF LEISfcTEB, &e. [I.], hIfo Viscount Leinstf.r or Taplow [G.B.], 2d but 1st surv. .-. ami It., I. 13 March 1 74S, l>. in Arlington place, Piccadilly ; tilled Earl of Offaly, 1765-C6, ninl Marquess OF Kir.DAHK, 1706-73; ed. at Eton and at Cambridge; some'.ime (1765) Cornet of Horse; M.P. for city of Dublin, 1767-71 ; Sheriff of co. Kildare, 1772: .inc. to the pterage, 19 Nov. 1773; Gov. of co. Kildare. 1773 ; P.C. [I.]. 1777 ; Col. of the 1st Keg. of Dublin Volunteers, 1777 ; K.P , 5 Feb. 1783, being one of the Founders!") of that Order ; Master of the Rolls [I.J, 178S-89. and Clutk lit the Crown and Hanaper fl.], 1795-97 ; was a cordial supporter of the UtHOl).( b ) He m„ 7 Nov. 1770, Emilia Olivia, da. and h. of St. George (Usher St. George), Bahon St. George OF Hatley St Gkohge [I.], by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Christopher DOMIKfCK, of Dublin. She d. 23 June 1798, at Thomas' Hotel, Berkeley »q„ and was bur. at Taplow, Bucks. He d. 20 Oct. 1804, aged 55, at Carton House, co. Kiklare, and was bur. in Kildare Abbey. [Oeorge Fitz Gerald, ttyled Marquess of Kildare, s. and h. ap., b. 20 June 1783, at Carton afsd., King George III. being his sponsor. He </. an infant 10 Eeb. 17S4.] ITT. 1804. 3. Augustus Frederick. (Fitz Gerald). Duke of Lfinster, Sec. [I.], also Viscount Lf.insteu of Taplow [G.B.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 21 Aug. 1791, at Carton afsd., being godson to George, Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. ; styled Marquess of Kildare till he sue. to the peerane, 20 Oct. 1804 ; ed. at Eton; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 18 Oct. 1810: P.C [I. and E.], 1S31 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Kildare, 1831 ; Lord High Constable [I.] for Coronation of William IV., S Sep. 1831, and of Queen Victoria, 2S June 1838 ;(■") Grand Master of the Freemasons in Ireland. He m., 16 June 181S, Charlotte Augusta, 3d and yst. da. of Charles (Stanhope), 3d Earl of Harrington, by Jane, da. and coheir of Sjr John Fleming, Hart. She, who was b. 15 Feb. 1793, d. 15 Feb. 1859, at Carton afsd. He d. 10 Oct. 187 !, aged 83, at Carton afsd., and was bur. at Maynooth. IV. 1874. 4- Charles William (Fitz Gerald), Dukeof Leixster, &c. [I.], also Viscount Leinster of Taplow [G.B.], b. 30 March 1S19, in Dublin, styled MARQUESS of Kildare till 1874; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 19 dct. 1837 ; B.A., 1840 ; M.A., 1852 ; a Commissioner of Nat. Educ. [I.], 1S41 : High Sheriff for co. Kildare, 1843; M.P. for co. Kildare, 1S17-52 ; Chancellor of the Queen's Univ. of Ireland, 1870; was cr. v.p„ 3 May 1870, BAUON KILDARE of Kildare, co. Kildare [U.K.], but, four years later, sue., 10 Oct. 1874, to his father's peerages [I. and G.B.] ; P.C. [I.J, 1879. He m., 13 Oct. 1847, Caroline, 3d da. of George Granville (Sutherland-Lkveson-Gower), 2d DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, by Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, da. of George (Howard), 6th Earl of Carlisle. He (1. 10 Feb. 1887, aged 67, at Carton afsd.C) Will resettled in London 25 April 1887 above £61,000. His widow, who was b. 15 April 1827, d. (a few mouths after him) 13 May 1887, aged 60, at Kilkea Castle, co. Kildare. ( ;l ) See vol. i, p. 136, note " d," sub " Arran," for a list of these Founders. (*') He received for compensation for the loss of his borough influence, £15,000 for Kildare, .£13,000 for Athy, and £1,200 for Euuiskillen. ( ,: ) His part thcreiu is thus alluded to in Barbara's inimitable " Iugoldsby Legends," sub " Air. Barney Maguire's account of the Coronation." " Och ! the Coronation '.—What celebration For emulation— can with it compare ; When to West-minster— the Royal Spinster And the .Duke of Lci/ister—nll in order did repair !"' ( rt ) See vol. iii, p. 358, note "a," tub " Fitz Gerald," for some notice of his work (when Marquess of Kildare) entitled "The Earls of Kildare" and the " Addenda " thereto.