Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/378

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376 T EM r LETO VX — T ENNYSON. Viscountcy [I.] 1 nr. Barony [T.] IV. 3 mid J t . Obodge Frederick (Upton), Viscount Tkmpi.etows, Sic.ri.], next br. ami li. ; 4. 1868 ,r ' '^TOi "* i» Cbertsoy, co, Surrey; ed. at Eton and at. Ch. Ch. Oxford ; entered tlie army 1823, was iii command of the 1st Hatt. of the Cold- stream Guards in the Crimea, being wounded at Inkeiman ; served snbseipientlv in India. becoming finally, 1873, General in the army, hut retiring 1877, having been Got. 80th Rifles 1882 and »f tbe2ud Life Guards 1876 j C.B. 1855; Knight of the MYdjidie ; officer ol tin' Legion of Honour, &C., was M.r. fur en. Antrim 1859-63 ; sue. (o the pecrajp [I.] 28 March 1803 ; Kef Pkkk [I.] 1868-00 ; K.C.B. 1869 ; G.C.B. 1888 : teas sometime Gobi stick in waiting. He m ti Feb. 1S50. at St. Geo. Han. Sq„ Susan. 1st da. of Field Marshal Sir Alexander W'OODFOHD, O-.O.B. He </. s.p. at San Itemo, in Italy, 4 and was bur. It! Jan. 1S!'0 at Castle Upton afsd. in his SSth year. His widow d. at San Uemo afsd. 25 March 1884 in her 70th year. Viscountcy [I.] IV. Barony [I.] V. 4 ami 8. Henry Edward Montagu DoEikg- ton Clotworthy (Upton), Viscount TeHPLETOWN [1.1808] icjqq and T.ahon Tkmpi.ktown [I. 177n'], nephew and li., being only s. and h. of the Hon. Edward John I'itox, by Susan Moore da. of the Rev. John Mapdy, D.n., Preb. of Ely, which Edward John (who d. 11 March 1855 in his 40th year) was 4th and yst. s. of the 1st Viscount. He was h. 20 April 1853 ; was sometime Lieut. tiOth Hiftei ; tue. to the jtteragt [[.] 4 Jan. 1S90 ; Hkp. 1'khi [I.] since He m. 2S April 1883,at St. Geo. Han. Sq., Evelyn Georgiana. da, of George William iFinch-Hattun), EABt of WlKCHItSEA and NoTTINOBaM, by his third wife Fanny Margaretta, da. of Edward Boyd Kick. She was J. 11 Feb. l.854.=f 4* Family Estates. --These, in 1SS.1, consisted of 12,845 acres in CO. Mouaghan, and 11,924 in co. Antrim. Total, 24.769 acres, worth £19,217 a year. Principal Scat, Castle Upton, near Templopatrick, co. Antrim. TENELICK, See "Aunaly of Texeuck, co. Longford," Barony [I] (Gore), cr. 1766 ; ex. 17S4. Again cr. 17S9 ; ex. 1793. TENNYSON OF ALD WORTH AND OF FRESHWATER Barony. 1. Alfred Tennyson, 3d ft. of the Rev. George I 18S4 Clayton Tennyson, LL. ]">.,(") Rector of Soniersby, co. Lincoln il. 1S32, aged 51). by Elizabeth, da. of the Hev. Stephen Fytciik, Vicar of Louth, in that county, vrfte b. C Aug. 1809, at Somerabj ; ed. at the Grammar School, at Louth ; and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge (as a Pensioner), 1827-31, but took no degree;' 1 ') was joint author in 1S27 (with his elder brother Charles) of " I'ncms, by two brothers," and in and after 1S30, sole author of various poems/') becoming in 1850, PoJ.T Laureate ". cr. R.C.L., of Oxford, 20 June 1855 ; (°) See Vol iii, p. 40, note •' e, v svb " DeincOUrt," as to the absurd pretensions made by l is yr. br, Charles Tennyson, afterwards Tennyson-iT F.yneoiut These wire founded on the marriage of their grandfather Michael Tennyson, of Preeton, co. York, Apothecary, with a Miss Clayton, whose mother was a Miss Hildyard, which last- named Lady had the honour of possessing (in conjunction with thousands of others) a descent (one without representation and, of course, in the female line) fruui tbo early I'lantagenet Kings. ( b ) He, however, gained the Chancellor's medal for English Verse, at that University by his poem called " Timbuctoo." ( c ) Among these poems, is the well known one of " Locksley Hall." "The Princess" was pub. in 1S47 ; "In memorinm" (the work by which he probably will hereafter be the most famous) in 1850 ; " Maud " in 1855, and u The Idyls of the King" 1858.