Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/80

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78 LIFFORD. cr.(') EARL OF LIFFORD [1.] in July lfi!>9 tho' no patent appears to have been enrolled, lie rf. num. ill the parish of St. He... Han. K] . 21 Feb., rind was W. 2 March 1748/9, ut St. James. Westm. M L Will tint. 3 Nov, 17 18, to 24 May 1748, pr. 25 Feb. 17 1S/0, by William Elliott, the iv-i.ln.iry legatee. See " Mexiiorough of Lifford, co. Donegal," Earldom [I.] (Snvile), cr. 1766, Barony [I.] 1. James Hewitt, r. of i 1 1 i: 1 1 1 i H., Hlercei and I L768 draper, sometime (1744) Mayor of Coventry, was l>. there 1709: served his articles for becoming .in Attorney, but was Viscountcy [I.] called to tlie Bar (Mill- Temple in Nov, 1712 : became Serjeant, . 17.""'. ami King's Serjeant in 17."'!' ; M.I', tor Coventry. 1781-60 : '• l"'il- ,„„. „f the Justices of the King's Bench) Nov. 17C«i, to Jan. 1718: I.oiiii Ciianckli.ou op Ireland, 9 Jan. 1708. retaining thnt. post till his death 22 vears afterwards.!") He was accordingly rr., 9 Jan. 17'i.S, BARON LIFFORD of Lifford, en. Donegal taking his seat the 27th (as Stmaker of the House' and was subsequently cr., 4 Jan. 1731, VISCOUNT LIFFORD, eo. Donegal |1-1. taking his seat 9 Oct. following. He IB. firstly, before 17f.O ( — ), da. of the Veil. Rice William-, D.D., of Staplefonl Abbots. Kssex. Archdeacon of Carmar- then and IVeb. of Worcester She d. 1766, He M. secondly Ambrosia da. of the Rev. Charles, of Navestock. Kssex. He d. ill Dublin, 28 April 17S9, aged SO, and was bur. ill Christ Chnr.-h cathedral there. M.I. Will pr. 17S9. His widow d. in Warwickshire, March 1867. Will pr. 1S07. II. 17*0. 2. James (Hewitt), Viscount Liffodd, &c [I.], a. and l*» by ft** 1 wife, fr. 27 (Jot 1750: ad, at Triii. Coll., Dublin ; B.A.. 177<i (■<"' eiindtm, Oxford;-. M A. and IJ..D., 1778: in Holy Orders; Dean of Armagh, 1700—1830; s«c. In the peeing* [I 1. 28 April 1789- He m. lirstly. 25 July 177ti. Henrietta Judith, 1st da. of Arthur (PoMKlntY), 1-t Visount IIaiiRHITiiN [I.j, by Mary, da. and h. of Henry Ciii.lev. She, who was IS June 1754, d. s.p. 22 April 1773. He m. lecondly, 28 Deo. 1781. Alicia, 1st .la. of the Ve». John Oliver. D.D., Archdeacon of Ardagh, by Elizabeth, da. of the lit. Rev. John UvDSli, Archbishop of Armagh. Me it. 15 April 1836, aged 70. at Ranfurly Housc,co Down, His widow d. IS March 1845] at Aatley's Court, near Coventry, eo, Warwick. Will pr. Nuv. 1845. III. 1830. 3. James (Hewitt), Viscount Lifford, &c. [I.], s. and h., by second wife, b. 29 Aug. 1788 : mat, at Oxford (Ch. Oh.), 22 Oct.. 1801 ; H.A., 1804 ; Student of the Inner Temple, 1805 ; Resident Coming, of Excise for Scotland ; sue to the peerwjt [I.]. 15 April 1880. Hi- TO., 15 April 1809, Mary Anne, da. of Cornwallis (MaDDB), 1st VisOOUHT Hawardkn [I.], by his third wife, Anne Isabe-Ila, da. of Thomas Month. He d. 22 April 1855, in his 72d year, at Brighton.!/'-) Will pr. May 1855. His widow d. 8 Jan. 1877, in her 92d year, at Torquay, IV. 18!'i. r ). J/. Tames (Hewitt), Viscount Lifford, &c. [I.], f. and b., Ii. 31 March 1811, in Merrion sqnare, Dublin; mat., at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 4 March 1880 ; H A, 1838; sue t'i the petruqc [I ], 22 April 1855; Uw. (") " Luttrell not.-s, under date 19 July 1698, 'Count Marten, son of the late Count de Roy, and Col. of a Reg. ni" French Refugees, will be made Earl of Lifford in Ireland ;' Heatson informs us (t'alii. Index, vol. iii, p. 158, edit 180G), that a King's letter was grunted to cr. him Karl of Lifford but no patent passed the seals, tho' "he was styled Bhrt of [afford daring his life. It is also acknowledged on his monument (where it is expressly said that " he tens made Earl vj Lifford in frcl ind ") in the entry of his burial, in his will, &c. () " Loncer than any of his predecessors from the time of Edward I." See " Nat. Biogr. " where it is added that he had "amassed n considerable fortune, the emolu- ments of the office in his time being estimated at £12,000 per annum." (c) He was author of a work entitled " Ireland and the Irish church."