Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/426

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424 TREDEGAR — TBEOOZ. II, 187.'). S. (Iohfrey CiiAm.ES (Morgan), Paro.v Tredegar [1858], alio a Baronet [1792], id but 1st ram a. andh.(«); 4.28 April 1830, at Ruperrs Castle afsd., and bap. at .Miidiaelstun-y-Yedew, co. Monmouth, ed. at Eton ; ('apt. 17 Lancers, tfifiS, wi tli whom hp ww, in 1858, in the charge of thj light Brigade at Balaclava in the Crimea : retired 1855 ; M.P. fur Breconshire 1858-75 ; ai« to the petragt lti April 1875 ; Hon. Col. Royal Monmouthshire Engineer) Militia. Family Estates.— These, in 1SS3, consisted of 25,500 acres in Monmouthshire ; 7.300 in Breconshire : ti,157 in Glamorganshire ; 150 in Kent, ami 50 in Middlesex. Total, 39,127 acres, worth £'t>0,000 a year. Principal Peats.— Tredegar Park, near Newport, co. Mounmuth, and Ruperra Cattle, near Cardiff, eo. Glamorgan, TREOOZ. Bar °*Y h y 1. Jom m X«E60z,( b ) ..f Ewyas Harold, <•■>. Hereford, Wat. c , s . U)( | „f Ii< >l , t .,-t he TiiKfaiz, of the same, by Julia, da. of Sir I. 1299 William UK Cantkui'E, which Robert was a. and h. of another Robert . ' de Thkgoz. hy Sybilla, da. and h. of Robert i>k Ewvak. of Ewyat 1 'i00 8*rold afsd ; tut. his father (who was plain in rebellion, at the battle of Evesham) 4 Aug. 1265, doing homage for his lands three years later. He served in the wars with Wales, Gascon; and Scotland; was sum. to attend the Ring at Salisbury, 2ii Jan. 12'.»U/",( C ) and was sum. to Pari as a Baron (LORD TREGOZ) from 6 Feb." (129S/9, to 10 April (1299) 27 Ed. I. He m. Mabel, da. of Eulke (FitzWahine), Lohd FitzWabink. He d. s.p.m. 21 Aug. (1300) 28 Ed. L, when the Barony fell into abeyance.^) II. 1305. J. Henry de Trbooz, of Goring, en. Sussex, l>r. r>f the last named Baronl*) ; served in the Scottish warn under Ed. 1. and Ed. II. ; was sum. (with about 60 others) 8 June 1291. to attend the King,! 1 ) and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD TREGOZ), from 22 Jan. (1304/5) 32 Ed. 1. to 11 March (1321/2) 15 Ed. II. His HBme as "J/enricut Trojot:. Daminut de GarynoM," appears among the signatures to the Barons' letter to the Tope in 13C1.(K) He and his wife were sum. to attend the coronation of Ed. II. He, presumably, was living in March 1321/2.(1') III. 1318, 1. [and 2X1 Thomas DB Theooz, who in [13:51] 5 Ed. III., was of Goring afsd., being probably s. ami h. of theabove( h ); was sum. [Qy. v.p.] to Farl. as a Baron (LORD TREOOZ), 4 Jan. (1317/S) (») Charles-Rodney Morgan, the 1st s., b. 2 Dec 1S2S; d. uum. and v.p. 14 Jan. 1854. ( b ) Lower {" Family Xamcs") says " Treyoz ; a local name, but I do not know the place from which it was taken. . . . William de Tregoz, had, in the 5th year of King Stephen [11 40], the lands of William Peverell, of London, in farm; his descendants were much connected with the County of Sussex." f>| S,ee vol i, p. Ill, note " b," tub " Ap Adam," as to this not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. ( u ) The coheirs were (1) his grandson, John La Warre, then aged 23, s. and h. of Clarice, or Lora, his first da., by her husband, Roger La Warre, and (2) Sybil, his 2d and yst. da. and coheir, theu aged 30, and wife of Sir William de Graudiaon. Both of these coheirs left issue. (") Coll. Top. ei Gen., vol. vi, p. 87. (0 See vol. i, p. 259, note "c," su6 "Basset de Bapcote," as to this not con- stituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. (K) See " Nicolas," pp. 761—809, for a full account of that letter. ( h ) "According to a ped. in the Coll. of Arms, he [Henry Tregoz] was father to Sir Thomas Tregoz (sum. to Pari., 11 Ed. II. and 6, 7, 8 and 9 Ed. III.], and also of John Tregoz. upon whose death, 5 Hen. IV. [1403-04], the Jury found that Thomas Lewknor, then 12 years old, was his next heir, being s. of Roger Lewkuor, s. of Joan, da. of Margaret Doilly, sister of Henry, father of the said John. This seems to prove that all issue of the body of Henry had failed, and consequently the Barony Of. iu hiiu was become extinct." [Coll. Top el Gen., vol. vi, p. 87].