Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/148

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14G SHREWSBURY. Vice Admiral of Chester, IS54, and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of ['ope Pj us IX. of Home. He d. until, at Lisbon, 10 Aug. ISf.G, aged 23. Will pr. Nov. I868,(s] XXI. 185G. 18. Henry John (Chbtwtnd-Talbot), Karl of SHBKW8BU8T Earl Talbot ok Hknsol [17S41, Viscotm IxoF.STRIK [1784], and BaROM Talbot OF Hknsol [1733], also Karl OK WaTKHKoiid iu Ireland [1448J cousin and b, male lining 2d but 1st aurv. a itad h. ot Clisrlei Chetwynd (Chrtwind-Talbot), Karl Talbot of Hexsoi. (</. 13 Jan. 1849, aged 71) by Frances Thomazine, da. of Charles LaMHart, which Karl was s. and h. of John Chetwynd (Chetwvnd-Talhot, formerly Talbot), Karl Talbot OF Hensoi. (so er. 3 July 1 7S4, d. 19 5I») 1793, aged 44), who was only s. and B. of the Hon. John Tal- bot [d. 23 Sep. 1756}, the 2d s. of Charles (Talbot), 1st Baron Talbot OF Hensoi. (<f. 14 Feb. 1737, aged 52), s. and h. of William Talbot, successively Biabop at Oxford, Salisbury, and Durham (•!. 10 Oct 17301, only s. and h. of William Talbot, of Whittington, co. Worcester ((/. 16S6), 5th s. of Sherington Talbot, of Sahvarp, co. Wore, and Lacock, co. Wilts (il. 1642). s. and h. of John TaLBOT, Of Salwarp (rf. 1571), who was yr. br. of John TaI.Bot, of Grafton, co. Worcester, ancestor of the !>th and the succeeding Earls, both being son* (by different wives) of Sir John Talbot, of Albrighton, co. Salop, grandson of the 2d Karl. He was 6. S Nov. ISO.'!, at Ingestrie Hall, co. Stafford; styled Visiduxt Inoestkik (after the death of his cider br.', 22 Hat 1826, till (the deatli of his father) 13 Jan. 1849 ; was in the Royal Navy, being Lieut, 1S24 ; Commander, 1S26 ; Post Capt., 1S27 ; Hear Admiral, 1854, and filially Admiral (reserved list), 1865, and being in command at Navarino, was made C.B., 13 Not. 1S27, and iu the same year Knight of St. Louis of France and Knight of St. Anne of Russia. He was also (after June 1S33) Knight of the Redeemer of Greece. He was M.P. for Hertford, 1830-31 : for Armagh, 1831 ; for Dublin, 1831-32, and fur South Staffordshire from 1837 till he sue, to the peanut (as Karl TaLBuT ok Hexsoi., &c), 13 Jan. 1849 ; was a Lord in Waiting, March to Dec. 1852; Naval Aide ile Camp to the Queen, 1852 : P.C., 1S58 : Oapt. of the corps of the Gentlemen at Anne, 1S5S-59. On the death of hie distant cousin, 10 Aug. 1 Sob', he sue, him as Earl of Shrewsbury in England and Karl aj. Watcrfm d ill Ireland, and his claim thereto, M well as to the office of High Steward [I.], was allowed by the Mouse of Lords, 1 ') June 1858 in which month he took his seat accordingly, attending, as High Steward [1.1 the installation of the Prince of Wales as a Knight of St. Patrick. IS April IS'iS. Hi m. 8 Nov. 1S28, Sarah Klizabeth, only da. of Henry de-la-Poer (1!kh KSLi iFin', 2d Mill- QCess of Watehford [I.]. by Susanna, da. and h. of George (C.mii'kxtkr), 2d Kahi. of Tviico.NNEL [I.] He d. 4 June 1888, aged til, at N'ewbattle Abbey, near Dalkeith, tb«  house of the Marquess of Lothian. Will pr. 27 July 1868, under i.50,000. His widow, who was b. 10 Nov. 1807, d. 13 Oct. 1881, at Ashridge Park, Berks. Will nr. 6 Nov. 1885. XXII. 1868. 10. Charles John (Chetwynd Talbot), Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl Talbot ok Hknsol, 8tc., also Ears ok W.itkh- FORI) [I.], 1st s. and h., b. 13 April 1830, at Gumley, co. Leicester ; styled ViscOUW Ingestrie, 1849-68 ; ed. at Eton and at Mertou Coll., Oxford ; sometime. 1851.5:1, an officer in the 1st Life Guards ; M.P. for Stafford, 1857-59, and for North Stafford- shire, 1859-S8 ; sue. to the pecraye, as above, 4 June 1868 ; Capt. of the corps uf Gentlemen at Arms, 1875 ; P.C. 1875. He m. 15 Feb. 1855, Anna Theresa, 1st da. of Richard Howe Cockerel!., Comm. R.N., by Theresa, da. of Charles NsWCOilKN, of Clonahard, co. Longford. He d. 11 May 1877, aged 46, at his residence, 39 Dover street. His widow living 1895. (") Acting on the presumption of the extinction at his deatli of the male descend- ants of the 1st Earl, on whom most of the estates had by an act of Pari, (procured by the Duke of Shrewsbury) been settled, he devised them to the Howard family, who still possess all that were not so entailed. ( b ) The descent was very satisfactorily proved, but there must remain grave doubts about the extinction of many senior lines, as also respecting the [assumed] marriage of {William Talbot (then a young man at Oxford thu' afterwards a'Bishop) with Catherine King, the mother of Charles Talbot, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensoi.