Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/342

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340 SUSSEX— SUTHERLAND. Dukedom. J. H.R II. Augustus Frederick, Prince of Great I 1S01 Britain and Ireland, also Dfke ok Urunswick-Lcnkbciki, 6th s, of

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to 1S43. George III., by Charlotte Sophia, da. of Charles Louis, Grasd Dike OP Mei'ki.KNBI'RH-Sthkutz, Ii. in the Queen's palace [Buck, inghaiu House], St. James' park, 27 Jan. and hap. there 25 Feb. 1773 ; ed. at the Univ. of Gottingen ; el. and inv. K.G. (with three of his brother*) 2 June 178u") and iust. 28 May 1801, was er. 27 Nov. IsOl, BARON OF AKK.LOW in lreland,( b J EAKLoF INVERNESS in North Britain, and DUKB OK SUSSEX. He wan !'.('. 1804-43 ; Lieut. Col. Com. of the " Loyal North Britons" Volunteers, 1S05 : G.C.H., 12 Aug. 1815 ; President of the Sue. of Aril, 1816 ; Col. Hon. Artill. Company of London, 1S17, and again 1837-43 ; cr. LL.D of Cambridge, 1819, and of Edinburgh, If May 1820 ; High Steward (if Plymouth, 1821-43 : KT, 19 July 1830; Pres. of the" Koyal Soc., 1830 S8 ; Ranger of St James' park and of Hyde park, 1831-43 ; G.C.B.", 21 Feb. 1838, and acting Grand Master of that Order, 183S-43; Gov. of Windsor Castle, 1842-48. He was also for many years, Grand Master of the Society of " Freemasons." He d num. 21 April 1843.( c ) at Kensington palace, and was bur. I May in the cemetery at Keusal Green, aged 69, when nil his hnnowrt became extinct. Will pr. Aug. 1843. Though, umler "the royal marriage net" of 1772, the marriage was invalid anil was so declared in Aug. 1794, by the Court of Arche>.i' 1 ; he m. at Home, 4 April 1 70:1, (a Protestant clergyman officiating) and again at St. Ceo.. Han. aq.,S Dec. following,!*) Augusta, 2d da. of John (Mi'KHav), 4th E.R I Of Din.M"1ie [S j, by Charlotte, da. of Alexander (Stewart), 6th BaRL OF Galloway [S ] She, by whom he had two children, took by royal lie, 13 Oct. ISOti, the name of Ds Amh.and, and it. J March 1S30, at Hamsgate, being bur. at. St. Laurence, in the isle of Tbanet.; f ) M I. He is presumed to have gone thro' a similar ceremony of marriage lone, probably, ecclesias- tically tho' not legally valid) about 1831, with Lady Cecilia Letitia UsBKBWOOD, widow,(E) relict of Sir George BtlOOIN, which lady by royal lie. 2 May 1831, took the name of UnderKOOd in lieu of Buggin and was er. 10 April 1810, DLc'HKSS OF INVERNESS, the Duke of Sussex himself being, as above stated, fyrt Invent*, See " Inverness " Dukedom, cr. 1S40 ; ex. 1873. Earldom. 1. H.R.H. Arthur William Patrick Ai.iif.ut, Prince W 1S74 OF Great Bbiiaib and Ireland, also Dike of Saxont, 3d s. of ' Queen Victoria, by II. II. II. Albert, Pnixc E OonsORT, Prince <>f Saxe Coburgh and Gothn, and T)uke of Saxony, was b. 1 May IS.'.O, and was cr. 24 May 1874, BARL OF SUSSEX. DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND STRATH EARN ; see " Connauuut," Dukedom, er. 1 874. SUTHERLAND. Caitiinesh with Sutherland was one of the seven original Earldoms [Mormaerships] of Scotland*, 1 ') the Rulers of which (who, in the 10th century were (») See vol. ii, p. 122, note "a," sub " Cambridge." ( u ) i.e., " Barou of Arklow in Ireland," in the peerage of Great Britain. ( c ) He seems to have been a kind-hearted man and beloved by his bousehoM [Qreville Menvdrs, part ii, voi. ii, p. 157], having something of a literary taste and being in politics a strong and consistent Liberal. ( a ) The opinion, however, of Dr. Lushintton, one of the most eminent of the Advocates in Doctors Commons, 12 July 1831, was that the Hoyal marriage act of 1772 did not affect marriages solemnized out of the British jurisdiction. (°) The marriage is thus registered— 1793, Dec. 6, "Augustus Frederick and Augusta Murray "—the one next preceding it [Dec. 3] being " Robert Brown and Margaret Watson " ; thus the word " Frederick " has the appearance of being the surname of the bridegroom. U) See vol. iii, p. 219, note "a," sub " Dunmore." She had received, since 29 July 179d, an annual pension of £1,200. (8) Her recognition by Queeu Victoria, can hardly be explained on any other grounds than such an assumption, inasmuch as the fact that she was living with the Duke, us his wife, was notorious. ( h ) See vol. i, p. 88, in the remarks under " Angus for an account of these seven Earldoms.