Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/405

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TICHFIELD — TIRONE. 403 1470 became null. He if. nnm. 12 Aug. 1185 aged about 17. when the Earldom of Worcester became extinct, but the Barony of Tiptoft fell into abeyance.l?) TICHFIELD, see TITCIIFIELD. TICIIMERSII. See "Lovel, or Lovel de Tighmbbsh," Barony (Lovel) cr. 1299; forfaited with the Viscouutcy of Lovel, 1485. TIC KILL. i.e., " Bourciiier," possibly " Bourchier of Tickill, co. York," Viscoimtcy {Eourchicr) cr. 1140 ; Bee " Essex" Earldom cr. 14G1 ; ex. 1540. TIES, scq TYES. TILBURY. See " Vere of Tiliiury, co. Essex," Barony (Vere), cr. 1G25 ; ex. TILLIBARDINE, see TULLIBARDINE. T1LNEY, sec TYLNEY. TINDALL, see. TYNDALE. TINMOUTH. i.e., "Tinmoutii, co. Northumberland," Earldom (Fit: James), cr. 1GS7 with the Dukedom of Beuwick-lton-Tweed, which see ; forfeited 1695. TIPPER ARY. See vol. i, p. xii, ns io the family of Butl'jr, Earls of Ormonde |X] having been styled " Lords of the Regalities of Tipperary." i.e., " Tipperary " Earldom (Prince, of Great Britain and Ireland), cr. 1801 with the Dukedom of Cambmdck, which see. TIPTOFT, see TIBETOT. TIRAWLEY, see Tyrawley. TIRCONNELL, see Tyrconnel. TIRONE, see Tyrone. (") The coheirs were his three paternal aunts, viz. (1) Phitippa (then living), who hud m., about 1440, for her first husband, Thomas (de Hos), Lord Ros, who was beheaded 17 May 1464. Iu this Barony her representation vested till 1687, when it fell among coheirs ; (2) Joan, who had m. Sir Edmund Ingoldsthorpe, and whose only da, and h. Isabel m. John (Nevill), Marquess of Montagu, who d. s.p.m. leaving 5 daughters and coheirs ; (3) Joyce, who had m. Sir Edmund Sutton or Dudley, and whose s. and h. Edward became in 1487 Lord Dudley, in which Barony her repre- sentation vested till 1757, when it fell among coheirs. 2 if