Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/62

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60 LENNOX. LEXXOX [or LEVENACH]. Earldom L r S ] /:. BayiO of Scotland, br. of King WjUJAM Tin- I 1 1*80 ? 1(IN 1^1 *** ' - v l i,t -^'°" ilrL 1 ' Kaiu. iik 6AIII0C1I [S.] ;mil . ' having obtained, probably nt the same time, the district of Levenaeh t i Ai ■) " r Lennox, ;1 consisting " of the northern port nftheoltl Cumbrian 1104. Kingdom [nearly represented l>y the county of Dumbarton") is generally considered EAHL OF LF.NNOX [S.] In 3 184. be received, by the resignation of his said brother, an Knglish F.arldoni, becoming thus Karl of Huntingdon and Cambridge, ami it is probable, <iu that occasion, he resigned the Earldom of Lennox in favour of the Head of its Gaelic population. "( h ) II. 1184? 1. Alwtn (sty/erf Mac Arkvll), son of Afkyll, a Celt, from whom he inherited tracts of lauds, now part of Dumbartonshire aud Stirlingshire, appears to have been as earlv ad (and not improbably before) 1193 cr. EAHL OF LENNOX [S.] III. 1200? & Ai.wyn, Laul of Lennox [$.], s. and h. He, being a minor at his father's death, was a ward to David of Scotland, Earl of Huntingdon, sometimes Earl of Lennox [S.], abovenauied, He m, Eva, da. of Gilchrist, Earl of Menteith [S.] He d. about 1221. IV. 1224 ? u. Mai.dwix, Earl of Lekkox( c ) [S.1, s. and li., who, under that title, made a grant in 1225, of the island of Clarinis in Loch. Lomond. In 1237 he was one of the guarantors of the truce between England and Scotland. He surrendered his Earldom and all his possessions to the King, who, retaining the castle of Dumbarton and the territory of Morach,( J ) regranted the rest to him and his heirs in VJ33. He nt, Beatrix, or Elizabeth, da. of Walter Steward, High Steward [S.], by Beatrix, da. of Gilchrist, Eahl of Anocs [S.J He, who was a great benefactor to the Church, was living 1250. V. 1260 ? J t . Malcolm, Earl op Lennox [S.l, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Milcolm, who was s. and h. ap. of the late Earl, but who d. v.p. in 1248. He was one of the nobles, who, on 5 Feb. 1283/-1, acknowledged the right of Margaret of Norway, in the succession to the throne [S.j He d. between July 1290 aud 1292. VI. 1291 ? 5. Malcolm, Eahl of Lennox [S.], s. and h. sue. his father (before 129'J) being then a nominee on the part of Bruce in bis claim to the Crown [S.] He invaded Cumberland, 1296, but swore fealty to England in that year. In 1306 he was one of Bruce' s principal supporters, and obtained from him, when King, the hereditary shrievalty of eo. Clackmannan, StC In 1320 he was one of the signatories of the letter to the l'ope asserting Scotland's independency. He d. 19 July 1333, being slain at the battle of Halidou Hill agaiust the English. VII. 1333. 6. Donald, Eahl of Lennox [S.], s. and b. lie was one of the nobles bound for the ransom of David II. [S.], in 1357 and was present at the coronation of Kobert II. [S.] 16 March 1371, He d. s.p.m.(<=) 1373. {"■) There is at the British Museum a " Carlulnrium comitatus rfe Leicnax " as also a copy of cine of the most valuable of the many genealogical works of Sir William Eraser, K.C.B , viz : " The Lennnx." 2 vols., 4to., privately printed 187-1. l») Skenes "Celtic SeoUnnd" (1880), vol. iii, p. 69-70. ( c ) " Lennox " appears (for the first time) among " the Seven Earls of Scotland" (in the place, probably, of " Fife ") in 1237, but was omitted (when " Fife " re-appeared) in 1214. Lennox, however, re-appeared among them, in 1297, being the last time these Earls arc mentioned as "the Seven." See remarks under " Angus." Vol. i, pp. 88-90. (?) " Quae ex consensu et bona voluntate ipsius Muldovini comitis, in rnauu nostra retinuimu8." Chartul. of Lennox as quoted in Wood's Douglas peerage. ( B ) The representation of this family in the male line devolved in 1373 on the family of Macfarlane, of Arrochar, descended from Gilchrist, yr, br. of Maldwin, 3d Earl of Lennox, being 4th son of Alwyu, the 2d Earl.