Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/41

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SALISBURY. 39 XIII. 1513, 10. The Lady Margaret Pole, widow, bom Planta- t<> genet, relict of Sir Richard Pole.(') KG. (1499), whorf. Nov. 1504, 1 539. only surv. sister and h-of Edward ( I'lantauknet), Eabx ok Warwick, Haul ok Salisbury, Sic, was l>. at Farley Castle, co. Somerset, in or shortly after 1174 ; M. (as above stated), 22 S.-p. 1491. She, on the death of her said brother, 11 Nov. 1499, was the sole heir, not only of her father, hut of her maternal grandfather, Kichard (N'evill), Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, and of his wife, Anne, suo jarc Countess of Warwick. In accordance with her petition she w-as restored by act of Pari., 1513 (5 Hen. VIII., cap. 12), "to the dignity of COUNTESS OF SALISBURY,'^ 1 ') which restoration^ possibly included the Barontriof iiontacutt and MoHthermer (see tut Montacute) dignities which had long been held with this Earl- dom. She was in or before 1525 Governess to the Princess Mary. The King, however, became, subsequently, jealous of this last remaining member of the house of Plantagenet, and she was attainted in 1539, whereby alt her honours were forfeited. She was helteaded in the Tower of Loudon 27 May 1541, two years after her eldest sou Henry (Pole), Lord Montacute, had met a like fate.^J XIV. 1G05. 1. Sir Rodkrt Cecil, 2.1(«) surv. of William (CECIL), 1st BaHuN BuhOHLST (the celebrated L. Treasurer), being tlie only surv. s. of his second wife, Mildred, do, of Sir Anthony Cookk, was b, at Westin .0) 1 June 1563 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Cambridge; M.P. for Westminster, 1584-85 and 1586-87, for Herts, 15S3, 1592-93, 1597-98 and 1601 ; Acting Sec. of State, 1590-96; Knighted 20 May 1591 ; P.O., 1591 ; Priuc. Sec. of State (during two reigns) (») He was son of Geoffrey Poole, of Wythuue, in Medmenham, co. Bucks (wdl pr. 21 March 1474/5), by Edith, his Erst wife, da. of Sir Oliver St. John, by Margaret, who, by her second husband, John ( Beaufort), Duke of Somerset, was graudmotlier to Henry VII., to whom, therefore, this Kichard was second cousin. See Noble Families related to the Blood Royal, temp. Hen. VII., (a very interesting collection) in Coll Tnp. et Hen., vol. i, p. 310. It has been conjectured (Maenamara's " Danvrrs Family," p. 241), that he is the same Richard Pule who, in 1483, m. Alice Stradling, widow, the murder of whose sou, Edward Stradling, made a great sensation, ( b ) She is included by Courthope (having been properly omitted by Nicolas) among those who inherited the Earldom of Warwick, tho' there is no mention of the mode ID which such Earldom came to her. No restoration thereof ever took place, and she is never (even iu the loose form of description which then prevailed) spoken of as Countess of Win wick. The matter is clearly put by R. Douglas Trimmer (editor of the invaluable list of " Creations, 1483-1646 " iu ap. 47th Ren. of D. K. Pub. Records) as under, viz., The Restoration Act on Parliament Roll, No. 134, has " The Restituciou of the Countesse of Salesbury " as a marginal heading, ami the Act itself states that the petition was exhibited " ex parte Margarete Comitisse Sar." Again, the State Paper, 6 Hen. VIII. vol. vii, No. 4545, relative to the reversal of attainder of Edward Earl of Warwick iu her favour describes her as " Margaret Couutes of Sar." Then among printed sources, the reports touching the dignity of a Peer (1th report, vol. ii, p. 301) mention her as " restored to the dignity of Countess of Salisbury by an Act of the 5th of Henry the Eighth " ; and the printed " Statutes of the Realm " (vol. hi, p. 100) describes the Act as " The restituciou of the Countesse of Salesbury," and the Act itself runs as follows : — " And that the said Margaret to the estate name degre stile and title of Countesse of Saresburie by the name of Margaret, Countesse of Sales- burie, and also the heirs of the said Margaret as Erles of Salesburie be restored and enhabled." C) See p. 37, note " e," us to her description iu this restoration, iu which her mother Isabel is spoken of as " da. aud h. of Richard, Earl of Salisbury," whereas she was only a coheir, and it was not till 1485 that her issue became sole heir. (*) Her youngest sou Reginald was tho well-known Cardinal Pole, who d. 1 7 Nov. 1556. (*) His elder br. (of the half blood), Thomas (Oxed) 2d Baron Burghley, was cr. 4 May 1605 Earl of Exeter, being ancestor of the succeeding Earls (since 1S01 Marquesses) of Exeter. C) His own statement is that he was bom there The baptism 3 Dec. 1556 of Anna Scyscill " is at St. Margaret's, Westm.