Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/118

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110 SEYMOUR — SHAFTESBURY. Somerset, sometime Lord Protector. He was about 1 590 ; Knighted at Royston, 23 Oct. 1613, and was cr. 19 Feb. 10-10/1, BARON SEYMOUR OF TROWBRIDGE, en. Wilts. He was one of the «x Peer»(«) who in 1647 proposed to reside with the Kinu' as liis Council. In 1660, be was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. He m. firstly, in or before 1020, Frances, da. and coheir of Sir Gilbert Puisne, of Allingtnn, in Chippenham, Wilts, by .Mary, sister of Sir Henry Davis. He m. secondly, before 1636, Catharine, 4th da. of Sir Robert l.F.E, of Billcsley, GO. Warwick, by Anne, da, uf Sir Thomas Lowe, sometime (1604-05) Lord Mayor of London. He d. 12 Jnly 1064, and is Baid(^) to have been bur. at Great lledwyn, Wilts. Will, in which he desires to be bur. there, dat. 6 Sep. 1662, pr. 23 Nov. 1664. (°) His widow, by whom he had no issue, was bur. 5 March 1700/1, at Fulham, eo. Midx. Will dat. 12 Jan. loPa/ti, p r . 15 March 1700/1. II. 1664. 2. (Seymour), Baron Seymour of Trow- nuiDGE, 1st s. and h. by first wife ; mat. at Oxford (Mag. Coll.) IS Nov. 16-36, aged 15 ; M.P. for Great Uedwyn, 1610, and for Wilts, 1661-64 ; sue. to the peerage, 12 July 1664. He m. firstly Mary, da. an. I h. of Thomas Smith, of Soley, in Chilton Foliot, Wilts. She d. s.p.ln.s. He m. secondly, in or before 165-1, Elizabeth, da. of William ( Ai.inoton), 1st Baucis Axikqtus op Kii.lauu [I.], by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Lionel Tcillemacjiii-:, Bare. He d. 7 Aug. 1665, aud was bur. 12 at Trow bridge. (•>) His widow ui. as his second wife (lie. fac. 16 Sep. 1672), the Kt. Hon. Sir John Ernlk, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who d. 1697. aud was bur. at Cable. She was bur. 30 Oct. 1691, at Horseheath, co. Cambridge.!' 1 ) III. 1665. 3. Francis (Seymour), Baron Seymour of Trow- duidge, 4th but 1st surv. s. and h., beiug 3rd s. by the second wife, 4. !7 Jan. 1657/S, at Preschute, Wilts. He sue. on the death of bis cousin, John, 4th Duke of Somerset, 29 April 1675, as DUKE OF SOMERSET, &c, with which title this Barony continued united till the death, 7 Feb. 1749. 50, of the 7th Duke, when it (with the Kurldum of Hertford, Ac), became ej-tinct, tho' the Dukedom of Somerset, Ice, passed to the elder line of the Seymour family under the spec. rem. in their creation. See " Somerset," Dukedom, cr. 1547, mi the 5th, 6th, and 7th Dukes. SHAFTESBURY. Earldom. l. Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Bart., of Wimborne I 1672 *-* e3 > co - D 01 '3et, 1st s. and h. of Sir Johu Cooper, Bart, (so cr. 4 July 1622), of Uockbourue, Hants, by his first wife, Anne, da. aud h. of Sir Anthony Ashley, of Wim bourne St. Giles afad-, was b. 22 July 1621, at Wimborne ; sue. his father as Jd Baronet aud in estates, valued at £7,000 a year,(»l 23 March 1631; matric. at Oxford (Ex. Coll.), 24 March 1636/7, becoming a member of Liucolns Inn, 18 Feb 1638 ; M.P. fur Tewkesbury (April to May), 1640 ; for Dowuton (Dec.) 1640 ; for Wilts, 1653, 1654-55, 1656-5S, and 1669-60; Sheriff of Dorset, 1043-44 ; declared for the Royal cause in 1643, but for that of Pari, in 1644, when, 20 Aug., he was at the taking of Warehnni, being made Field Marshal of u Brigade of Horse and Foot, and Com. in Chief of the Pari, forces in Dorset, effecting the capture of Sturminster and Shaftesbury. Sheriff of Wilts (for Pari.), 1646-48 ; Councillor of State, 1653-60, and to the L. Protector, 1653-54, wdiose measures, however, iu 1656, he opposed, ( a ) See their names in vol. iii, p. 151, note " a," nub " Dorset." ( b ) See " Coil. Top. et Gen.," vol. v, p. 348, impugning Hoare's statement that both Francis and Charles, Barons Seymour of Trowbridge, were buried at Great Bedwyn. ( c ) " A man of interest and reputation, always very popular in the country . . • his parts aud judgment were best in those things which concerned the good husbandry and the commou administration of justice to the people." [Clarendon.] ( d ) " The Lady Seymor, mother to the present Duke of Somerset, died lately " [Luttrell's "diary," 27 Oct. 1681]. ( e ) Tho' he was much cheated by the Court of Wards he was always (as he was born), a wealthy man. It is difficult to explain the statement iu the Earl of Oxford's " Peerage Memoranda" [A r . and Q , 2d S., I, 325], that " he was prentice to a grocer at Exeter," that " he studied Divinity, and was to have been a Presbyterian parson," but "was persuaded" by the well-known Locke [a man eleven vears his junior] "to follow the law."