Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/95

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LINCOLN. 93 XI. 14G7, John be la Pole, 1st s. and h. ap. of John (de la to Pole), Duke of Suffolk, by the Lady Elizabeth Plantaoexet, sister 1487. of King 1 .fcldward IV., b. about 1464 ; was (when about three vears old) cr. (v.p.) 13 March 1467, EARL OK LINCOLN. He was KB., IS April 147"); bearer of the orb at the Coronation, 7 July 1 183, of King Richard III. ;(') President of the Council of the North, 1483. and Chief Gov. of Ireland, as Lord Lieut., 1484-85. He was declared by the said King Richard, his uncle, to be next heir, failing the issue of the King's body, to the Crown. He m. Margaret, da. of Thomas (FitzalajO, Earl or Arundel, by Margaret, da. of Richard (Wtdvii.le), Rivers. He is said('») to have m. secondly ( — j, da. and h. of Sir John GoL.U'RE. Being a staunch Yorkist he took n conspicuous part in the various risings against King Henry VII. and was slain at the battle of Stoke, 16 June 14S7. He d. v.p. and s.p. when the Earldom became extinct. XII. 1625, Henry Brandon, 1st s. and h. ap. of Charles (Bran- to don). Duke ok Suffolk, by the Lady Mary Tudor, Queen Dow. 1540? OP France, sister of King Henry VIII. and da. of King Henry VII., was b. 1510 and was (when about nine years old) rr. (v.p.), 18 June 1525.( c ) EARL OP LINCOLN. He was living 17)33 but d. nam. and v.p. before 1 1 Aug. 1545, when the Earldom became extinct. XIII. 1")~2. 1. Edward (Clinton), Lord Clinton, only s. and h. of Thomas, Sth Lord Clinton, by Mary, illegit. da. of Sir Edward Poyninus, K.G., was b. 151:2 ; sue. to the pierage on the death of his father, 7 Aug. 1517, and was sum. to Pari. 27 April (1536), 2S Hen. VIII., by write 1 ) directed "JSdlmrdo Clinton, Chcealicr." He was in attendance on the King (whose mistress he hail, about this date, married) in 1532 at Boulogne and Calais ; was one of 12 Peers who were chief mourners at the funeral of King Henry VIII. ; was in the expedition to Scotland where he was kniahled (by the Duke of Somerset), 11 May 1544 ; Chief Capt. of Boulogne, 1548. till its surrender, 25 April 1550 ; Lord HlQH Admiral, 1550-54 and again Feb. 1557/8 till his death ; P.C. and Gent, of the Privy Chamber, 1550 ; el. KG., 24 April and inst., 30 June 1551 ; Lord Lieut, co. Lincoln, 1552 ; Constable of the Tower,; 1 -") 7 to HI July 1553. He made his peao> with Queen Mary, taking her part against AVyatt's rebellion ; was Commissioner^) for the investiture with the Garter of Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, which took place 6 Nov. 1554 (in the camp) at Auxy ; P.C. to Queen Mary, 1557, and to Queen Bins,, 1558; attended the Queen to Cambridge and was cr., 10 Aug. 1501, M.A. In 1 569 he was in command of the army that quelled the great rebellion hi the North and snb- scquentlv took command of the fleet in the North sea, being for these services Of., 4 May 1572,(8) EARL OK LINCOLN ; Lieut, of the Order of the Garter, 1570, and r 1 ) See vol. iii, p. S, note " c," mi " Dacre," for a list of the Nobles present at that Coronation. ('•) Doyle's 11 Official Baronage." {'■) He was one of the six noblemen who were so a: at the date that Henry Fitzroy, the King's illegit. sou, was cr. Duke of Richmond', See vol. ii, p. 43S, note " c," sub " Cumberland." ( d ) See vol. ii, p. 305, sub " Clinton," concerning the precedency of the Barony of Clinton as decided in 1558. ( u ) This important stronghold was probably committed 1 1) him the day after the death of King Edward VI. that he might hold the same for Lady Jane Grey, he being one of the 26 Peers (for a list of whom see vol. iii, p. 70, note " f," sub " Derby "), who had signed the letters patent of 16 June 1553, settling the Crown upon her. (') See vol. ii, p. 102, note "a," sub " Cathcart," for a list of these special Garter missions. (S) " In the memorial of the investiture of Edward, Lord Clinton and Say, as Earl of Lincoln, 4 May 1572, preserved among the Mate Papers (Domestic) the new Earl is styled Lord Clinton and Sail, anil the Heralds declared his style as Sir Edward Fi/nes, Conte dc Lincoln, Seigneur Clinton el Say." [Ex. injorm. J. Horace Round.] See also vol. iii, p. 2S4, note " d," sub " Essex," as to the account of his investiture.