Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/82

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80 LIGONIER— LILFORD. Viscountcy [I.] g nn<1 1. Edward (Ln;oNTF.rt Viscount LigvYKIer TI VPtQ 0F CwWBUj [I-]. illeuit. sun uf Francis Augustus LlOONIKR,^) Col. ( ,f the lath Dragoons ;br. of John, Kant, LiciiSiEii, above Earldorn [I.] named i, by Anne I'ulkman, widow, da. <■< (— •) Mfhhay. IK' T . ,~ was A. 2740 ; served, under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, in

  • > the "seven years war " during five campaigns, and bore the

to dispatch announcing the victory of Mindeu, 1 Aug. 175S,beC4)niing, 17S2. on the 15th, I 'apt. in the 1st Foot Guard* (Lieut. Col. in the Army), was Aide-de-Camp to the King, 17t>3, becoming finally in 1 777 Lieut. Gen. in the Army, ami in 1771 Col. of the 9th Foot He sue. to the petravt [I.] as Viscount, on the death, 28 April 1770. of his uncle. Karl Ligouier [G.B] ahuvenamed, and was 19 .Inly 1770, KAHL LIGGN1KB OF CI.UN M IXL [I.] He was invested at St. .lames, 17 Dec 17^1, a- K B., but il. Iwfore installation. He W. firstly. Id Pec. 17'i«. <t< the British I'Ulllwsy at I'aris IVnelope, da of George (Pitt!. 1st Baron Kivkiis, hy Penelope, da. uf Sir Henry ATKINS, Hart., of Clapham. She, who was I,. 23 Fell 1 749. was dnomd l.y act of Hai l., 7 Nov. 1771 ( b ) He in. secondly, 14 Dec. 177:!. Mary. 0.1 da. of Hubert ( H k m.k v . 1-' KakI, of Nuuthisoiuv, by Jane, da uf Sir John Hl'BiVSO, He d s.p., 14 June 17P2. aged 42. when off St'< A<jmmr«l>ecKinertr«f'»rt. Will [.r. .Inly 1782. Hisiw'duw «... 2 Feb. 17.-8 fby spec, tic, in South Aitdley si|iuire1 at St Geo. Ilan. sq . Thulium (N' ki. . 2d Viscount WKST- wouth, who d. 17 April 1S15, aged 60. She (/. s.p. 29 June lsl 1. LILFORD. Barony. /. ThoMas Powts, uf Lilfflnl, c». Xfvfhntnptoir, s. and J 1~97 " f 'hoioas Puavs. uf tin- same, hy Henrietta, da. of Thomas Spksck, Serjeant uf the House • •< i numions, was 6. 4 May 174:S. kmc. his father, 2 April 17i>7 ; was M I', fur North-tmptonshire, 1774 97, distinguishing hin-.sclf for his nmueruus and app -it.- i-peeches, and was, 2'i Oct 1797, er. BAKON ULFOUD of Liliord, o.. Northampton. He m., :il Mareh 1772. Mary, sister of Sir Horace Manx, 2d Bart., da. of (ii.lfiidus Mann, uf Boughton Malhcrhc, Kent, by Sarah, (la. of John GlIEOOUT, of Loo dun. Hi- d. 2ti Jan. 1S00, in Al'tmarle street, aged 50. Will pr. April ISOO.i'v His widow (/. Jan. lS2:i. Will pr. 1823. II. IS00. 2. Tuumas (IViwys), I'.auon- LuFoitn, s. nn<l h., h. 8 April 1 77:". : ed. at St. John's Cull , Cambridge ; H.A., 1797; M.A., 1802. He me. t<> the Vteraye, 25 Jan 1800, He m , fi lieu. 1797, Anna Maria. 1st da. and Coheir of Hohert Vernon AtltJSttl»«. uf Athertou Lancaster, by Henrietta Maria, da and coheir of Pete* Lioh. of Lyme. Co. Clu ster. She </. 11 Aug. 1»20, in Grosvenor place. He d. there 4 July li>25, aged 50. Will pr. llec. 1S25. (") He came to England in 1710 and entered the Army, distinguishing himself greatly when Lieut. Col. of the Sth light Dragoons, at Dettiltgen ; was Col. of the 48ih Foot i" April 1715 and of the 13tb Light Dranunnsin Sep following, at the head of Inlh of which he fought at Falkirk, 17 Jan. 1746, but (/. 25th following. M.I. in Westm. Abbey ( b ) The cause was her adultery in May 1771 with Vittorio Amadeo, the well known Count Alfieri, with whom the Viscount accordingly fought a duel i.i the Green I'ark. The date of May (not Dec.) 1700 is assigned to their marriage in the act of Pari, of 1771- A beautiful portrait uf her by Gainsborough is in the Nat Portrait Gallery, the catalogue of which calls her erroneously '* Uouatat " instead of " Viteaunteu" She subsequently resided at Liglltoliffe, kl Yorkshire, and to. in 1784 (when Allieri's attentions to her had ceased) a ('apt. Smith by whom she had issue. (*) Sir N. W'raxall ( Ucmoirt, vol. ii, p. 217, edit. 18^4), writes of him under 8 March 1782 (when his speech, imputing "want of foresight ami ability " to the Ministry, " was calculated to produce the deepest impression "i that " he was indeed a man of great Parliamentary talents and uf di.-tingnished integrity, tl»o' by no means unaccompanied with deep ambition. From 1782 till 1797, daring 15 years, he seems under successive Administrations, never for mi inttaml to hate Imt ttgU of the Peerage to which he ultimately attained."