Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 6.djvu/489

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Of these 25 creations all but eight were for life only. The eight exceptions were Pembroke in 1532, Maidstone in 1628 (to which in 1628 was added Winchilsca); Lucas of Crudwell in 1663; Cleveland in 1670; Granville in 1714/5; Coningsby of Hampton Court in 1716/7; Temple in 1749, and Stawel of Somerton in 1760.

In the peerage of Scotland but one woman has been raised thereto, and that, not, till the 17th century, when the BARONY OF CRAMOND was, on 23 Feb. 1627/8, bestowed on Dame Elizabeth Richardson, born Beau- mont, wife of Sir Thomas Richardson, L. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, with rem. to the issue male (not of herself, but) of her said husband. The grant, 5 Dec. 1670. of the Earldom of Dysart (which was to a female) is considered as having proceeded upon the resignation of that Earldom, to which the grantee on her father's death is held to have succeeded.

In the Peerage of Ireland (like that of Scotland), it was not till the accession of the House of Stuart that any woman was ennobled. James I, however granted, (1) THE BARONY OF OFFALY, 29 July 1620, to Dame Lettice Digby, widlow, born Fitz Gerald, for life, with a spec. clause that on her death it should revert to the last named family, in tail male. (2) THE BARONY OF SIELBURNE, was bestowed, 31 Dec. 1688 on Dame Elizabeth Petty, widow, born Waller, relict of the famous Sir William Petty. This was for life only, her son Charles Petty having been at the same date er. Baron Shelburne. (8) THE DUKEDOM OF MÜNSTER was conferred, for life, by George I, 18 July 1716, on a Lady whom three years later he made Duchess of Kendal (G B.), and (4) THE EARLDOM OF LEINSTER, 21 Sep. 1721, also for life, on a Lady, whom next year he made Countess of Darlington (G.B.]. (5) THE VISCOUNTCY OF GRANDISON, OF DROMANA, was conferred, 10 April 1746; on Lady Elizabeth Mason, born Fitz Gerald otherwise Villiers, with rem. to the heirs male of her body, which Lady was, in the next reign, cr. 19 Feb. 1767, COUNTESS GRANDISON, &c. (6) THE EARLDOM OF BRANDON, was conferred, for life, 15 Sep. 1758, on Ellis, Dow. Baroness Athenry [1], born Agar.

After the accession of George III., the number of females who received peerages is very great, but it is to be remarked that, since 1740, none have received them for life only, tho' before that date there were very few (the notorious Duchess of Cleveland being among such few) who were ennobled otherwise.

p. 48, line 10; after "1443," insert "at Stoke Neyland."

p. 49, line 1; for "Philip," read "Hugh"; after "Lincoln," insert "by (—), da. of Walter TALBOTS," and add this note thereto, "See Tylney pedigree in P. Thompson's History of Boston."

p. 50, last line; for "9," read "19."

p. 56, line 28; after "Francisca," insert "(fortune of above £30,000)." 31

p. 56, line 34; dele "24 Sep.," down to "Lancaster"; insert "4 and was bur. 20 Feb. 1747/8, aged 56 in the Sherburn Chapel at Mitton, M.I. [where the date is erroneously given as 1748/9]. She d. at Preston 20 Sep., and was bur. 20 Oct. 1754, as next afsd."

p. 59, note "b," last line; after "(8)," insert "Richmond (cr. 1675), the six Dukes in succession, (9)"; alter "(9)" and "(10)," to "(10)" and "(11)"; add at end of note, "As to the number of the family of Percy, who have been such Knights, see p. 97, note "a," sub Northumberland."

p. 62, line 34; after "1865," insert "He m.' 8 Nov. 1894 at the Chapel Royal, St. James, Any Frederica Alice, 2d and yet. da. of Col. the Hon. Henry William John Byng (2d s. of George Stevens, 2d Earl of Strafford) by his wife the Countess Henrietta Danneskiold-Samsür. She was b. 6 Dec. 1865."

p. 68, line 28; after "he m," insert "in or shortly after March 1598/9."

p. 68 line 25; after "Burghley," insert "She was b. 6 April 1584."

p. 68 line 26; for "1628/4," read "1621/2," and add, as a note, "It is mentioned in the 'Diary of Walter Yonge', under Feb. 1621/2, that he killed himself with a cross bow."

p. 64, line 20; after "property," add "She was bur. in Cambridgeshire 22 Ang. 1560"; and for "1559," read "1561."

p. 65, line 8; after "He m.," insert "in or shortly before April 1602."

p. 65 line 11; dele "The will of"; after "was," add "bur. at Kirtling, 28 Feb. 1677. Will."

p. 65 line 2; after "b," add "b. about 1 Nov. 1602."