Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/395

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THOMOND. 393 coheir of his uncle Henry (O'Brien) (Vth) 1th Earl of Thomond [I.], by Mary, da, oi William 'BltEUEToN), 1st Baron BltEltKToN OF LXIOUUM [I.] She was bur. (as " Lady Anne Brian") 10 Sep. 1044 at Great Hilling") He m. secondly in 1000, Sarah, willow of (— ) Ukyxolds, 3d da. of Sir r'raneis Russell, 2d liart., of Chippen- ham, eo. Cafflbrirtge, by Catharine, da. ami h. of John Wheatley, of Catslield, eo. Sussex. He d. at Great Billing, 2, ami was bur. 7 May 1091 there *) iu his 73d year. ILL Will dat. 7 Oct. 1090, nr. 10 Oct. 1688, ('■>) His widow d. about 1715. Will pr. Dec. 1715. [Henry O'Brien, styled Lord O'Brien, or possibly Lord Ibrackan, 1st s. and h. ap. being only s. of first wife ; mat. as Fellow Commoner at Oxford (YVadhnm Coll.), 10 Nov. IfSLft M.I'. [I.] for co. Clare, 1001 ; M.P. for Northamp- ton, 1670-78. B.C. [I.] He Bl. in 1004 Katharine, sun juri Baroness Clifton ie LhIGHTON BnflMSWOU), only surv. sister ami heir of Charles (Stuart), Duke of RICHMOND. He </. v. p. "of the distemper he brought from Flanders," 1, and was bur. 9 Sep. 107S. ill Wcstm. Abbey. Will dat. 0 Sep. 1072, pr. 20 Sep. 1G7S. His widow, w ho was bup. 5 Dee. 1040 at St. Martin' a in the fields, and who.-e right to the Barony of Clifton de Leighton Bromswold was recognised by the House of Lords, 7 Feb, 1071. in secondly (within 3 months of her late husband's death), Sir Joseph Williamson, sometime (1674-70). Brine. See. of Stite, who d. s.p. 3, and was 6ur. 14 Oct. 1701 in Westm. Abbev. Will pr. 17 Oct. 1701. She was bur. there 11 Nov. 1702. Will dat. 30 Oct. and 'pr. 23 Dec. 1702 ] [DoNocn O'Brien-, styled (from H'>78), Lord O'Brien, or possibly Loud IliUAC KAN, grandson and h. ap., being 1st and only surv. s. and h.; d ) of Henry O'Buikn, ali/ltd LORD O'Brien, or possibly Lord Ibkackan, by Katharine his wife both abovenamed. He was Imp. 10 Sep. 1003 at Great Billing. He m. in 1GS2, Soplrin, 0th da. of Thomas (Osuoiine), 1st DCKK OF Leeds. He d. s.p., before his ■aid grandfather, 5 May 10 v 2, aged 10, being drowned in the ship " Gloucester," while attending James, Duke of York to Scotland. Aduion. 10 June 1082, 11 Dee. 1082 and 12 Dee. 1702. His widow m 5 .March 1001/2, as his third wife (Lie. Vic. Gen.), William (FeRMOR), 1st Baron LK.oMiNstEit, who cf. 7 Dec. 1711, aged 63. She d. 8, and vraabur. 17 Dec. 1740, at Eustou NeatOD, co. Northampton. Will dat. la June 17-13, pr. 10 Dec. 1740 ] [Henry Horatio O'Brien, styled (from 1G82), Lord O'Brien, or possibly Loud Iurackan, 3d ami yst., but only surv. s. and h. ap., being 2d s. by the second wife ;(°) b. about 1070 ; served as a volunteer at the siege of Cork under the Karl of Marlborough. He m. iu 10S0, Henrietta, 3d da. of Henry (Somerset), 1st Di*ke of BEAUFORT. He d. a year before his father, 10, and was bur. 15 July 1000, at Great Billing in his 21st year. Admou. 7 Sep. 1093. His widow m. April 1705, as his second wife, Henry (HOWARD, 6th Earl OF SUFFOLK, who d- 19 Sep. 171S, aged 48. She d. at Audley End, co. Essex, 2 Aug. 1715 iu her 40th year, VIII. 1691, 7. Henry (O'I'.hien), F.ari, of Tdomoxd [I. 1552] and to Baron Iurackan [I. 1543], grandson and h., being only s. and h. of 1741 Henry Horatio O'BltlEN. styled LoHU 0'BniEN, pr possibly LoKD ' Ibrackan, by Henrietta his wife both abovenamed ; 6. 14 Aug. 1088, sue. to the peerage [I ], 2 May 1691 ; was M.P. for Arundel, 1710-1 I, and, having been active iu promoting the Hanoverian succession, was made P.O. [l.l in 1714, as he was again in 1735, and cr. 19 Oct. 1714, VISCOUNT TAD- CASTE It of Tadcaster, co. York ; Gov. of co, Carlow aud of co. Clare, 1714; Col. of the (") See p. 302, note " e." ( b ) Abstract iu " Lodge," vol. ii, p. 40. ( c ) He then subscribes himself " Heuricus O'Bryen, Dni. Baronis Bryen, filius unigenitus." ( d ) There were other sons who all A. young, WS. : Henry bap. 5 and bur. 9 May 1005 at Great Billing; Charles Imp. there, S Sep. 1606, aud bur. there the same month— aud George, who d. young. Of the daughters, Catharine, suo jure Bareness Clifton de Leighton was the only surv. one. See that dignity. ( e ) Heury (his next elder br. of the whole blood) rf. au infant.