Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/319

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SUFFOLK. 317 of Hutton Hall, near Penrith, Cumberland, by Catharine, rla. of the Rev. Thomas Bolton, Minister of Greystock. She d. at Charlton House, 23 Nov. 1819, aged 82, nnd was bur. at Charlton.(') Admon. June 1820. He d. 23 Jan. 1S20. in his 80th vear, at the same place, and was ftur. at CUarltou.( b ) Will dat. 12 Oct. 1812, pr. 1820, ttOder £35,000. [ Nevixson Howard, styled Viscount Andover, 1st s. ami h. ap., b. 13 Mav an.l b<j>. .8 June 1775, at St. Marylebooe ; ed. at Kton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; M.A. 27 April 1790. He m. 21 June 1798, at Holkham, co. Norfolk, Jane Elizabeth, 1st da. of Thomas (Cokh), 1st Eahl ok Leicester ok Hoi.kham, by his first wife. He d. p.p. and v.p. at South Creake, co. Norfolk, from the accidental discharge of his gun, 11 and was bur. 20 Jan. 1800, at Tittleshall, in that county, aged 21. Will pr. March 1812. His widow, who was 6. 2 Dec. 1777, m. 17 April 1S06, at St. James's. Westm., Admiral Sir Henry Diobv, G.C.B., who d. 19 Aug. 1S42, aged She d. 29 April 1S63, in her Stith year, at Brighton]. XXIV. 1820. 16. TnoMAs (Howard), Earl op Suffolk, Earl of Berkshire, &0., 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. ; b. IS Aug. and bap. 20 Oct. 1776, at Henley-on-Thames; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch, Oxford; I5.A. 23 June 179S ; Student of Line. Inn, 1795: stylnl Viscount Andover, 1S00-20 ; M.P. for Arundel, 1802-00 : sue. to the peerai/e, as above, 23 Jan. 1S20 ; F.S.A., 2? March 1S20 ; Col. Wilts Militia, 1827. He m. 3 Jan. 1803, Elizabeth Jane, da. of James (Dutton!, 1st BaRON Sherburne, by Elizabeth, sister of Thomas, 1st Earl op Leicester of Holkham abovenauied, da. of Wenman Huberts, aftirirards Coke. She, who was b. 2S May 1775. d. 18 April 1836, at Charlton, in her 00th year, and WMOlir. there. He rf, 1 Lee. 1851, also at Charlton, and was bur. there, aged 75. Will pr. July 1852. XXV. 1851. 17. John (Howard), Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Berkshire, Ste., 1st s. and h., ft. 7 Nov. 1S05, at Charlton House afsd. : stj/lcd Viscount ANDOVKR, 1820-51 ; ed. at Ch. Ch.. Oxford ; M.P. for Mahneslmry, in 3 1'arls., I83"i-41 ; sue. l> the prcrnyt, as above, 4 Dec. 1851. He m. 2 Sep. 1829, at Aldingbourne, Sussex, Isabella Catherine Mary, 2d da. of Lord Henry Thomas .Moi.YNEUX-lloWAItn (}T. br. to Bernard Edward, Db'KK OF Norfolk), by Elizabeth, da. of Edward Lonci, Judge of the Admiralty Court at Jamaica. He d. 14 Aug, 1870, at Charlton House, and was ftur. at Charlton, aged 71- His widow who was ft. 20 Sep. and bnp. 27 Oct. 1 SOU, at St. Geo.. Han. sq., d. 20 June 1891, at Charlton cottage, near Malmesbury, and was facr> at Charlton, aged 84. XXVI. 1876. IS. Henry Charles (Howard), Earl of Suffolk [1003], Earl of Berkshihe [1620], Viscount Andover and Baron Howard of Charlton [1 622], 1st s. and h. ; ft. 10 Sep. 1833 ; ed. at Harrow ; styled Viscount Andoveh, 1851-70 ; M.P. for Malmesbury, 1859-08 ; sue. to the parage, as above, 14 Aug. 1876. He m. 2 Dec. 1S68, at St. Geo., Han. sq., Mary Eleanor Lauderdale, 4th da. of the Hon. Henry Amelias Coventry (yr. s. of George William, Stli Eaiil of Coventry), by Caroline, da. of James Dumias. She was ft. 25 Sep. 1847. [Henry-Molyneux-Paget Howard, styled Viscount Andover, 1st p. and h. ap. ; ft, 13 Sep. 1877 ; ed., 1891, at Winchester]. Family Estates.— These, in 18S3, consisted of 11,098 acres in Wiltshire, worth £14,20!/ a year. Chief Seat.— Charlton Park, near Malmesbury, Wilts. (') According to Lady Hester Stanhope, she "was a very clever, shrewd woman, and filled her elevated situation admirably." ( b ) His portrait (one full of intelligence) " after A. J. Oliver, 1S06," is engraved in Doylt."