Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/121

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SHAFTESBURY. 119 EaBL OF Manchester. He d. at Naples, while travelling for his health, 15 Feb. 1712/3, in his 42d year, anil was bur. at Wim borne St. Giles afsd. Will pr. Mareli 1713. His widow rf. 23 Nov. 1751, and was bur. as afsd. IV. 1713. 4. Antiion'y Ashley (Cooper), Karl ok Shaftesbury', &c., only s. and h., b. 9 Feb. 1710/1, and tap, 9 March at Reigate, co. Surrey; styled Lord Ashlky till, at two years of age. he tue. to the pttrtg* as above ; matrie. at Oxford (New Coll.), 10 i)eo. 172-1; a Councillor irf the Colony of Georgia, 1733; I,. Lieut, of Dorset, 1735-71: Fit S., 175-1; Recorder of Shaftesbury, 1756; High Steward of Dorchester, 1757; P.C., 17iil -. F.S.A., 1767 ; President of the Turkey Company. He in. firstly, 12 .March 172-1/5, at St. Martin's in the lields, Susanna, da. of Baptist (Ndkl), 3d Haul of G.UNsnuiiOUUH, by Dorothy, da. of John ( Duke OP RUTLAND. She rf. s.p. 20 Jnue 1758, at Petersham, Surrey, and was bur. at St. Giles's afsd. He m. secondly, 20 March 17-i9 (spec, lie.) at Hoehainpton chapel in Putney, co. Surrey, Mary, sister to Wiiliam, 1st Haul OF RvOHOB, da. of Jacob (Boitveiiie), 1st Viscount Folkestone, by his tirst wife, Mary, da. and b. of llarthohjiuew Clauke. He rf, at Hath. 29 May 1771, and was bur. at St. Giles's afsd., aged 00. .M.I. Wfll pr. June 1771. His widow, who was b. 2 Oct. 1730, iu St. Geo- the Martyr, Queen Square, rf. 12 Nov. 1804, iu Lower Seymour street, and was bur. at St. Giles's afsd. Will pr. 1805. V. 1771 5. Anthony Ashley (Cooper), Earl of Shaktesbury, &c, 1st 8. and h. by second wife, b. 17 and bap. 20 Sep. 1761, at St. Geo. Han. sq. ; styled Loud Asm.KY till he me, to the peerage, as above, 29 May 1771; ed. at Winchester; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Oh.), 6 Feb. 1779 ; H.S.A., 3 Feb. 1785, and F.RS. He in. 17 July 1780, at the house of her father, Clifford street, St. James's. Westm. (spec, lie), Barbara, da. and h. of Sir John Webb, 5th Bart., of Odstoek. Wilts, by Mary. da. uf Thomas Sai.v.une. He rf. s.p.m.^) 14 May 1811, of gout in the stomach, at his house in town in his 50th year. Will pr. 1S11. His widow rf. 5 Oct. 1819, at Floreuce. Will pr. 1S20. VI. 1 SI 1 . 6. Cbopley Ashley (Cooper), Earl of Shaftesbury, &c, br. and h. male, b. 21 and bap. 27 Dec. 1768, at St. Geo. Han. sq.; ed. at Winchester and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 17 Dec. 17S7 ; M.P. for Dor- chester, 1790 — 1811 ; High Steward of Dorchester, 1798; Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance, 1804-07 ; Clerk of the Ordnance, 1S07-11 ; sue. to the peerage, 14 Miiy 1811; P.C., 181-1 ; Chairman of the Committees (annually elected ss such), 1814 to 1851, and Dep. Speaker of the House of Lords, 1829; acting Lord Steward of the Household at the coronation, of Will. IV 7 , 8 Sep. 1831. He m. 10 Dec. 1796, Anne, 4th da. of George (Spencer), Ddke of Mablbobuugh, by Caroline, da. of John (Russell), 4th Duke ok Bedford. He d. at his residence, St. Giles's House, 2 June 1851, and was bur. at St. Giles afsd. aged S2.(d) Will pr. Sep. 1851. His widow, who was b. 5 Nov. and bap. 10 Dec. 1773, at St. Martin's in the fields, (J. 7 Aug. 1865, at Richmond, co. Surrey, aged 91. ( a ) Maeaulay writes of him as " of ample fortune and of great abilities which had been assiduously improved by study . . . His health was delicate, his taste was refined even to fastidiousness ... he lived long enough to become the founder of a new sect of English freethinkers." There is a portrait uf him " after J. Closter- mnnii ' ' engraved in Doyle. ( b ) Dr. Huutingford writes, " There never existed a man of more benevolence, moral worth, and true piety." [Collins.] ( c ) Barbara, his only da. and h., who thro' her maternal grandmother, Mary Salvaine, was a coheir of the Barony of Mauley (cr. 1295) ffi. the Hon. William Francis Spencer-Ponsonby. He, in consequence of such alliance was cr., in 1S38, Baron de Mauley of Canford, co. Dorset. (*) His "knowledge of his duties as Chairman to the Lords was complete . . . there was a general impression that the House could not have had a more ellicient Chairman." See Ami. Reg. for 1851 where there is a long and interesting notice of his ntorfits operandi. An engraving of him " after W. Oweu " is iu Doyle.