Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/84

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82 MMERICK. retired to France and was ,'with his wife) attaindnl in 1691 whereby, it is presumed, all his honours were forfeited.^*) H* t£ s.p tu.s.( 1 ') in France, Dec. 169S. His widow was living 1 700. [Walter Duncan, styled Lord Dungan, only s. and It. w, b. abroad but subsequently naturalised ; was M.l for Naas in the Pari, of King James II.; was in command of a Keg. of Dragoons for that King, at the battle of the Bnyne, 1 July 1690, and was there slain v. p. and num.] II. 169S, J. Thomas (Dungan), Earl ot Limerick, &g. [I.], yr, to hti of the above Karl, and on whom this Earldom and the Viscountcy of ] 7 Dungan of Clane were entailed under the spec. rem. in their respei'thv creations, was It. 1654 and appears, notwithstanding the attaitelrr of 1691. to have assumed in lii9S and been generally allowed the peerage [l.J Hi' was for some time Col. of an Irish Regiment in the service of King Louis XIV. of France but was subsequently (for lviug Charles I!, of England) Lieut. Gov. of Tangier and Gov. of New York. He claimed, tinder a deed of 1681, to be entitled to the whole of his late brother's estate. He Ml. Mary. da. of ( — .) He d. s.p., 14 Dee. 171.1, aged 31, liar, at St. Pancras. Mi lx. M.I. " Will pr. Dee. 1718. At his death the Viscountcy of Dungan of Chine [I.] and apparently ') the Earldom of Limerick [I ] (both of which seem (tho' possibly, not legally) to have been previously for/tiled ley the attainder of 11391) became extinct. His widow </. 9 Nov. 1720. Viscountcy [I.] I. 1719. 1. James Hamilton, of Tollyino'e, cq, Down, was cr , 18 May 171!'. BARON' ( LANE- BOYE, co. Down, and VISCOUNT OF THE CITY OP LIMERICK [I.] He wa< cr., 21 Nov. 1766, EARL OF CLANBRASSiLL, co. Armagh [I.] He d. 17 -March 175S. II. 1758, James (Hamilton), Haul dp Clanbras- to sill [1756], Viscount LlMBBICK, anil Baron Cl.vnkhoyp. 1798. [1719], in the peerage of Ireland, only s. and h., //. 13 Aug. 17-29. styled Viscount Limerick from 1758 till he sue. to the peerage [I.], 17 March 1758 ; d. s.p. 0 Feb. 179S, when all his honours became extinct. ■- ; . i.e., "Fitzgibbon of Limerick, co. Limerick," Vlseonotey Tt] {Fin. gibbon), cr. 1793 ; see " Clare " Earldom [I.], cr. 179". ; both dignities tx. 1798. Viscountcy [I.] /. Edmosd Hbnry (Peuv), Baron Gusntworth of III. 1800. Mallow' [[.], t ,„I y s . !mt h. of t | le lu Uev . William Cecil Pbbt, p ,, rr , Bl«hop W Limerick (17S4-94) who was cr., 2 June 1790, Baron Earldom [I.] Glentwortii op Mallow [L], by his first wife, .lane, ,1a. of John Minchm WALCOtT, of Creagh, was b. 8 Jan. 1768 ; M.I', for the Limerick, 1786-94, being a zealous supporter of the III. 1803. city of English Govet the Bishop of Limerick, his father, rernmmt :( J i sue, to the peerage [L] on the death of r^IJuly 1794 ; Keeper of the Signet and Privy Seal (a) His estates of nearly :30,000 acres were forfeited to the King who granted them of Pari KIT [L| ' l " Uley c ""' in »<- 1 U > ,rvn ^v' 11 lli ' ll .v,S Wl "riV aS £ , abr0ad m1 ' 1 subseqttently naturalised) m. Lucas (Dillon), ^ iscuunt Dillon [I.], and d. s.p. ami v.p. before 1681 . J? -! u ^ Dmigan, a cousin of the grantee, was named as iu'rem. to the Earldom of Limerick in the grant thereof ,n 16.S6. It is presumed he U. s.p. before 171:1. m In Sir Jonah Barnngton's "Historic memoirs " (vol. ii, p. 122, note), ho is spoken of as occasionally an active member [of Pari.], always craft,,, sometimes