Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/338

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336 SUSSEX. Chamber; was Chief Gov. of Ireland (ns L. Dep.), 1556-58, again, 1559-60, and again (ns L. Lieut.), 1560-65, having meanwhile ou the death of his father, 17 Feb. 1556/7, sue. as Earl of Sussex, &c. ; el. K G. 23 April 1557, and inst. 9 Jan. 1557/8 ; Ch. Justice in Eyre, south of Trent, 1557 ; L>. Lieut, of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1557 ; L. Sewer at the coron. of Elisabeth, 1550 ; cr. M.A. of Cambridge, 10 Aug. 1564. He was Ambassador with the Garter^) to the Emperor Maximilian, who was invested therewith at Vienna, 4 Jan. 1567/8 ; L. President of the Council of the North, 156S-72 ; P.C. 1570 ; Lieut. Gen. of the. North, 1570-72, effecting great devastation in Scotland, 1571. L. Chamberlain of the Household, 1572-83 ; one of the Judges at the trial of the Duke of Norfolk, 1573 ; Lieut, of the Order of the Garter, 1578 ; a Commissr. in 1582) for the proposed marriage of Queen Eliz. with the Duke of Anjou. He hi. firstly, before .Sep. 1553, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas ( WkIOTHESLBT), 1st Earl of Southampton, by Jane, da. and h. of William Chknby. She was bur. 16 Jan. 1554/5, at Woodham Walters, Essex. He m. secondly [Lie. London, 26 April 1555, to marry at the Royal chapel, or elsewhere] Frances, sister of Sir Henry Sydney, K.G., da. of Sir William SYDNEY, of Penshurst, co. Kent, by Anne, da. of Hugh Paukniiam. He (/. b ) at his house in Bcnnondsey, 9 June 1583, age<l about 57, and was bur. 9 July, with some state, from bis seat at New Hall [Beaulieu] at Boreham, co. Essex, to which place he directed that the bodies of his parents and grandparents should be removed, by his will dat. 1 April 1583, pr. 15S5. His widuw d. s.p. 9 March 1588/9, and was our. 15 April 1589, in Westni. Abbey, aged 58. M.I. Will dat. 6 Dec. 15S8, pr. 1589 and 1590, whereby (among other charitable bequests) she left £5,000 for erecting a college at Cambridge, to be called " Sydney -Sussex College." XI. 1583. .'/. Henry (Radclyffe or Ratcltffe), Karl op Sussex, &c, br. of the whole blood and h., b. about 1530; kiihihted by the Earl of Arundel, 2 Oct. 1553; M.P. for Maiden, • 1 555 : f..r Hants, 1571. and for Portsmouth, 1572-83, having been M.P. [L] for Carliugford, 1559 ; P.C. 1557; Lieut, of Maryborough Castle 1558-59; Lieut, uf Leix and Oll'aley 1561, ami Capt. of a band [I.]. 1564. Governor of Portsmouth, 1571 : sue. t» the peerage. 9 June 15X3; joint L. Lieut, of Hants, 1585; el. and bur. KG., 22 April and but 18 Dec. 15S9. He m. [Lie. Fac. 6 Feb. 1548/9] Honor*, da. and coheir of Anthony Pound, of Hampshire, by ( — ), da. of Lewis Winofiri.d. 9th s. of Sir John W. of Letheringham. She d. before him and was bur. at Boreham afsd. He d, 11 Dec. 1593, and was bur. there, aged about 63. Will dat. 9 Dec. 1593, pr. 1594. XII. 1593. 5. Robert (Radclyffe, or Katclyffe), Eari. of Sussex [1529], Viscount Fitzwai.tku [1525] and Loud Fitzwaltkh [12961, only s. and h., 4. probably about 1560 ; stilled Visuount Fitzwaltkh from 1583, till he sue. to the peerage, ns above, 14 Dec. 1593; was Ambassador to Scotland for the christening, Aug. 1594, of Priuce Henry : Col, of a reg. of Foot against Cadiz, being knighted, by the Karl of Essex, 27 June" 1590 ; was Marl Marshal, Oct. to Dec. 1597, and again Oct. to Dec. 1C01 ; el. K.G. 23 April and inst. 6 June 1599. Col. Gen. of Foot (army of London) 1599; L. Lieut, uf Essex, 1603 ; joint L. Lieut, of Keses, 1625 ; Gov. of Harwich, &c ; Bearer of the orb at the coron. of Charles I., 2 Feb. 1626. He m. firstly, about 1599, Bridget, 1st da. of Sir Charles MoiimsoN, of Cashiobury in Watford, Herts, by Dorothy, da. of Nicholas CLABKE. She, who was (') See vol. ii, p. 192, note " a," sub " Cathcart," for a list of these special Garter missions. ( b ) By his first wife he had two sons, Henry and Robert, both of whom d. v.p. in infancy. ( c ) He appears to have been, as Sir R. Naunton calls him [Frag. Reg.] "a goodly geutleman, of a brave, noble nature and constant to his friends. He is well known for his Opposition to the Queen's favourite, Lord Robert Dudley, afterwards Karl of Leicester, whom he spoke of as " that gypsy," and whom he called " an upstart that had but two ancestors [viz.] his father, a traitor ; and his grandfather, a publican. [Lloyd's "Statesmen."] His portrait " after a painter unknown " [Qg Zutei&o'l in the Nat. Poi ir. Gall , is engraved in " Doyle."