Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/144

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142 SHRKYVSBURY. 23 Nov. 1584, Jane, 1st da. and cubeir of Outhbert (Ogle), 7th Loud Ogle, by Katharine, da. and coheir of Sir Reginald Oahnabt. He d. s.p.s. in London, 8, and was bar, 9 Feb. 1617/8, at Westm. Abbey, in his 57th year. lLI.{ tt ) Will dat. 15 Jan. to 3 Feb., pr. IS I'd'. 1617/8, and again at York, 9 Sup. 1 (i 1 7. Hia widow was bur. at Westui. Abbey, 7 Jan. 1625/6. Her nunc, will dat. 20 Dec. 1625, pr. at York, 1 June 1627. XII. I G 1 8. 9. George (Talbot), Earl of Shrewsbury,^') cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of John Talbot.( c ) of Grafton, co. Worcester, by Katharine, da. of Sir William Petbk, which John (living 1606) was only s. and b. of Sir John Talbot, of Grafton (</. June 1555, aged about 36), who was s. and h. of Sir John Talbot, of Albrighton, Co. Salop, and of Grafton afsd. [<4, Sep. 1550), yr. s., but eventually the coutinuator of the male line, of Sir Gilbert Talbot, K.G. (to whom the estate of Grafton was granted by Henry VII.,) which Gilbert (who d. 1517) was 3d s. of John, the 2d Earl. He, w ho was 6. before 1665, was ordained Priest before he sue. to the peerage, 8 Feb. 1617/S. He d. unm. 2 April 1630, and was bur. at Albrighton afsd. Will dat. 22 March, pr. 10 May 1630. XIII. 1630. 10. John (Talbot), Earl ok Shrewsbury^ 1 ') nephew and h., being s. and h. of John Talbot, of Longford, co. Salop, by Eleanor, da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Baskbkyili.k, of Wolvershill, co. Worcester, which John (who d. in London, 1607), was next br. to the late Karl. He was b. before 1601 and .inc. to the peerage, 2 April 1630. He was first Couimr. of Advice (ti parte Regis) for the counties of Worcester, Salop, Hereford, and Stafford, 15 Feb. 1645. He ni. firstly, before 161P, Mary, da. of Sir Francis Kontesltk, KB., uf Salden, co. Bucks, by Grace, da. of the Hon. Sir John Manners, of Haddon, co. Derby. He m. secondly, before 15 Feb. 1648, Frances, da. of Thomaa (AKDXDKll), 1st Baron Ardndkli. ok Waudoi b, by his second wile, Anne, <hi. of Miles I'hiliison, She t/. before him. He d. 8 Feb. 1653/4. Admon. as "of Grafton, Widower," 28 April 1654. [George Talbot, styled Lord Talbot, 1st s. and h. ap. by first wife, 4. about 1620. He m. Mary, da. of Percy (Herbert), 2d Baron Powis, which .Mary was bap 10 Oct. 1623, at St. Andrew's, L'udcrshaft, London. He d. v. p. and B.[>.(") about 1651 and was bur. at Albrighton afsd.J XIV. IG54. 11. Francis (Talbot), Karl of Shrewsbury,^), 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. by first wife, b. about 1623 j Capt. in the Royal army, 1651 ; styled Lord Talbot after the death of his elder br. till he sue. to the peerage, as above, S Feb. 1651 ; Bearer of the second Sword at the Coronatiou of Charles II., 23 April 1661 : Housekeeper of Hampton Court, 1661. He was confirmed in June 1661 as EAULOF WATKKFORD He w. firstly Anne, da. and fa. of Sir John Conyers, of Sockburn, co. Durham, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir George Simeon, uf Brightwell, Oxon. He in. secondly, 10 Jan. 1658/9, at St. Giles, in the fields, Anna Maria, da. of Robert (BftODENF.M.), 2d Earl OF CARDIGAN, by his second wife, Anne, da. of Thomas (SaVacib), VlSCOCKT Savage. He d. 16 March 1667/8, at Arundel House, of wounds received in a duel( e ) with the Duke of Buckingham, the paramour ( a ) A spirited sketch of him "from his efiigy in Westm. Abbey " is in "Doyle." ( b ) See p. 139, note " a " as to the Earldom of Waterford. («) This John Talbot writes, 1 July 1606, from Burgbfield, Berks, to the Earl of Shrewsbury that " he is obliged by his necessitous circumstances to part from his horses," and requests him to accept one as a present." Lodge's " Illustrations." ( d ) There are a set of elegies dedicated to his memory by William Habiugdor., a Poet, who !«. his wife's aunt. (°) For an account of this shamefu! affair see Grammont's "Memoirs" us also Pepya' Diary, sub 17 Jan. 1667/8. S| cdotes," p. 124). says that the duel " was concerted " between Buckingham and Lady Shrewsbury who " all that morning was trembling for her gallant and wishing the death of her husband, and after his fall,