Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/71

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LETRIM — LEVEN. 69 iy., " Leslie" Earldom [S.] (&»KeJ, a: 1(380, with the Dukedom ok Kothks [S.], which see ; ex. ItiSl. LETRIM, sue Leithim. LEV EN AX, see Lennox. LEVEX.e) Earldom [S.] /, Alexander Lesme, of Ralaonio, co. Fifi>, s, of I 1C4 1 George L., of the same, Commander ( ,f Blair Castle, by his second wife^) was h. nbaut 15S0, nerved in Holland against the Imperialists, an. I after- wards, with great distinction, in the service of Sweden (10*2S-30) under Gustavus Adolphns, l>y whom lie was made Field Marshal. In 1639, Le returned to Scotland, was in command of the Covenanters' army, for whom he took the castle of Kdinbnrgh In HMO (28 Aug.) he defeated the Royalist army at Newborn, taking possession of Newcastle, ka. lie was one of the Commissioners to treat, with the King at Kipon, by whoni he was <v. on 11 (sealed SMtfcj Oct 1641. LuKD HALtiONiK and MAUI. UK UJSVEKC) [S.J, with rein, to the heirs mule of his body, He took his seat in Pari. {$ No", following. ( d ) In 1642 he was Gen. of the Scutch forces in Ireland, whence he joined the Pari, forces with 21.000 men, con- tributing greatly to their victory, 2 July 1614, at, Marston Moor. In 1617 he was Lord General of Scotland. After the execution of Charles I., he appears to have favoured the lioyal cause, serving as a volunteer in 1650, at the halt le of Dunbar. He was taken at Dundee by the tiovei ntnent, 28 Aug. 165], imprisoned in the tower of London, whence he was released, at the intercession of I hristina, Queen of Sweden, returning to Scotland in May 1654. lie m., about 1610, Amies, da. of David KF.8TOM, of Bil lie. co. Berwick. She (?. at Inchniaitin,") 26 June, and was bur. 23 .Inly 1651. at Markinh t r ) He d. at Baigonie 4 and was bur. 19 April 1661, at Markiuch, aged above 80. [Alexander Leslie, styled Lord Balgonie, 2d but only surv. s. and h. ap. was a Col in the Army and accompanied his father in 1642 to Ireland. He m. in 1636, Margaret, da. of John (Leslie), KARL ok Kothks [S]. He d. v. p. soon after 12 Jan. 1644, the date of his will. His widow »i. (contract 26 July 1646), Francis (Scott), 2d Kami, ok Bi CCLEDCH [S.]. who (/. 25 Nov. 1651 in his 25th year. She in. thirdly, 13 Jan. 1652 3, at Sherillhall '.as his 3d wife). David (Wemyss), 2 Eahl Ot Wemy'ss [S ], who (/. June 1679, and it. (Ilia widow) 16S8.],«) II. 1G61. 2. Alexander ( Leslie). Earl of Levex, &c. [S.], Riatidson and h , being only s. of Alexander Leslie, sty'rd Lord Baigonie an.l Margaret his wife, both ftl"oveuamerl He was ttgled Loan Blgi>me (") " The Mclvilh a. Fails of Melville, and the Leslies, F.arls of I .even " 3 vols. 4to, 1E90) is one of the many maguilictnt and elaborate works of Sir William Eraser. K.C.B.. I.L.D. ('•) This Lady h id previously given birth to the said Alexander, who by her Subsequent marriage became legitimate. She was, according to a conteiupoiary journal, " a wench in Rutltloch " ( c ) The title was taken from a little river, near his lands in Fife, called Leven. The Barony of Baigonie, co Hfe was purchased by him in 1636. I* 1 ) The Karl of Calli ndar claimed precedency of him, his warrant being dated five days curlier, tho' the completion of his patent was not till after that of Level). (•} Inclunai tin, in the Curse of (Jowrie, was purchased by him from the Ogilvies in 1050 and called Inchleslie till 17-0, when it was re acquired by the Ocilvie family. ( f ) According to Wood's "Doug'as" hem secondly Dame Fraucis Pakingtoii, da. of Sir John Kerrers. A marriage is recorded at >t. Antholiu'e, London, 29 Dec. 1626 of " Mr. Robert Leasly, (lent., and the Lady Fraiinces Partington," which probably gave i ise lo this statement which appears to be (]nite unfounded. (8 By her three husbands she was mother of one ai l [LevenJ and three suo jure CountetBes, viz., two of Buccleuch and one of Wemyss [S.]