Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/16

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14 SAINT GERMANS 1 — SAINT JOHN. Office, 1S72-S1 ; sue. to the peerage, 19 March 1881. He m. 18 Oct. 1881, at the Chapel Royal, Savoy, Emily Harriet, 3d and yBt. da. and coheir of Henry (Labouchkrk), 1st Baron Taunton, by his first wife, Frances, da. of Sir Thomas Baring, 2d Bart. She was b. 24 Juue 1844. [Edward Henry Jonx Cornwallis Eliot, styled Lord Eliot, 1st s. and h. ap. ; 4. 30 Aug. 1885 ] Family Estates — These, in 1883, consisted of , r ),9fil acres in Cornwall, worth £8,098 a year ; 2,975 in Wilts, worth £1,950 a year ; 2,711 in Gloucestershire, worth £4,1-13 a year, besides 1,144 in Kent, of which the yearly value is unstated. Total 12,791 acres, worth (exclusive of those in Kent) £17,191 a year. Principal Residence ; Port Eliot, near St. Germans, co. Cornwall. SAINT HELENS. Barony [I.] J. Allevxe Eitzherbert, yst. br. of Sir William T 1701 Fitzherhkut, Hart, (so cr. 22 Jan. 1784), being 5th s. of William Fitzhkrbert, of Tissington Hall, co. Derby, by Mary da. of Little- Barony [U.K.] ton Poyntz Meynkll, of Bradley, in that county, and Judith, his , , m wife, da. of Thomas Allkynk of the island of Barbadoes. war. I>. at I. LoUl, a house called "St. Helens," in Derby, (a) 1 March 1753, and bap.

  • -° at St. Alkmunds, in that town ; was ed. at a school at Derby, at Eton,

] 839, and (as a pensioner) at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; B A., 2.1. senior opt. and senior Chancellor's medallist, 1774 ; obtained a travelling scholarship. 1775; M.A. 1777. He was Minister at Brussels, 1777-82 ; was sole Plenipo. to Paris in 1782 for arranging a peace, concluded in 17S3, between Prance, .Spain and the I'nited Provinces ; Envoy to the Empress Catharine of Russia, 1 783-87, whom in 1 7S7 he accompanied during her tour in the Crimea ; P.C. 1 7S7, being at the time of his death the senior member ; Chief Sec. for Ireland 1787-89; Envoy (with the pay of an Ambassador) to the Hague 17S9-91, and shortly afterwards Ambassador to Madrid, being cr. 2U Jan. 1791, BARON SAINT HELENS [1.1. lie concluded a treaty of alliance with Spain in 1793. He went again to the Hague, but this time as Ambassador, 1 794-5*5. (") In May 1 SOI he was Ambassador to the Emperor Alexander of Russia, whose Coronation (in Oct.) he attended. He had previously (17 June) arranged the convention with the three Baltic powers, for which he received the thanks of Pari., and was er. 31 July 1801, BARON SAINT HELENS of the Isle of Wight, co. Southampton [U.K.]. He retired from diplomacy in 1803, receiving an annual pension of £2,300 : was a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1804. F.S.A. ; a trustee of the Brit. Museum 1805-37 ; G.C.H. 1819. He it mini, at his house in Grafton street, 19 and was bur. 28 Feb. 1839 in the cemetery in the Barrow Rood, aged 85, when both his peerages became txtintt.t*) Will pr. 18 March 1839. SAINT JOHN otherwise SAINT JOHN DE BASINfi. Barony by 1. John St. John, s. mid 1>. np, of John St. JoHK,( d ) writ. of Basing, co. Southampton (whose name occurs in the rolls of Pari., t l'TQQ before the record of writs of summons commence) having, in 1296, " attended, equis el armis, a summons to Carlisle, was v.p. sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD SAINT JOHN or LORD SAINT JOHN DH ( ll ) Ex inform (Jan. 1884) Rev. Reginald Fitzherbert, who added that the grantee had no connection with the Isle of Wight, but chose the title of Saint Helens, merely from having been born iu a house so called. ( b ) " On 16 July 1797, his house, containing everything he possessed, was burnt to the ground, and he himself narrowly escaped a premature death. ' He has lost,' wrote Lord Minto, ' every scrap of paper he ever had. Conceive how inconsolable that loss must be to one who has lived his life. All his books, many fine pictures, prints and drawings in great abundance are all gone." [Nut. Iliogr.] (o) " His consummate prudence and his quiet polished manners are the theme of WraxalPs praise. Rogers and Jeremy Bentham were included in the list of his friends." [Nat. Iliogr.] ( a ) This John was s. and h. of Robert de St. John, s. and h. of William, who