Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/286

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284 STRATH ED EN — STRATH ERNE. III. 1893. o. Hallyburton Geohgk (Campbell), Barok Stiuthe- DE.n OF CrP.ui [1836] anil Bahon CaMI'UKU. tiY St, ANDRKWa fiSll]. br. and b., b. 13 Oct. 18211 : entered Rest Indian Civil Service (Bengal) I8ij, but resigned lSfifi; sometime Associate to the Queen's IVucU ; sue. to (/„■ peerage 21 Juu. 18V3 : Lieut.-Col. 40th Midx Rifle Volunteers (») Ho in. 24 Aug, I8S5, it Kilndown, en. Kent. Louisa Mary, let da. of the lit. Hon. Alexander John Bereafunl I'>EitK.sroiti>-Hoi% of liedgbury 1'ark in that parish, by Mildred Arabella Charlotte, 1st da. of Juiuea Browulow William (Cecil.) 2d M.iiuu ks ok Salisuciiv. r Family Estates. — These, in 1 S S3, were under 2,000 acred. STRATH ERNE, or STRATI I F.ARNK. This, irit/i Mexteitii (nnv, togelhur, forming llio southern pari of 1'erthshire) was one of the Seven original Earldom* [Mortimeridups] of .S... .t lan.l.f the Killers of which (who, in the 10th century, were styled " Moiimakks ") were, early in the 12th century, known as Kails. Before that" time, however, " Mknteitu ' appears to have been separated from '* Stratherne." Earldom [s.] /., Mokmaer of StbatiierN'E, was wiLnssa i i i i r. to the charter of Scone, dat. 1115, as " Mallus, Comes," i.c , KARL OK STRATHERNE [S.] lie distinguished himself at the battle «t the Standard, 22 Aug. 1138. II. 1140? ~. FeRQUIIARI), or FeuTETII, Ivvltl. OP StRATIIUUNE [H.], B. ami h., who, in 1160, with five other of the old Celtic Kails, rebelled against Malcolm IV [S.J besieging him in L'orttl.p) He (/. 1171. III. 1171. J. Gilbert, Earl up Strattierxe [S. j, s. ami li. He and his first wife Matilda, da. of William D'Ai, founded the monastery of Inchatlr.vy, in 1198. He ill. secondly, before 1219, loeuda, at which date they were both living. He d. before 1221. IV. 1220] J t . Robert, Earl of Stratherxe [S.J, 4th but 1st surv. s. and U ; one of the witnesses to the treaty between Alexander II [S ] and Henry III. at Vork in 1237. He d. before 1211. V. 1240? -7. Malise,('1) Fare of Stratherxe [S.], s. and b, one of the Guarantors of a treaty between Scotland and England in 1244 ; was of the English party and under the protection of Henry III, 10 Aug. 1205, in which year he was one of the Guardians of Alexander 111 [S.J. He m. (») In a list of Peers who iu Oct. 1891 were directors of 4 or more Companies (aee note under " Tweeddale ") he appears as a director of no less than live. ( b ) See vol. i, p. 88, for a fuller account of these Earldoms in the remarks under " Angus." p} The object appears to have been to set on the throne William " of Egremout," grandson and h. of Duncan II [S.], who was s. and h. of Malcolm III. [S.J by his first wife, Ingebiorge, widow of Earl Thorium of Orkney. His claim, besides that he was the lineal heir, would commend itself to the Gaelic and Norwegian population, rather than that of the reigning house, descended from the Saxun Princess Margaret, the second wife of Malcolm. See Skene's " Celtic Scotland " (1880), vol. iii, p. 05. (<1) The Editor has availed himself of au able article on " the Earls of Stratherne, 1340-1332," by Joseph Bain, F.S.A. (" Qenealugitt," N.S., vol. v, pp. 105-108) as to the account here given of this and the three succeeding Earls, all four named " Malise," a fact that makes their identification very difficult. It should, however, be stated that the learned author of that article only puts it forth as tentative. He remarks (most truly) that Wood's Douglas's l'ccraijc [S.J "iH a jumble of confusion regarding these four Earls."