Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/70

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SATE. 2, and 9 or 3. James (Fiennes), Viscount Save and Skle [1621] and Loud Sate and Sei.e [1447 i acta or 1603] 1st s. and li. ; A. about 1603 ; ed. at Email. Coll., Cambridge : M P. for Banbury, 1625; for Oxon 1628-29, 1610. 16 10-49 ami 1660 : sue. fa the peerage 14 April 166S ; L. -Lieut, of Oxon 1063. He m. before Nov. 1638, France*. 4th and yet. da. ami coheir of Edward (Cecil), VlSCODNT Wl.ini.EPO.N by his first w ife, Theodosia, da. of Sir Andrew NoBL. He d. s.p.m.s.(») 15 March 1673/4 and Was bur. at Broughton, aged about 73. Admou. 15 April 1674. At bis death the Haroi.i, of .S«v ami Sele {whether er. in 1416/7 or 1603) fell into abeyance^*) His wi.iow »». (Lie. Vic. Gen. 29 March 1675) Rev. Joshua Si-rigge, M A, (All Souls, Oxford), of Crayford, Kent, then about 52 and a widower.M who was bur. there June 1634. She <l. « few months later. Her will dated 12th July 1634, pr. the same year. Viscountcy $, William (Fiennes), Viscount Saye and Sele, ITI 1G7* nephew and h. male, being 2d and yst. but only surv. s. and h. of the Hon. Nathaniel Fiennes, Commissioner of the Great Seal (1655) and one of the members of Cromwell's " House of Lords,"!,') (of which he was sometime Speaker) by his first wife, Elizabeth, ( u ) da. of Sir John Eliot, of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, which Nathaniel (who d. 16 l>ec. 1669 in his 62J year) was next br. to the late, and 2d s. to the 1st Viscount. He sue. to the parage 15 March 1673/4. He HI, firstly, about 1670, Mary, da. of his paternal uncle, the Hon. Hichard FlENNES, by his first wife, Margaret, da. and b. of Andrew BtJRRKL, oi the isle of Ely. She d. in childbed, 23 Oct. 1676, and was bur. at Broughton, He m. secondly, at Northampton (reg. at Banbury) 7 Sep. 1685 (mar. lie. on 5th at Peter- borough) Katharine,; 1 ) da. of John Walker, of Northampton. He, who for some years had been imbecile, d. 9 Dec. 169S. His widow, by whom he had no issue, was living 31 March 1701, when she was disputing the validity of his will, which appears to have been invalid, as on 9 June 1710, ad Dion, was granted to his sisters, before which date, it is presumed, she must have died. IV. 1698. 4- Nathaniel (Fiennes), Viscount Save and Sele, only s. and h. by first wife, b. 23 Oct. 1676 ; mat. at Oxford (New Coll.), 19 Aug. 1693, aged 17; sue. to the peerage, 9 Dec. 169S, and took his seat, 3 May 1699. He d. num., 2 Jan. 1709/10, aged 33. Admou. ' opposed the Court (partly at least) with a view of extorting preferment from thence. To this historians of very opposite principles bear testimony." He then quotes, at some length, Wilson's " Jumrs I." and Lord Clarendon, the latter of whom describe! him as " a man of a close and reserved nature, of a mean and narrow fortune, of great parts, and of the highest ambition , . . a notorious enemy to the church." Hia nickname was " Old Subtelty." There is a characteristic sketch of his portrait " after W. Hollar " in Doyle. (*) Of his three sons, James and William d. as infants, while the 3d son, William, d. in France " before lie arrived at man's estate." () The coheirs were bis two daughters, viz (1) Elizabeth, >». (as the 3d of his 1 wives) John Twistleton, of Barley Hall, co. York, and of Horsmau Place, Kenfcfff, a Baronet by Cromwell) who d. 4 Dec. 1682 aged 69, and was bur. at Hartford, co. Kent. She d. 28 March 1674. and was bur, in BunhiU fields, leaving an only surv. cbibl, Cecil, who in. firstly, George Twistleton, and who, on the death of her niece (as mentioned below) and the consequent determination of the abeyance of the Barony in 1715, became de jure, nuo jute Baroness Say and Sele — see p. 69, in the text. (2) Fiances living April 1674, having »I, Andrew Ellis, of Alrey, co. Flint, by whom she hud an only da. Cecil), who m. firstly 13 March 1672/3, at Westm. Abbey, Sir lirch/ird Langley(who d. s.p. Oct. 1678) and secondly her cousin, William Fiennes, of Newhouse, in Stretton Gransum, co. Hereford (whose admou. is dat. 19 March 1700/1), and d. (.p. at Bath, 22 July 1715 in her 58th year, being bur. at Broughton. ( c ) He, gays Anthony A' Wood, [life] was her "gallant " even "in the time of Iier husband James." ( u ) See p. 67, note " f." (°) They were m. 11 Aug. 1636, at Hawnes, co. Beds. (<) Usually, but erroneously, called Anne.