Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/304

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302 SUFFOLK. (who d. s.p. in 1316V sister f whose issue, in 1350, became heir) to John (DE NORWICH), Loud Norwich, da. 'of Sir Walter DE Norwich, of Mettingham Castle, co. Suffolk, Ch. Baron of the Exchequer, by Margaret, his wife. She i/. early in 13iiS, and was bur, in Cnurpsev Priory. He d 4 Nov. 1389, aged 71, anil was bur. there.; 1 ) Will .lat. 29 June 13u8, pr.'at Lambeth, 11 Nov. 1369.C b ) [Kobert de Ufford, 1st p. ami h. up. ; b. about 1320, was, in recognition of his father's services, sum. to Pari, v.p., presumably, in his father's Barony (as LORD UFFOHP). by writ 25 Feb. (1311/2) 18 FA. Ill directed " Jloberh de Ujford, tc Fit:. He m. iu or before 1337, Elizabeth, widow of William Lvtimku) Lord Latimer (who d. 133$, aged 34), da, of John (ni; Botetourt), 1st l.onn Botecourt, by Matilda, da. of Thomas Firz-Onio. They were both living in 1364, but he d. v.p. and s.p. before 29 June 1368]. II. 13G9, Q. William (pe Ufford), Earl op Suffolk [1337], and to Lonn Tefohd [1309], 1st surv. s. and h. ') b, about 1339, win (like 1382. Bft eldest br.. Kobert, who appears to have been l!t years bis senior) was sum. to Pari, v p.. presumably C i» his father's Barony fas I.Oltli UFFOUD), by writs from 4 Dec. (13t>4) 38 Hd. ill. to 20 Jan. (1916.1/4)39 Ed. 111. He was aged about 30 when he sue. his father as Earl »f Suffolk, 1 Nov. 13119 ; served in the French wars, his retinue for the relief of Thouarj consisting of 23 knights, 66 esquires, 57 men of anus, and SO arehers ; K G , July 137."' : Admiral of the North, July to Nov. 1370 ; Bearer of the sceptre with the truss at the ennui, of liic. II., In' July 1377. In 1380, he sue, in right of his mother, to Mettingham Castle, sail other estates <if the family of Norwich. His |>opularity WHS soch that he with difficult} escaped being f oread to become a leader in "Jack Straw's" rebettlion in 1381, for the trial whereof he was afterwards Chief Cominissr. Hi- in. firstly, before 14 July 1361 (when she was aged 12 . Joan, yr. da. and coheir of Edward (UK MONTACDIK), U)RD MoXTacutk, by his first wit'.-, Aliee. 2|t da. and rohcir of Thomas (PlaNtagkxkt), Karl ok Norfolk, yr. s. of Edward I. Sin., who was //. at Bungay Castle, 2 Feb. 1348/9, d s.p.s. 137fi, in her 27th year, and was bur. at Campsey priory. He Ml. secondly before 27 June 1376 (when he obtained the King's pardon for that act), Isabella, widow of John (I.E STRANQK), U)RD StiiaxoE nn Bl..u KMEItE (who (/. a minor and s.p. in. 3 Aug. 1375), 5th da. of Thomas (BKAOCHAJir) Karl OF Warwick, by Katharine, da. of linger (MORTIMER), Kaim. ok Mari ii. Ile</. s.p.s.(e) 13 Feb. 1381/2, in ,i fit, while ascending the steps of the Pari. House, aged 42,^') when the Earldom of Suffolk became extinct, or lapsed to the VroiniK) and the (') He, in 1356, is thus spoken of, "Sapiential militaris dninicilium singulars, strenuis actibus a jiiventute iu provectani letatem decoratus." [Galfridus le Maker " Chron.," p. 260.] ( b ) Printed by U. E. Chester Waters (see p. 300 note " c ") who corrects some ludicrous errors in former versions, particularly one in a note by Nicolas in the Tat, Vet. {') He appears to have hail four brothers, of whom three d. v.p. ami s.p. ; viz. (1), Kobert, as iu the text; i2, Sir Thomas ITlford, JL.Qt. (ISiiO), who was in the .Spanish expedition at Navarete, 3 April 1367, and who St, Elizabeth, sister of Isabella, wife of his br., Karl William. It is presumed lie was older than his said brother. ,3, Walter, living 1351. The yst. br , John de Ufford, a Priest, was Hector of Hillghaui, J369, and d. Aug. 1375, being certainly not identical with John, Archbishop of Canterbury (elect) who d. 1349. See note "b" above. Uircu jincm. ( d ) This summons, however, may have been in right of his wife, whose only br., Edward, to whom she was coheir, d. an infant, 27 Sep. 1361, uine weeks after the death of their father, the Lord Montacute. (<•') His surv. child, Margaret, was living in the spring of 1375, when an aid fur her marriage was levied, but she d. (also before her mother) in that year. ( f i "Cunctis se in omni vita amabilem exhibuerat." [Walsingham s Hist. Angl.] (ft) See Nicolns's " Report of the Huron// of L'/xle" (p. 284 and note) for remarks as to how the Earldom of Suffolk, having been granted to the heirt of the grantee, reverted to the Crown (and was disposed of by the same) on the death of the 2d Earl, who left (only) co-heirs.