Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/150

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1 48 SHREWSBURY — SHURLAND. Tngestrir [17SI], and Bari»: Tai.rot of Hensoi. [1733], also Earl op Waterfoud in Ireland [1446], and Hereditary High Steward [I.], only s. and h.,ft, in Eaton place, 13 Nov. I860 : styled Viscount Inoestrik from Ht>8 till he sue. to the peerage, as above, 11 May 1877 ; Steward of the borough of Stafford. (•) He /«. IS .lone 1832, Ellen Mary, the" divorced wife (on IStli inst.1 of Alfred Miller MuNDV, da. of Charles Rowland PalMBB-MorkWOOD, of Alfreton Hall, co. Derby, by Georgina, da. of George Anson (Byron), 7th Baron Bvron of Rochdale. [Charles John Alton CriETwyND-TALnoT, xti/lcd Viscount Ixoestme, only s. and h. ap., b. 8 Sep. 1SS2, at Alton Towers, co. Stafford-H 1 ') Family Estates — These, in 1883, consisted of 18,954 acres in Staffordshire : ft.'iOO in Cheshire; 3,608 in Worcestershire; 'J, 186 in Shropshire; 1,359 in Derbyshire: SI in Glamorganshire, and -11 in Northamptonshire, Berkshire, aha Oxfordshire. Total 35,729 acres, worth £112,382 a year, exclusive of minerals under 2,000 acres iu Gla- morganshire. Principal Residences. Alton Towers, near Cheadle, and Ingestrie Kail, both co. Stafford. SHRONEIIILL. i.e., "Milton op SiinnNEinLL, co. Tipperary," Barony [ l,[{Danutr),er. 1753; see " Dorchester " Earldom, c>: 1792 ; ex. 1S0S. SHROPSHIRE, see Shrewsbury. SHUGBOROUGII. See "Anson of Siiugborough and Orgrave, co. Staffonl," Viscountcy (Anson, formerly Adams), cr. 1806. SHULDHAM. Barony [I.] 1. Molynelx Siiuldham, 2d s. of the Rev. Lemuel I 177G Shdmjham, of Dublin, by Elizabeth, da. of Daniel, and sister and heir tQ ' of Pooley MoLV.N'Bf.x, of B.illymulvey ; entered the Royal Navy at the 170ft age of 10, becoming eventually a Vice Admiral. He, being at that ' time in command of the fleet in North America, was cr. 31 July 1776, BARON SHULDHAM [1.] He was sometime M.P. for Fowey. He m. i Oct. 1790, at St. James' W'estm., Margaret Irene, widow of Johu Harcourt, of Ankerwycke, in Wraysbury, Bucks, da. of John Sarnkv, of Somerset House, Midx. He d. s.p. at Lisbon, and was bur. at Wraysbury afsd., 29 Sep. 1799, when the title be- came extinct. Will pr. Nov. 1799. His widow m., as his second wifs, 6 July 180:1 or 1805, at Vienna, Robert (Mkadk), 2d Earl OF Clanwiluam [I.], who i(. at Vienna, 3 Sep. 1805, aged %9. Shed. 22 Eeb. 1811, at her estate of Silbergh, in Carinthin. Her admon. April 1812 and Sep. 1813. SHURLAND. i.e., " Herbert of Siiurland, in the Isle of Sheppey, co. Kent," Barony (Herbert), cr. 1605, with the Earldom of Montoomerv; see " Pembroke," Earldom, cr. 1551, under the 4th Earl. (■) For many years he was in a large way of business as a hansom-cab proprietor, the vehicles marked with " S. T." (Shrewsbury and Talbot), as well as the horses, being of the best possible quality. ( b ) Shrewsbury is the premier English Earldom existing per se, but the antiquity of the anomalous Earldom of Arundel, enjoyed by the Dukes of Norfolk, is, of course, much greater. In Riddell's " Devon" (103-106) it is remarked that "should it ever legally be found that the Devon patent carries the old precedence ' ' [1335, or, as " there is reason to think, of much higher antiquity"] it would rank before Shrewsbury, which was not created till 1442.