Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/336

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334 SUSSEX. 11, iar ii- " dower,( a ) and who survived ber husband, Earl Hugh, nearly 40 years. He d. ~| 27 Sep. 1305, aged about 70. VII. 1305, 2. John (de Waren-ne), Eari, of Surrey and to Earl of SussexC') or Eaiil Warennk, grandson and h. j h. 1347. 28 Juae 12S6 ; sue. his grandfather, as above, 27 Sep. 1805. ^'fl He (as his father) is styled in several of the numerous ' writs issued to him between 1315 and 1326 Earl of 'Surrey uud Sussex. He d. s.p. legit. 30 June 1317, aged 61, when, apparent ly, l/ie Eurldmns of Surrey and Sussex rcierted to the Crown, and, for nearly two centuries no Earldom of Sussex, under that i»me,( c ) was heard of. 1 VIII. 1529. 1. Rorert (Radcltffe, or Katci.yffe), Viscount Fitzwalteii.C 1 ) &c, was cr. 8 Pee. 152ft HAUL, OF SUSSEX. He was s. and h. of John (Radclvfkk or RiTCtTFFS), Loud KlTKWALTSH (a Barony cr. by writ 23 June 1295), by his 2nd wife Margaretf c > ; was b. about 1483; restored in blood and honours;') from the effect* of his lathers attainder 1,1495-96) by pat. 25 Jan. 1505/6", procuring an act nf Pari, to the same effect ( 1509) I Hen. VIII, whereby he became I. OKI) FITZWALTER. and was sum. accordingly by writs from 28 Nov. (1511) 3 Hen VIII to 15 April t,U>23) 1 1 Heu, VUI. directed " Roberto Ratclgff de Fit:- Walter, C'A.'Y." K.B. 23 June 150'J, at the coronation of Hen. VIII, at which also he was L. Sewer. He attended Hen. VIII, in 1512, to Fiance, and was at the sieges of Tournay and Theroiienne : was Chief Capt. of the Vanguard of the English army in France in 1522 ; el. K.G. 23 April and inst 7 May 1523 ; P.C. 1526, having been toe, IS June ]525;8) VISCOUNT Fl'J'Z- WALTERS) and subsequently, 8 Dec. 152!>, Earl of Sussex, as afs.l. He snb.,cribed in 1529 the accusation of Cardinal Wolsey, as he did the letter of 1530 to the Pope Baking for the King's divorce ; Lieut, of the order of the (iarter, 1531 ; Chamberlain YVarenne anil Fitzalan. Courtbope remarks, sub " Sussex " that " at the same time that John Plantaoenet, or de Warren, was receiving Writs directed to him as Earl of Sussex, the King is said by Glover in his Catalogue of the Earls of Arundel, to have bestowed the Sword of the County of Sussex upon Richard Kitz-Alan, 4 id vacatur Comes,' an event stated to have occurred 1289. The claim uf John de Warren, one of the most powerful nobles of hia time, to the Earldom of Sussex, may have operated as the cause that induced Fitz-Ahui to abandon any claim he might have had upon that title, and to adopt that of Earl of Arundel, for it is only two years subsequent to this period that we find the first Writ to him bo addressed.' ' (a) See p. 329, note " d," sub Surrey as to the non-assumption of an Earldom during the tenure of the estates in dower. ( b ) See p. 333, note "c." ( c ) His nephew Richard (Fitzalan) Earl of Arundel (who, perhaps, as such, con- sidered himself as being Earl of Sussex), assumed (tho' not till after the death of the Dovr. Countess, in 1361), the title of Earl of Surrey, which has ever since been born by bis descendants. It is stated in the Paston letters (ii. 382) that John Mowbray, who in 1461 sue. his father as Duke of Norfolk, and who had been cr. v.p. 24 March 1451 Eari, of Sihhey and Wauenne, styled himself 26 Sep. 1469 Bart of Sussex. At his death, 17 Jan. 1475/6, nil his abovetiamed titles became extinct. (<•) As to the Baronies of Egremond and Burnell, which the Lords Fitzwalter assumed, see vol. iii, p. 372, note " a." sub " Fitzwalter." (•) Margaret, Lady Fitzwalter, mother of Robert, Lord F., was living 6 Julv (1518) 10 Hen. VIII. C) This was by virtue of an act (1504) 19 Hen. VII, giving the King power to reverse attainders. («) See vol. ii, p. 438, note " c," sub " Cumberland " for a list of the creations made that day. () " The signed bill for this dignity is remaining, but being without a recejii and. there being no enrolment of a patent it would have appeared as though no patent had passed the seal had it not been borne by Garter at the ceremony of the creation " [CourtAope].