Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/90

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88 LINCOLN. Abbey of Kevesby about 11 in. He was living ill 11*1.'.. when hit granted a charter to tlie Abbey of St. Otteu, at Kuutiu. 1 le became a monk shortly before his death. Ho d. 5 Aug. [1155 .'J, but in what year is unknown ami was bur. in Itevosby Abbey. [William dh Roumahe, s. ami h. ;[>. U. about 1130. lie m. Allies, dm. of Stephen (dk Blois), Haul OK Alueiiaulk. He il. v.].. 1151, being possibly slain in the defenee of his father' I Castle of Neufmareho. against the French, which took place hi that year. His willow m. Peter de Biuce, who d. 1211]. [William de Roumaue, grandson and h. being s. and li, of William tje Roumare and Agnes his wife both aboveuamed. He was b. about 1150, and. probably owing to his infancy when he sue. his grandfather, never obtained recognition as Karl OF Lincoln, tho' he appears to have been .sometimes so sty led., :i I He however possessed large estates, riz. 57 Knights fees in I.iudsey and in Wilt-hire and 14 in the Roumois in Normandy. He m. firstly Alicia. He m. secondly Philippa,( b ) da. of John. Count of Alencon. He, who was living 1 1 !>7-f».s, (/. s.p. shortly before Oct. UPS, and was bur. at Revesby. His widow in. William Mai.kt, of Graville in Normandy, and m. thirdly, in or before 1215, William 08 Piieaux, but c/. before 123$, which was the date of her last husband's death.] II. 1H7 ? 1. Gilbert os Gand,(*) of FolkingUam, en. Lincoln, s. to and h. uf Walter DC Uanu of the same, by Maud, da. of Stephen, CONST 115G. OK BritaNNY, his father in his vast estates, 1138-30, and having been (together with the King) taken prisoner at the battle of Lincoln iu 1141, by tho Earl of Chester was compelled by him to marry his niece.!" 1 ) This Lady was Rohesia, sister of Roger, Karl ok Hertford, da. of Richard Kitz-Gilbert, styled DE Clahe, by Adeliza. or Christiana, ( c ) sister of the said Randolph, 'Caul OK Chester and sister (of the halt blood ex parte mnttrna) of William (db Roumark), Karl or Lincoln abovenamed. He was, not lone afterwards, about 1117 or 1118, cr., by King Stephen. KARL OK LINCOLN, and that too in the lifetime of his wife's said uncle, the existing Karl.( f ) He was founder of Kufford Priory, Notts. He d. s.p.m.,(i!) 115fl( h ) and was bur, at Bridlington. His widow m. Robert STEWARD, i.e. " Robertus dapifer Willielmi ile Percy." (a) "To a charter of John, Karl of Mortaiu, to the Metrop. church of Rouen, his attestation appears among the Karls as Sari WWiam dc Houmara and before that of Geoffrey Kitz Piers, Karl of Kssex. This shews that his hereditary rant at least was partially acknowledged, and in the several inquisitions respecting his lauds in Lin- colnshire during tho reign of John the title of Earl is likewise given him." [Tup, and Uen., vol. i, p. "20.] Mr. Round points out. that as the creation of the Karldom of Kssex was in 1 199 its holder could not («j Karl of Kssex) have been a fellow witness with one who d. before Oct. HPS, and that as Geoffrey Kitz Piers was not Karl of Kssex iu Richard's reign (to which the charter belongs) the precedence proves nothing. ( b ) Her mother was Beatrix, da. of Klias D'Anjou, Count of Maine, by Philippa, da. of Rotron, Count of Percbe, and his first wife, Matilda (drowned in the White ship, 11U0) illegit. da. of King Henry I. {") See a good pedigree of this family in Baker's " Kurt/ium/iliim/tire," vol. i, p. 440, where, however, Gilbert is stated to have been " Karl of Lincoln jurt ».iv)ri's," the said wife being there stated to have been " Hawise, da. and heir [sic] of William de Honiara, Karl of Lincoln. " See also Mr. Chester Waters' "Survey of I.inds'y" as to their great possessions in that district. ( d ) " Walter's son and heir, Gilbert, was a great match in his youth, and when he was taken prisoner at the battle of Lincoln, in 1141, was only released from captivity on condition of his marrying Rohese de Clare, who was the niece of the Karls of Chester and Lincoln." (Chester Waters' Survey »/', p. 13.) (°) See Cull. Top. el Gen., vol. i, p. 388, where " Christiana," wife of Richard Kit/. Gilbert, is witness to a deed said to have been made iu 1154. ( r ) The fact seems undoubted but it is a strange and perhaps unique case, there appearing to have been no forfeiture of the Karldom by the previous holder. (IS) Alice, his only da. and h., m. Simon (Saint Liz), Karl of Huntingdon, who d. s.p. 1184 "which Simon hail with her all her heritage as the words of the charter import, whereby it seems that he was also jSMf (if Lyucnlnc." [Milles' " Cat. of honour," 1610, p. 912.] Such, however, does nut appear to have been the case. (>') 11 Chronical* Nurmannuc " as quoted by Kyton.