Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/155

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SINCLAIR. 153 ventioa [S.] ol 1689 settling the Crown oil William III. and Mary. He m. 30 Dec. 1630, Gri/.el, da. of Sir James Cockbukn, of Cockburn. He was bur. 14 March Vi'i, at Dysart, iu his 63d year. At his death the peerage, devolving on his 1st s. and h.j who had been attainted iu 1715, became forfeited, and so continued (for 30 years) till 1 76-'. The right to the dignity, subject to the attainder, was as under. XI. J7M. 11 or 2. The Hon. John St. Clair, Master uf Sin- clair, who, but for the attainder, would have been Lord Sin- clair [S ], I.-t s. and h., b. 5 I>ec. 1683 ; M P. for Dysart Burghs, 1708. He engaged iu the rising uf 1715(*J and was consequently attainted and so became incapable of inheriting the peerage. !n 1736 he obtained by act of Pari, a partial restoration, so as to enable him to inherit property, &c. He lit. firstly, Aug. 1733, Margaret, Dow. Countkss of Southesk [S.], 1st da. of James (Stewart;, 5th Earl of Galloway [S.J, by Catharine, da. of Alexander (Mont- gomery), Karl of Eulinton [S.] She d. s.p.s., 22 July 1747, at Edinburgh. He M. secondly, 24 April 1750, at Aruhall, Amelia, sister of John, 3d Duke ok Atimi.l [S.]. da. of Lord (Jeorge Murray, by Amelia, da. and h. of James Murray, of Glencarse. He d. s.p., 2 Nov. 1750, at Dysart afsd., in his 67th year. His widow in. 18 April 1 75 1, at Dunkeld, James Faiujuharson, of Iuvercauld. Slie <(. 21 April 1779, at Marlie, eo. Perth. XII. 1700. it or .;. The Hon. .Tames St. Clair who, but for to the attainder of 1715i b ), would have been Lord Sinclair [S.], J?63, next ur - ar "l h- H e > WU,J waa u - about 16S5, inherited the family estates on his father's death in 1723, which, however, he gave over to his elder br. when he was capable of holding them. He served in the army with some distinction at several places ; was in command at the attack on Port L'Urient, 20 Sep. 1746. and on Quiberon in Oct. following, becoming eventually l.t. Gen. in 1745 and full General in 1761. He was Col. of the 22a Reg., 1734-37, and of the 1st Foot, 1737-62. He was M.P. for Dysart, 1722-34 ; for Sutherl.unlshire. 1736-47 ; for Dysart, 1747-54, and for Fifeahire, 1754-62 : was sent on an embassy to Vienna and to Turin ; was Gov. of eo. Cork and a Major Gen. on the staff in Ireland- He m. Janet, widow of Sir John Laird, yst. da. of the Hon. Sir David Dalhymi'le, 1st Bart. [S-], of Hailes, by Jauet, da. of Sir James Roche AJ). He c/. s.p. at Dysatt, 30 Nov. 1762, aged about 77. Will pr. 1763. His widow, who was b. 31 March 1690, d. 8 Jan. 1766, in Greek street, Soho. At his iL-ath in 1762 the heir of line to the old Barony became iu any case dissevered from the subsequent inheritors of the title and if (as presumably is the case) the dignity was originally one to heirs general, ( c ) such heir is to be found among the descendants of the sisters of the abovenamed James St. Glair.f*) The title, however, under the regrant of 1677, devolved as below. curious that the motive " does nut extend " to the preseut line who are not sprung from her, altho' they take by the conveyance." [Riddell, pp. 55-56.] G. Burnett, Lyon King of Arms, (in his note on " Sinclair " in the " Exclitqucr Rolls " [S.], vol. viii, preface xlvii,) says that he will not express any opinion on Riddell' a question lis to whether the want of resignation may not (in spite of the patent of 1677) leave the old title vested in the heirs of the old line. In that case two Baronies of Sinclair would exist, each of the same date. See also vol. iii, p. 7, sub " Dacrc de Gillesland," as to the award in 1473 ranking that (then newly established) peerage next to the old Barony of Dacre. (■) See vol. iii, p. 192, note " a," for a list of the Scotch peerages forfeited in 1715. ( b ) The attainder of his brother applied to him, as by it all their father's issue— letng in the same estate tail— were barred. fl See " Remark " on p. 152. ( d ) Col. James Paterson sue. this James St. Clair, both as heir of line, as also in his estates at Dysart, Rosslyu, &c, being only s- and h. of Grind, his eldest sister, by