Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/423

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TRAUY — TRAFALGAR. 421 Clarendon park, Wilts, by Selina, da. of Robert (Siikut), 1st Earl Ferrers Ife d. intestate and s.p.. 10, add was fan 18 Ann- 1792, at Toddington, aged 73. M.I. Admon. June 1838, His widow (/. in Pulteney street, Bath, and was &KJ-. at St. James' in that city, Aug. 1795. Will pr. Aug. 1 705, VII. 1792. /. John (Tkacy) VigeoireT and Baron Tracy op RATHCOOtE (LI br. <.f the balf-blond and h., being s. of the 6th Viscount by bis second wife. He was b. S and bap. 20 Aug. 1722, at Tod.lington • mat at Oxford (LTuiv. Coll.) H May 1711. aged IS ; 1!.A. 171a ; M.A. from All Souls, of which he was then Fellow, 17-49 ; B.D., 1757; D O. 1761, having heen Proctor of the Univ. 1755; Warden ot All Souls, 1766-93 «*«. to the peerage [.] 10 Aug. 1792. He rf. num. at Hath 2, and was bur. 10 Feb. 1793 at Toddington, a«ed 71- Will dat 10 Jan. 1792, pr. G March 1793. VIH. 1793. S. Henry I.eigii (Tracy), Vjscount and Baron of to Rathcooi.e [I.], yst. br. and h., b. 25 Jan. and b'ip. 8 Feb. 1732 at 1797. Toddington ; sometime an officer in the army; sue, to the pca-aac [1.] 2 Feb. 1798. He m. 12 Dec. 1767, Susannah, da. of Anthony Weaver, of Morvill, Salop. She was bur. 25 Nov. 1783 at Toddington. He d. s.p.m.(*) at Morvill afsd. 29 April and was bur. 11 May 1797 at Toddington, aged 65, w hen the peerage became exlinct.{") Will dat. 3 Dec. 1783 to 2 May 1796, pr. 3 June TRAFALGAK. i.e., " Merton of Trafalgar and of Merton, co. Surrey," Viscountcy [Nelson), cr. 1S05 with the Earldou OF Kelson of Tuaealuar and Merton, which see. See " Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton, co. Surrey," Earldom (AVsoh), cr. 1S05. ( a ) Henrietta Susanna, bis only surv, da. and h., b. 30 Nov. 1771, inherited the family estates. She m. 29 Sep. 1798 her cousin Charles Manbury, 3d s. of John H., who was only e. and h. of Capel H., by Jane, only da. of Thomas Charles, 5th Viscount Tracy [I.] by his 1st wife. He took the name of Tracy, after that of Banbury, by royal lie. 10 Dec. 179S, and was cr. 12 July 183S Baron Sudeley of Toddington, co. Glouc. See " Suuelkv " Baron, cr. 1S3S. 0') The title was claimed [1] in 1838 by Josei'U Tracy, of Geashill, King's county (6. 7 March 1765), s. and h. of James T. of the same (6. 27 Jan. 1729, rf. 4 April 1794) the b. and h. of William T. of Boss, King's county (who rf. 15 Oct. 1731 at Castlebrack, Queen's county), which William was alleged to be identical with William (bap. at St. Andrew's Holborn, Loudon, 22 Feb. 1692/3) 3d s. of Hon. Robert Tracy (one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas), who rf. 1735 a?t. SO, and who was s. of the 2d Viscount by his 2d wife. This petition was presented 15 May 1S35, but the claimant rf. 17 March 1836. [2] On his death his s. and h., James Tracy " of South street, Grosvenor Sip, Esq." (4. 1-1 Feb. 1800) presented a petition in May 1S36, which, in consequence of the report of the Attorney Gen. in Aug. 1837, was referred to tho House of Lords. He again petitioned in 1812, but the case was dismissed by the House. In both these claims the assertion was that William, the 3d s. of the Hon. Hubert Tracy abovenamed, formed an imprudent alliance in Dublin with Mary O'Brien, and was consequently disinherited by his father and family. The identity of this William was not established further than (1) by an entry in a prayer book stating that " Will" 1 s. of the Hon. Rob 1 Tracy, late one of the English Judges, Jit. in Dublin, April 17, 1728, Mary, da. of M r James O'Brien, Merchant," and (2) by parole evidence that a tombstone at Castlebrack, Queen's county (which appears to have been forged) contained an inscription to the said William (said to have rf. 1734) by the same description. It appears probable that William, s. of the Hon. Robert Tracy, bap. 22 Feb. 1692/3 as afsd.. rf. an infant, as he is not mentioned in the entail of his father's lauds. [3] The case of Matthew Tract, claiming the said Viscountcy, was printed in Loudon, 1S62. [4] Benjamin Wueatley Tract, Lieut., R.N., whose claim thereto was made before 1S66, was yet auuthev candidate.