Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/439

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TWKEDDALK. 437 from office. He Mi (contract dat. 4 Sep. 16-14. at Edinburgh), Jean, 2d and yst da. of Walter (SCOTT), 1st Haul of Hi cci.fuch [Si], V>v Marv, da. of Francis (H vv" krl OK Khhom. [&] She </. Nov. 168S. Her funeral entry f«* "Jean Scott, Lady Hav, of Linplum) at the Lyon office. He </. at. Edinburgh, 11 Aug. 1097, in his 71st year! aud was bur. at Yester iu East Lothian, funeral entry (shewing his "Seize Quai-tiers") at Lyou office. Marquessate n. Earldom [S.J ts.] 1 097. [S.] 1)895, he bat and voted

  • «r. io the peemye [S.J, as

Commissr. to the Pari. [S.]. was L. High Chancellor, 17 .1 and J. John (Hav), Marquess of Tweeud.w.f, [{&], 1st s. ami h. ; 6. 1045 : sli/led LORD of Hav of Yesteu, 1051-94 ; was Col. of'the Ka»t Lothian n gitnent raised agaiust Argyll's invasion in 188:5 : supported (with his father) the Hevolution j PyO. and Sheriff of co. Haddington, 10S9 ; dgltd (probably) Earl of (Jiffoiiij, 1694-97. " in the Pari, is High Treasurer of Scotland on the King's letter 'V) ; above, 11 Aug. lb'97. P.C. to Queen Anne aud High 0 July 1704, wherein the Act of Security " was carried : Oct. 1704, to 9 March 1705 ; was at the head of a party called '• the Squadrune Vulunte," from their sometimes opposing, and sometimes favour- ing the Court measures, but who were, however, effective supporters of the Uniou (S.J ; Kbp, 1'fer [S.J (in one Pari.), 1707-08, being one of the 16 Hist elected. He m., 11 Dec. 1666, (*') at Highgate, co. Midx.. (iu the Royal presence) Mary, only da. and h. of John (MaitlaniV, Duke of Lauderdale [S.], by his first wife, Anne, da. of Alexander [ Home 1 , 1st Haul of Home [S.J She d. at Yester, 20 aud was bur. there 28 March 1762> Funeral eutry in Lyou office. He tf. at Yester, '20 April 1713, iu his 68th year, aud was bur. there. ( c ) Marquessate III. Earldom [b.] IV. [S.J 1713. of John (Cochrane", 2d KaUI J ami 4' Chaules (Hav), Marquess of Twefddale, &.C. [S.J. 1st s. and h. ; 6. about 1670 ; styled (probably) Kaiii. of GifFord from 1097, till he sue. to the peerage [S-J. as above, 20 April 1713; Pres. of the Court of Police aud L. Lieut, of Hadding- tonshire, 1714 ; Hep. Peer [S.J. 3 March 1715, till his death a few months later. He at. Susan, widow of DOHDONALD [S.J [who d 16 May 1690). 2d da. uf William (Hamilton, formerly Douglas), Duke of Hamilton [S.J, by Aune, suo jure He d. 17 Dec. 1715. aged about 45. His widow d. Duchess of Ha.miltu.v 7 Feb. 1736/7, at Marquessate [S.W 4 and J. Jobs (Hav), Marquess of ry Tweeddalf, &c [S.J, 1st s. and h. ; b. about 1695 ; 1715 ttl/Jed (probably) Earl OF GiffoRD, from 1713 till he Earldom [S.J ' ' sue. to the pecraye [&.], as above, 17 Dec. 1715; studied v law at Edinburgh, and was an extra Lord of Sessiou v • [S.J, 1721. till his' death, 1762,°) j Rep. Peer [S.J iu 6 Paris., viz., 1722, 1727, 1742, 1747, 1754, 1761. Ou the resignation of Walpole he was, iu 1742, Pritic. Sec. [S.J ; Keeper of the Signet[S.J, aud a Cabinet Minister, resigning office in 1746. L. Justice Gen. [S.J, and Gov. of prudent, humane, blameless in private life, aud, on the whole, as respectable as any Scottish Lord who had beeu loug aud deeply concerned iu the politics of those troubled times." ( a ) Wood's " Douylas." ( b ) " On Tuesday last my Lord Lourd.dl his daughter was married to a Scotch Lord, whose name is Fitts or Pitts [sic] ; upon some occasion I was forced to be there. The King gave her. She is very homely and like a monkey, clothed with gold and silver. He seemeth to deserve such a wife aud no more." [Letter of Denis de Repas to Sir Robert Hurley, 18 Dec, 1666, Hist. MS. Com., App., Pt. 2, 14th Rep. p. 30;. ] (•) Macky {Characters) savs of him. wheu "a short, browu man towards 60, that " he hath good sense, is very modest, much a mau of honour, aud hot when piqued ; is highly esteemed in his country." Sir John Clerk [" Memoirs " 1703J calls htm " a very good mau but not perfectly qualified for Court intrrgi () " A man of great ability, knowledge aud judg-" («) He was the last that held that office, whic holders, abolished by Act of Pari., 10 Qeo. I. t." [Wood's "Dot. had beeu, save for f